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Beth Simpson & Cindy Knisely. Welcome  Purpose To give you highlights of what we know from our experience. The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium.

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Presentation on theme: "Beth Simpson & Cindy Knisely. Welcome  Purpose To give you highlights of what we know from our experience. The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beth Simpson & Cindy Knisely

2 Welcome  Purpose To give you highlights of what we know from our experience. The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium is currently under construction so changes are expected!

3 Two Consortia: Smarter Balanced and PARCC Smarter BalancedPARCC  Computer-adaptive testing (CAT)  Item banks will be available from which districts can construct interim tests that mirror the end- of-year assessment.  Provide professional development resources and tools to support teachers’ formative assessment practices.  Technology-based, fixed test forms.  Provide a mid-year, benchmark performance assessments intended to prepare for the summative, end- of-year performance tasks.  Provide teachers and schools with tools they can use throughout the year to diagnose student learning needs relative to the CCSS

4 Why CAT? Better information for teachers: provide a more detailed picture of where students excel or need additional support interim assessments will be reported on the same scale as the summative assessment schools will have the flexibility to assess small elements of content or the full breadth of the Common Core State Standards at locally-determined times throughout the school year.Common Core State Standards More efficient and more secure: typically shorter than paper-and-pencil assessments draw from a large bank of questions more secure and can be used for a longer period of time More accurate: a more accurate way to evaluate student achievement, readiness for college and careers, and to measure growth over time.

5 Smarter Balanced System Highlights Re-take option Optional Interim assessment system— Summative assessment for accountability Last 12 weeks of year* DIGITAL CLEARINGHOUSE of formative tools, processes and exemplars; released items and tasks; model curriculum units; educator training; professional development tools and resources; scorer training modules; and teacher collaboration tools. Scope, sequence, number, and timing of interim assessments locally determined PERFORMANCE TASKS Reading Writing Math END OF YEAR ADAPTIVE ASSESSMENT * Time windows may be adjusted based on results from the research agenda and final implementation decisions. English Language Arts and Mathematics, Grades 3–8 and High School Computer Adaptive Assessment and Performance Tasks BEGINNING OF YEAR END OF YEAR Source: INTERIM ASSESSMENT Computer Adaptive Assessment and Performance Tasks INTERIM ASSESSMENT

6 Digital Library- 2014  State Educator Networks- 100 teachers  Provide feedback  Formative Assessment Practices and Professional Development Resources Aligned to the CCSS Instructional Best Practices Strategies for cross-classroom collaboration Scoring Rubrics and Performance Tasks  Same bank of items that the Summative Assessment pulls from

7 Smarter Balanced Development Timeline  2011-2012: Develop the assessment system with Contractors and Governing States  2013 Pilot the items and stimuli Convene teams of educators from each member state for professional development and training  After October 2014 Sustainability Task Force will procure, administer, and maintain the system.  2015 Provide a 12-week window at the end of the school year to administer the summative assessment a paper-and-pencil version of the summative assessment will be available during a three-year transition period for schools still preparing for technology-based assessments.

8 Item Specific Development  2012-2014 Develop Items Contractors State-managed  2013 Pilot Items  2014 Field Test  2015 Operational Summative Assessment

9 Who Will be Assessed?  Grades 3-8 and 11 ELA  Our state chooses to have a graduation requirement, given at grade 10, so students have time to develop a graduation plan Up for review in the current legislative session Possibly creates assessments from the Digital Library

10 Involving Washington Educators  2012 Stimulus Review Item Writing with Smarter Balanced Item Writing State-Managed Bias & Sensitivity Review Content Review Smarter Balanced Content Review State-Managed Small Scale Trials for CAT/Tech  2013 Focus groups for Reporting Platform Piloting And more…

11 Pilot 2013  Two Pilot Groups Scientific: Feb-May Volunteer: April-May  Schools may volunteer at this site by March 27 th  Volunteer schools may sign up for any combination of grades and content areas.  Training Test to be released in January for Pilot Schools Practice the system  Administered on a computer, but not CAT (computer adaptive)  Grades 3-11, 9 and 10 for scaling purposes  Schools will not receive scores

12 Blueprints content/uploads/2011/12/Smarter-Balanced-Preliminary-Test-Blueprints.pdf

13 ELA Claims and Targets


15 Reading Targets 3/10 and 7/14  3: WORD MEANINGS: Determine intended, precise, or nuanced meanings of words, including distinguishing connotation-denotation and words with multiple meanings (academic/tier 2 words), based on context, word patterns, word relationships, etymology, or use of specialized resources (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, digital tools)  What is the definition of the word “word” as used in the following sentence in paragraph 10:

16 Reading Targets 3/10 and 7/14  7. LANGUAGE USE: Determine or analyze the figurative (e.g., euphemism, oxymoron, hyperbole, paradox), or connotative meanings of words and phrases used in context and the impact of those word choices on meaning and tone.  In paragraph #32, the author uses a simile to describe the main character. Select the best explanation of how this simile helps you better understand the character.

17 Reading Targets 1/8 and 4/11  8. KEY DETAILS: Cite explicit text evidence to support inferences made or conclusions drawn about texts  One inference that can be drawn from this text is that (character) (inference). Select the detail from the text that best supports this inference. State the inference Ask for support

18 Reading Target 1/8 and 4/11  11. REASONING & EVIDENCE: Use supporting evidence to justify interpretations of information presented or how it is integrated (author’s reasoning; interactions among events, concepts, people, or development of ideas)  What conclusion about (topic) you can draw from this article? Support your response using evidence from the text. Ask for the inference AND the support

19 Reading Target 6/14  6: Text structures/Features: Analyze text structures, genre-specific features, or formats (visual/graphic/auditory effects) of texts and the impact of those choices on meaning or presentation.  Why does the author include the story of (subject) within the story of (subject)?  Why does the author italicize paragraph 5?


21 Brief Write Example: Targets 1,3,6  Your classmate has written this argumentative letter to (audience). Read the letter and complete the task that follows.  Letter  This letter, arguing for (topic), is missing a conclusion. Complete this paragraph by writing a conclusion with a clear focus and logical organization using transitions to connect ideas.

22 Revise Example: Targets 1,3,6  A student is writing an argumentative letter to the superintendent of her school district in regards to (topic). Read the letter and complete the task that follows.  Letter  The author of this letter wants to revise the highlighted sentence to better match the letter’s purpose and audience. Which replacement best matches the author’s intended purpose and audience?

23 Example Target 8  The following excerpt is from student’s first draft of an essay about a favorite place. Read the excerpt and complete the task that follows.  Stimulus text  Select the most appropriate phrase to replace the underlined words.

24 Example Target 9  The following excerpt is from student’s first draft of an essay. Read the essay and complete the task that follows.  Stimulus (includes a sentence with a capitalization and grammar usage error)  Select the correct way to edit the capitalization and grammar usage in the underlined sentence.

25 Item Types  Selected-Response  Constructed-Response  Technology Enhanced

26 A Sneak Peak at the Summative ELA Stimuli and Item Types  items-and-performance-tasks/ items-and-performance-tasks/

27 Performance Tasks  Engage students in real world issues, questions and activities that are connected to a single theme or scenario.  Focuses on depth of understanding, research, and complex analysis  Takes 1-2 days, in two parts  Utilizes multiple genres and formats

28 Tech Ready?  Technology Readiness Tool technology-readiness-tool-to-support-transition-to-online-assessments/  Purchasing Guidelines- help make future purchasing decisions

29 Scoring and Reporting  Scoring system in development! RFPs are out to Contractors now.  AIR- small scale study for technology readiness Proposition Scoring for constructed response


31 Resources  items-and-performance-tasks/ items-and-performance-tasks/  wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Smarter- Balanced-Teachers.pdf wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Smarter- Balanced-Teachers.pdf  ute#p/a ute#p/a  Practice Test to be released summer of 2013  Exemplar Instructional Modules- to come

32 Contact Information  

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