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PARCC Parent Academy North Plainfield School District.

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Presentation on theme: "PARCC Parent Academy North Plainfield School District."— Presentation transcript:

1 PARCC Parent Academy North Plainfield School District

2 Defining PARCC PARCC- Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers Math and Language Arts Common Assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards Technology-Based PARCC Tests will replace state tests in grades 3-11

3 To whom will PARCC be administered and when? Grade 3-8 ELA and Mathematics Grade 9-11 ELA Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry Performance- Based Assessment must be completed between March 2- March 27 End of the Year Assessment must be completed between April 27-May 22

4 North Plainfield PARCC PBA Testing Calendar

5 PARCC Assessments They are designed to measure whether students are on track for college or careers. Ask students to demonstrate critical-thinking and problem- solving skills in an in depth manner. Ask students to read real-life texts and solve meaningful problems. Provide useful information about students’ academic achievement and show whether students are headed for success in college or a career. Have built in accessibility features and expanded access.

6 Accessibility Universal Design- PARCC Accessibility System (Outlined in the PARCC Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual) Accessibility Features- all students can use Accessibility features to help them show what they know Accessibility Features that need to be identified in advance Administrative considerations Accommodations Personal Needs Profile (PNP)

7 North Plainfield PARCC Teachers have been trained on PARCC concepts Collaborated with team members concerning student needs Formulated and finalized Personal Needs Profiles Taught Accessibility features on the computer to students Provided practice time on PARCC online tutorials, practice sets, and sample sets

8 What Parents Can Do to Support Their Child Support your children with homework Expose your children to literature and assist them in making connections Practice fluency with math facts Encourage real-life problem solving in multiple ways Explain the process of problem solving Encourage your child to justify their reasoning Practice typing and use other technology tools where applicable Communicate with your child’s teachers concerning your child’s strengths and needs related to using computers Encourage your child to use the PARCC online practice tests

9 Parent Resources District PARCC Parent Webpage The Common Core Mathematics Toolbox(Click on resources for implementation, then PARCC prototyping project, then choose your child’s grade level) The Common Core Mathematics Toolbox The PARCC Parent Guide PARCC Website-For Parents DOE Parent Resource

10 Transitioning Graduation Requirements For students to graduate in 2016, 2017 and 2018 they must demonstrate proficiency in English Language Arts and Mathematics as well as successfully complete course work. These students will be able to satisfy the state requirement for proficiency, in these two areas, in any one of a few ways.

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