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Reading Assignment: Weste: Chapter 8 Rabaey: Chapter 11
ELEC 516 VLSI System Design and Design Automation Spring Lecture 4 - Shifter and Multiplier Design Reading Assignment: Weste: Chapter 8 Rabaey: Chapter 11 Note: some of the figures in this slide set are adapted from the slide set of “ Digital Integrated Circuits” by Rabaey. Et. al. 2002
Shifter Design Shifting operations are important and are used extensively for arithmetic shifting, logical shifting, rotation, floating point operations, scaling and multiplications by constant number Data alignment Field extraction/combination Address generation Shifting a data-word left or right over a constant amount is trivial hardware operation. A programmable shifter, however, is more complex. E.g. shift left or right for a variable number of bit Design style Two dimension arrays Variable size Rotate Padding with zeros/ones
A simple shifter The above design will rapidly become complex and slow for larger shift values More structural approach is advisable: Two commonly used shift structures, the barrel shifter and the logarithmic shifter.
Barrel Shifter It consists of array of transmission gates, where the number of row equals the word length of the data and the number of columns equals the maximum shift length. A major advantage for this shifter is that the signal has to pass through at most one transmission gate and hence the delay is theoretically constant and independent of the shift value or shifter size. This is not true in reality since the capacitance at the input of the buffers rise linearly with the maximum shift- width.
Barrel Shifter (2) Area Dominated by Wiring : Data Wire : Control Wire
3 2 1 B : Control Wire : Data Wire Area Dominated by Wiring
Logarithmic Shifter While the barrel shifter implements the whole shifter as a single array of pass-transistors, the log. shifter uses a staged approach. It uses stages of multiplexers which decompose the shift into power- of-two stages. A shifter with a maximum shift width of M consists of log2M stages, where the ith stage either shifts over 2i or passes the data unchanged. Log. shifter is usually smaller than the barrel shifter. For larger values, of M, it is definitely the structure of choice. The speed depends upon the shift-width in a log. way since a n-bit shifter requires log2n stages. Other shift options are frequently required, for instance, shuffles, bit reversals, and interchanges.
Logarithmic Shifter (2)
In general, it can be concluded that a barrel-shifter is appropriate for smaller shifters. For large shift values, the log. shifter becomes more effective, in terms of area and speed. Also log. shifter is more regular and hence can be easily generated automatically.
Multiplexer-based shifter
Shifter design - Summary
The design of a shifter is a trade-off between area, delay. Barrel shifter: fastest but requires more transistors Speed: O(1), area: n2 transistors Logarithmic shifter: Slower but less transistors: Speed: O(log n), area: n log n transistors Barrel shifter is wire-dominated circuit
The Multiplier Very important operation. Often the speed of multiplication limits the performance of the digital processor. Multiplications are used in many digital signal processing applications: correlations, convolution, filtering, and frequency analysis. Vector product, matrix multiplication. Weighted sums required in many DSP such as Neural network, Filtering etc… Multipliers are in fact complex adder arrays. The analysis of the multiplier gives us some further insight on how to optimize the performance (or the area) of complex circuit topologies.
Example Example: 10x5 Multiplicand: 1 0 1 0 10 Multiplier: 0 1 0 1 5
4 partial products The multiplication process may be viewed to consist of two steps: Evaluation of partial products Accumulation of the shifted partial products. Partial products can be generated using an array of AND gates.
The Multiplier(II) Binary multiplication is equivalent AND operation. Evaluation of the partial products consists of the logical ANDing of the multiplicand and the relevant multiplier bit. Different techniques exist. The choice of technique is based on factors such as speed, throughput, numerical accuracy and area. N*N multiplier has 2n bits output Integer multiplier – takes the n LSB bits Floating point multiplier (or fixed point with decimal point in the MSB) e.g. FP, 1.XXX * 1.XXX, takes the n MSB bits
Simple multiplier Generates and add one partial product at each cycles. Takes n cycles. multiplicand Partial Product generation multiplier Shift right every cycle Adder Shift
Issues for design fast multiplier
Reduce the number of partial products Fast adder cells Reducing the number of addition required to sum the partial products – e.g. use tree adders
The Array Multiplier Consider two unsigned binary number X and Y that are M and N bits wide, respectively Pk the partial product terms called summands. There are M*N summands which are generated in parallel by a set of M*N AND gates
The Array Multiplier (II)
A n*n multiplier requires n(n-2) full adders, n half adders, and n2 AND gates. The worst case delay is (2n+1)tg, where tg is the worst case adder delay.
The Array Multiplier (III)
The following is a basic cell used in array multiplier B C Y Y X + CO X PO
A 4*4 array multiplier Y0 x3 x2 x1 x0
The MxN Array Multiplier - Critical Path
Carry-Save Adder (old style)
We don’t need to optimize the carry chain of each of the rows. Postpone the carry to a later stage Delay=N.tcarry+ tand + tmerge HA HA HA HA HA FA FA FA CSA M HA FA FA FA N Vector merging stage HA FA HA FA FA HA [Rab96] p.411
Booth Encoding The multiplier we studied before use radix-2 multiplication, i.e. by observing one bit of the multiplicand at a time. Higher radix multipliers may be designed to reduce the number of adders and hence the delay required to compute the partial sums. Booth encoding - perform two’s complement multiplication and perform several steps of the multiplication at once. It takes the advantage of the fact that an add-subtracter is nearly as fast and small as a simple adder. The most common form of Booth’s algorithm looks at three bits of the multiplier at a time to perform two stages of multiplication.
Booth Multiplier: Example
2a = 2a+1- 2a and hence we can recode each 1 in multiplier as “+2-1” Converts sequences of 1 to 10…0(-1) Might reduce the number of 1’s +1 -1 Less 1’s in this sequence Based on the idea that 1111 can be rewritten as Does this recoding help us speedup the “Sequential Multiplier”? No! The datapath still goes through the adder Useful in constant addition, or asynchronous multipliers The real benefit would be when we group the digits into pairs, something that we will see in “Modified Booth Encoding” When does this encoding reduce number of 1’s? [© K. Bazaragan]
Booth Recoding: Multiplication Example
(-6) Sign extension Only two rows of partial sums 1 1 1 We first recode the multiplier (14) Then multiply the recoded number to the multiplicand We should do sign-extension so that the addition of the partial products is correct Whenever adding a k-bit negative number to a L-bit number (L>k), we should first convert the k-bit representation to L-bit representation (just extending the sign bit to the higher bit positions does it) and then perform the addition [© K. Bazaragan]
Booth Recoding: Advantages and Disadvantages
Major advantage: Can reduce the number of 1’s in multiplier So far: We did not improve the speed of the multiplier as we still have to wait for the critical path, e.g., the shift-add delay in sequential multiplier. Booth recording results in increased area as we need recoding circuitry AND subtraction
Modified Booth Multiplier
We can reduce the # of partial sums –Group more bits Group pairs, leaving –2, -1, 0, 1, 2 Grouping reduces # of partial products by half Booth recoding results in: Gets rid of 3’s (sequences of 1’s in general) (+1 -1) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (+1 -1) [©Hauck]
Modified Booth Encoding (II)
Consider the two’s complement representation of the multiplier y: We can rewrite 2a = 2a+1- 2a and hence Look at the first two terms
Modified Booth Multiplier
Can encode the digits by looking at three bits at a time (reduce the partial sums) Booth recoding table: Must be able to add multiplicand times –2, -1, 0, 1 and 2 Since Booth recoding got rid of 3’s, generating partial products is not that hard (shifting and negating) i+1 i i-1 add *M *M *M *M –2*M –1*M –1*M *M [©Hauck]
Booth Multiplier: Example
Retire two bits per shift operation Addition: signed Sign extend 2 bits if adding two partial products at a time -1 -2 i+1 i i-1 add *M *M *M *M –2*M –1*M –1*M *M [© K. Bazaragan]
Booth Multiplier The following shows a structure of a Booth multiplier
Stage j+1 Stage j Pj+1 Left shift 2 Left shift 2 code yi+4 code yi+2 Adder/subtractor Adder/subtractor yi+3 yi+1 Pj+1 yi+2 yi mux mux sel sel x 2x x 2x Pj
Modified Booth Multiplier -Summary
Uses high-radix to reduce number of intermediate addition operands Can go higher: radix-8, radix-16 Radix-8 should implement *3, *-3, *4, *-4 Recoding and partial product generation becomes more complex Can automatically take care of signed multiplication
Wallace-Tree Based Multiplier
Principle Sum N shifted partial products Do N-input addition efficiently Reduced N-input addition in steps Use counters, e.g. carry-save adder (CSA) (3/2 reduction) CSA is simple, it is just a full adder At the end of the array you need to add two parts together. This take a fast adder, but you only need one at the end, not one for each partial product.
Reduction by Carry-save adders
Example: X(2,1,0)*Y(2,1,0), Let A0=X(0)*Y(0), A1 = X(1)*Y(0), X(2)*Y(0), etc. A2 A1 A0 B2 B1 B0 C2 C1 C0 C0 A2 B1 CSA B2 C1 CSA C2 A1 B0 A0 CPA
Carry-Save Multiplier
Wallace Tree Multiplier
The Wallace tree multiplier uses logic tricks to speed up the required addition. It is an adder tree built from carry save adders using 3-to-2 reduction A 1-bit adder provides a 3:2 compression in the number of bits. The addition of partial products in a column of an array multiplier may be thought of as totaling up the number of 1’s in that column, with an carry being passed to the next column to the left.
Wallace Tree Multiplier
Multiplicand Partial Product Generator Partial Products Summation Network Two 2n bit operands Carry Propagate Adder Final 2n bit Product
Wallace-Tree Multiplier
Wallace Tree Example Delay = 4 CSA + 1 CLA [Par00] p130
[© Oxford U Press]
Wallace-Tree Multiplier
Wallace-Tree Based Multiplier
The issues of sign extension
When the partial product is negative, we need to do sign extension. If we do it just by copying of bit, there is impact on the delay since the fanout can be large. We can do some tricks Pre-add the triangle of 1’s The to clear out 1’s by adding 1 to the row 1 1 S or (S=0) (S=1)
The issues of sign extension
Now you only need to add few bits S S S 1S 1 S Adding these few bits is equivalent to complete sign extension
Other Multiplier structures
Serial Multiplier: Very compact but very slow: M+N bit product requires Td= MN clock cycles Serial/Parallel Multiplier: Very modular, good trade-off: Td=M+N cycles
Multipliers —Summary
Floating-point units More complex operation/more time Fewer access
Often designed outside the normal ALU Co-processor Floating point representation Data = (-1)sign*0.1 Fraction*2exp Normalization: 1 < Data <= ½ (Exp =0, Sign =0) First Decimal Digit is one No need for representing it IEEE standard: sign – 1 bit, exponent – 11 bits, fraction – 52 bits => total 64 bits
Floating Point Addition
Align operands Check exponents Shift data Add fractional bits Integer addition Normalization Increment or decrement exponents Rounding data
Floating point adder sign exponent mantissa +/- A B A B A B C C sign
Exp. Diff. Shift Align Sign Unit Adder (Mantissa) Exp. update Norm Round C C sign mantissa C exponent
Floating Point Multiplication
Add exponents 11 bit addition Multiply the mantissa Integer multiplication Normalization Shift data (at most by one) Decrement exponent Rounding data
Floating Point Multiplier
sign exponent mantissa A B A B A B Exp. Add Ex-or Multiplier (Mantissa) Exp. update Norm Round C C sign mantissa C exponent
Comparator A = B, A > B, A < B
High speed comparator A single-cycle comparator based on the priority-encoding algorithm and dynamic circuit design technique [Huang 2002] 4 steps: XOR gate is used to determine whether each corresponding bit of the two numbers is equal or not. A priority encoder is used to set the most significant unequal bit of the result from step 1 to ‘1’ and reset all other bits to ‘0’. The result of step 2 is “ANDed” with the two input numbers. All the bits of the results of step 3 are “ORed” together to determine which number is greater.
Dynamic Priority Encoder
Critical path: 7 transistors because of the NAND gate implementation
Wide bit width comparator – 64 bits
Hierarchical- multistages Phase pipelining to achieve single clock
New comparator not using Priority encoder
New algorithm uses a parallel MSBs bit checking method instead of priority encoding to determine the location of the first significant bit that the two inputs are different. Using this method facilitates the use of NOR-type logic gate and results in faster speed for dynamic logic implementation
New algorithm 4 steps Both AB’ and A’B are computed. Unlike the original PE algorithm which uses XOR gate to find the bits that A and B are different, the information of which number is larger at that particular bit location. E.g :4’b0010 indicates that at bit 1, A is larger than B. A data conversion (calculating A* and B*) is done to determine the most significant bit that is a ‘1’ in the result of step 1. Different from the priority encoder, instead of setting the most significant 1-bit to 1 and resetting all the other bits to ‘0’, we set all the preceding bits of the most significant 1-bit (not including the most significant 1-bit itself) to 1 and reset all the other bits to zero. By doing so the implementation can be done using NOR type of dynamic logic. we calculate (A*)’B* and A*(B*)’. If A* has a longer running length of zero, A*(B*)’. will be all zero and (A*)’B* will have some bits equal to 1, and vice versa. We check whether the result of step 3 is an all zero vector or not by ORing all the bits together. A corresponding zero vector means that the other input is the greater one.
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