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Verilog HDL. Hardware Description Language  HDL – a “language” for describing hardware  Two industry IEEE standards: Verilog VHDL (Very High Speed Integrated.

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Presentation on theme: "Verilog HDL. Hardware Description Language  HDL – a “language” for describing hardware  Two industry IEEE standards: Verilog VHDL (Very High Speed Integrated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verilog HDL

2 Hardware Description Language  HDL – a “language” for describing hardware  Two industry IEEE standards: Verilog VHDL (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit HDL)  Verilog Originally designed for simulation and verification  Gateway Design Automation, 1983 Functionality later added for synthesis

3 CAD Design Process Design conception Truth table Verilog Schematic capture Simple synthesisTranslation Merge Boolean equationsINITIAL SYNTHESIS TOOLS DESIGN ENTRY Design correct? Logic synthesis, physical design, timing simulation Functional simulation No Yes

4 Synthesis Using Verilog  There are two ways to describe circuits in Verilog Structural  Use Verilog “gate” constructs to represent logic gates  Write Verilog code that connects these parts together Behavioral flow  Use procedural and “assign” constructs to indicate what actions to take  The Verilog “compiler” converts to the schematic for you

5 Verilog Miscellanea  Comments: just like C++ // this is a single line comment /* this is a multi-line comment */  White space (spaces, tabs, blank lines) is ignored  Identifier names Letters, digits, _, $ Can’t start with a digit Case-sensitive! There are also reserved words  can’t be one of these

6 Verilog Types  There are NO user-defined types  There are only two data types: wire  Represents a physical connection between structural elements (think of this as a wire connecting various gates)  This is the most common type for structural style  wire is a net type and is the default if you don’t specify a type reg  Represents an abstract storage element (think of this as an unsigned integer variable)  This is used in the behavioral style only

7 Verilog Modules and Ports  Circuits and sub-circuits are described in modules module … endmodule  The arguments to the module are called ports Ports are of type  input  output  inout  bidirectional port; of limited use to us Ports can be scalar (single bit) or vector (multi-bit)  Ports are a scalar wire type unless you specify otherwise  Example: input [3:0] A; // a 4 bit (vector) input port (wire) called A

8 CAD Design Process Design conception Truth table Verilog Schematic capture Simple synthesisTranslation Merge Boolean equationsINITIAL SYNTHESIS TOOLS DESIGN ENTRY Design correct? Logic synthesis, physical design, timing simulation Functional simulation No Yes

9 Verilog Structural Synthesis  The half-adder (sum part only): module halfAdder(S,A,B); input A, B; output S; wire AC, BC, X, Y; not(AC,A);// AC  ~A not(BC,B);// BC  ~B and(X,A,BC);// X  A & BC and(Y,B,AC);// Y  B & AC or(S,X,Y);// S  X | Y endmodule

10 Verilog Primitive Gates  and(f,a,b,…)f = (a ∙ b …)  or(f,a,b,…)f = (a + b + …)  not(f,a)f = a'  nand(f,a,b,…)f = (a ∙ b …)'  nor(f,a,b,…)f = (a + b + …)'  xor(f,a,b,…)f = (a  b  …)  xnor(f,a,b,…)f = (a b …)  You can also “name” the gates if you like … and And1(z1,x,y);// this gate is named And1

11 Comments on Structural Design  Order of statements in structural style is irrelevant This is NOT like a typical programming language Everything operates concurrently (in parallel)  Primitive gates can have any number of inputs (called fan in) The Verilog compiler will decide what the practical limit is and build the circuit accordingly (by cascading the gates)  All structural elements are connected with wires Wire is the default type, so sometimes the “declarations” are omitted

12 Example: 3 Way Light Control  Example: 3 way light control 1 light L 3 light switches (A, B, C) A is a master on/off:  If A = off, then light L is always off  If A = on, the behavior depends on B and C only Let 0 represent “off” Let 1 represent “on” SOP Equation? SOP: L = ABC’ + AB’C ABCL 0000 0010 0100 0110 1000 1011 1101 1110

13 Example: 3 Way Light Control  The SOP implementation of the 3 way light control with gates: with Verilog: module light3Way(L,A,B,C); input A, B, C; output L; not Not1(BC,B), Not2(CC,C); and And1(f,A,B,CC), And2(g,A,BC,C); or Or1(L,f,g); endmodule

14 Behavioral Synthesis Using Verilog  Behavioral style uses Boolean algebra to express the behavior of the circuit L = (A B' C)+(A B C') for the 3 way light control module light3Way(L,A,B,C); input A, B, C; output L; assign L = (A & ~B & C) | (A & B & ~C); endmodule

15 Continuous Assignment  The assign statement is key in data flow synthesis The RHS is recomputed when a value in the RHS changes The new value of the RHS is assigned to the LHS after the propagation delay (default delay is 0) The LHS must be a net (i.e. wire) type Example: assign L = (A & ~B & C) | (A & B & ~C);  If A or B or C changes, then L is reassigned  The Verilog compiler will construct the schematic for you

16 Boolean Operators CategoryExamplesBit length Bitwise~A, A & B, A | B, A^B (xor), A~^B (xnor)L(A) Logical!A, A&&B, A||B1 Reduction&A, ~&A, |A, ~|A, ^~A, ~^A1 RelationalA==B, A!=B, A>B, A =B, A<=B1 ArithmeticA+B, A-B, -A, A*B, A/BMax(L(A),L(B)) ShiftA >BL(A) Concatenate{A,….,B}L(A)+…+L(B) Replication{B{A}}B*L(A) ConditionA ? B : CMax(L(B),L(C))

17 Behavioral Style for Full-Adder module fullAdder(S,Cout,A,B,Cin); input A,B,Cin; output S,Cout; assign S = A ^ B ^ Cin; assign Cout = (A & B) | (A & Cin) | (B & Cin); endmodule

18 Another Behavioral Style for Full-Adder module fullAdder(S,Cout,A,B,Cin); input A,B,C; output S,Cout; assign {Cout,S} = A+B+Cin; // + means addition endmodule  Verilog also supports arithmetic operations! compiles them down to library versions of the circuit

19 Gate Delays  Gates may be specified with a delay – optional not #3 Not1(x,A); or #5 Or1(F,B,x);  The propagation delay is in “units” which can be set independently from the code  Propagation delays have no meaning for synthesis, only for simulation Hence, we won’t use them

20 Typical Design Process Graphical Entry HDL Entry Compiler Waveform/Timing Diagram Timing Analysis Program the FPGAUP2 Board

21 CAD and Synthesis

22 Analysis vs Synthesis (1)  Analysis process Determine the function performed by an existing circuit What does this do?  Synthesis process Design a new circuit that implements a desired function f = A ∙ B' + A' ∙ B aka A  B

23 Analysis vs Synthesis (2)  Analysis is usually pretty easy  Synthesis is more complicated Most of digital design is about synthesis  Synthesis can be done by hand For large systems, this is not reasonable to expect  At least if you want good quality circuits  Synthesis can also be done with CAD tools Using schematic capture Using a Hardware Description Language (HDL)  Verilog  VHDL (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit HDL)

24 Synthesis (1)  Given the table of combinations:  What is the circuit? ABf 001 011 100 111

25 Synthesis (2)  The same function can be done more simply as  How do you get the “minimum cost” design? There are a few different techniques  Boolean algebra: a mathematical technique  Karnaugh maps: a visual technique  Quine-McClusky: an algorithmic technique

26 What Does Minimum Cost Mean?  One example of Cost: Cost = #gates + #input “pins” to each gate Cost = 2 + 3 = 5 Cost = 6 + 11 = 17

27 Other Examples of Cost  # of gates  Area of circuit  Estimated routing cost (for wires)  Shortest Critical Path Delay can be measured in many different ways  Best Average Case Path

28 Example: Binary Addition  1 bit binary addition (with no carry-in) 2 single bit inputs (A, B) 1 single bit output sum S = A + B 1 single bit output carry-out Cout ABS 000 011 101 110 ABCout 000 010 100 111

29 Example: Binary Addition with Carry-in  1 bit binary addition with carry-in 3 single bit inputs (A, B, Cin) 1 single bit output sum S = A + B + Cin 1 single bit output carry-out Cout S 111 011 101 001 1 1 0 0 B 10 00 10 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 000 CoutCinA

30 More Gates NAND: Opposite of AND (“NOT AND”) NOR: Opposite of OR (“NOT OR”) XOR: Exactly 1 input is 1, for 2-input XOR. (For more inputs -- odd number of 1s) XNOR: Opposite of XOR (“NOT XOR”) x 0 0 1 1 y 0 1 0 1 F 1 0 0 1 x 0 0 1 1 y 0 1 0 1 F 0 1 1 0 x 0 0 1 1 y 0 1 0 1 F 1 0 0 0 x 0 0 1 1 y 0 1 0 1 F 1 1 1 0 x y x y FF NORNANDXORXNOR 1 0 x y F x y 1 0 x x y y F NANDNOR NAND same as AND with power & ground switched Why? nMOS conducts 0s well, but not 1s (reasons beyond our scope) -- so NAND more efficient Likewise, NOR same as OR with power/ground switched AND in CMOS: NAND with NOT OR in CMOS: NOR with NOT So NAND/NOR more common

31 More Gates: Example Uses Aircraft lavatory sign example  S = (abc)’ Detecting all 0s  Use NOR Detecting equality  Use XNOR Detecting odd # of 1s  Use XOR  Useful for generating “parity” bit common for detecting errors S Circuit a b c 0 0 0 1 a0 b0 a1 b1 a2 b2 A=B

32 Circuit Simplification  Two circuits are functionally equivalent if the circuit behavior is the same for all inputs  Simplification is the process of finding a functionally equivalent circuit that costs less Boolean algebraic simplification is rarely done much in practice, but all other techniques are based on this process

33 Binary Addition with Carry-in … Again  We had determined the SOP: S = (A' B' Cin)+(A' B Cin')+(A B' Cin')+(A B Cin) Cout = (A' B Cin)+(A B' Cin)+(A B Cin')+(A B Cin)  These can be greatly simplified  Using Boolean algebra often results in a non-SOP form  not even two-level logic

34 Simplification of S and Cout  S = Cin'A'B + Cin'A B' + Cin A' B' + Cin A B = Cin'(A' B + A B') + Cin (A' B' + A B) = Cin' (A  B) + Cin (A  B)' = Cin  (A  B) = Cin  A  B  Cout = Cin' A B + Cin A' B + Cin A B' + Cin A B = Cin(A  B) + A B … or equivalently … = A B + B Cin + A Cin(the “majority” function)

35 Gate Level Implementation: Full-Adder  A gate level implementation (not SOP) for S is  A (multi-level) gate level implementation for Cout is  The result is called a “full-adder”:

36 Summary of Algebraic Simplification  Using Boolean algebra to simplify expressions can be quite challenging  There are easier ways Karnaugh maps Algorithmic methods  We’ll do both soon

37 Comments on SOP and POS  Neither the SOP nor the POS forms guarantee a minimum cost implementation Sometimes a multi-level form does better!  Most practical devices use only NAND or NOR gates anyway  So, how is all of this helpful? Circuit minimization methods can be developed from this basis Converting SOP and POS to NAND/NOR circuits is easy

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