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Monday, December 6 Assignment(s) due:Assignments #11(original or redo), #12 and #EC2 are due tonight Tonight is the last chance to turn in Quizzes #13.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, December 6 Assignment(s) due:Assignments #11(original or redo), #12 and #EC2 are due tonight Tonight is the last chance to turn in Quizzes #13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, December 6 Assignment(s) due:Assignments #11(original or redo), #12 and #EC2 are due tonight Tonight is the last chance to turn in Quizzes #13 and #14 (extra credit)


3 - this semester we have looked at the ideas behind “C = A + B” - how A, B and C would be stored - as whole numbers and floating point numbers -positive and negative - how the addition function can be derived from a truth table - and simplified - the half adder and full adder circuits that would do the addition - and the gates that make up the circuits - and how transistors make the gates work - how the memory circuits that store the numbers work - how the numbers would be processed through the data path of the computer - and at some of the microinstructions that would make it happen - using the Simple Computer

4 Computer architecture: - if we use an application - it has likely been written in a high level language - and compiled to assembly language - each high level language statement probably became several assembly language statements - then it was assembled to machine language - each machine code instruction is interpreted by microinstructions - signals to the control lines - that fetch the instruction and execute it - all instructions and data move through the data path of the computer - each control signal was the input to a circuit - each sequential circuit (memory, register) is a sequence of flip-flops - cross-connected gate circuits - each combinational circuit is made up of only a few different gates - and each gate follows the rules of Boolean algebra


6 The datapath of the ARC computer: (Murdocca)

7 The datapath of the ARC computer: (Murdocca)

8 The final is Monday, December 13 from 5:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. - one 8.5x11 cheat sheet (both sides) - I will provide a list of Boolean theorems and a data path diagram (- if you will be late because of work commitments, let me know) - no computers - no calculators - no ipods - no pdas - no cell phones - no consultation - etc. You will need a scantron for part of the test

9 Given the following truth table, which Karnaugh map below is correct? 1.a 2.b 3.c 4.d a) b) c) d)

10 Given the following K-map, how many terms will there be in the simplified result? 1.One 2.Two 3.Three 4.Four

11 Given the following K-map, are there two possible correct solutions? 1.True 2.False

12 Given the following K-map, the third term may be: 1.A'C or A'B 2.AB' or A'C 3.A'B or B'C 4.A'C or B'C

13 Given the expression XY'Z + YZ + XZ', how many ones would there be in the K-map? 1.Three 2.Four 3.Five 4.Six

14 If X = 1, Y = 0 and Z = 1 what is the output from the following circuit: 1.0 2.1

15 If the state of the clocked latch below is 0 (Q = 0, Q' = 1) and D = 1, what is the state of the latch after a clock pulse? 1.0 2.1

16 In the Simple Computer, how many clock cycles does it take to complete one data path cycle? 1.One 2.Two 3.Three 4.Four

17 Data from the Simple Computer shifter may go to: 1.The C bus 2.The RMUX 3.The MBR 4.All of the above

18 A line is ? when it is activated. 1.Asserted 2.Negated 3.Live 4.None of the above

19 A Karnaugh map is a ? representation of a Boolean expression. 1.Boolean 2.Venn 3.Picture 4.Graphical

20 A Boolean function returns one of how many possible values? 1.One 2.Two 3.Three 4.Four

21 A Medium-Scale Integration (MSI) chip usually has at least how many gates? 1.Ten 2.Thirty 3.One hundred 4.One thousand

22 A ? outputs the value of one of its input lines? 1.Decoder 2.Comparator 3.Multiplexer 4.None of the above

23 In a truth table, input combinations that will never happen are called: 1.Never happen conditions 2.Don't care conditions 3.Invalid conditions 4.Extra conditions

24 Add a parity bit to the 7-bit ASCII code for 'K' using even parity. (the ASCII code for 'K' is 75 10 ). The resulting byte: 1.10010110 2.10010111 3.01001011 4.11001011

25 The Hamming codeword for the 7-bit character 'K' using odd parity: 1.00100011011 2.01100011011 3.01100010011 4.01110011011

26 A flip-flop is a(n) ? -triggered device: 1.latch 2.edge 3.level 4.input

27 The basic storage circuit is: 1.a transistor 2.a latch 3.a gate 4.a flip-flop

28 The address of data being read from memory is stored in: 1.the ALU 2.the MBR 3.the RMux 4.the MAR

29 The control line to ? is controlled only by the clock: 1.the A-latch 2.the ALU 3.the MBR 4.the AMux

30 Review topics: Multiple choice questions: - identify terms - from class lectures, slides, the Simple Computer Chapter 3 - express a gate diagram as a Boolean expression - simplify a Boolean expression through Karnaugh maps - follow the path of a given function through a given circuit Fill-in questions: - prove an equation using a truth table - simplify a Boolean expression using Boolean theorems - given a Boolean expressions, draw the circuit diagram - given a truth table - derive the Boolean expression from the truth table - simplify the Boolean expression using a Karnaugh map - simplify the Boolean expression using Boolean algebra - draw a gate diagram of the simplified function - given a flip-flop diagram, indicate the output

31 Monday, December 6 Assignment(s) due:Assignments #11(original or redo), #12 and #EC2 are due tonight Tonight is the last chance to turn in Quizzes #13 and #14 (extra credit) The final is next Monday from 5:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. You are allowed a cheat sheet (8.5" x 11"), but no electronic or human helpers

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