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Implementing the Common Core Sandra M. Alberti Student Achievement

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing the Common Core Sandra M. Alberti Student Achievement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing the Common Core Sandra M. Alberti Student Achievement Partners @achievethecore

2 Initiatives 2

3 Initiatives 3

4 2 Key Characteristics of Leading Organizations Systems Thinking Learning Organizations 4

5 The Shifts in ELA/Literacy 1. Balancing Informational and Literary Text 2. Building Knowledge in the Disciplines 3. Staircase of Complexity 4. Text-based Answers 5. Writing from Sources 6. Academic Vocabulary 5

6 The Shifts in Mathematics 1. Focus 2. Coherence 3. Fluency 4. Deep Understanding 5. Applications 6. Dual Intensity 6

7 Aligning ACTIONS to support the Shifts Opportunities to Lead Content Knowledge : Model learning about the Standards Talk about the Standards Look for the Standards Expect the Standards Cheer for the Standards 7

8 Aligning ACTIONS to support the Shifts Opportunities for Leadership in Organizational Structure : Decisions about budget Decisions about professional development Decisions about scheduling Supporting the role of principals in their schools Decisions about procurement 8

9 Aligning ACTIONS to support the Shifts Opportunities for Leadership in Assessment: District and classroom assessments PARCC ‒Texts: complexity, content, quality ‒Questions in response to text ‒Vocabulary ‒Focus ‒Rigor Technology 9

10 Aligning ACTIONS to support the Shifts Opportunities for Leadership in Community Engagement: Know and talk about the why What can parents expect (PTA, CGCS) What parents can do Extended learning opportunities We are raising expectations… of EVERYBODY!! 10

11 Aligning ACTIONS to support the Shifts Opportunities to Support What is going on on Work of the Council Resources: ‒ ‒ ‒ ‒ 11

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