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Organization of the Human Body Major features of human body include: cavities, membranes, and organ systems Silhouette:

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Presentation on theme: "Organization of the Human Body Major features of human body include: cavities, membranes, and organ systems Silhouette:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Organization of the Human Body Major features of human body include: cavities, membranes, and organ systems Silhouette:

2 Body Cavities A body is divided into: Appendicular skeleton upper & lower limbs Axial skeleton head, neck, & trunk Team Iluminate: ated ated

3 Dorsal cavity is divided into cranial (head) & vertebral canal (backbone) Ventral cavity is made of thoracic (chest) & abdominopelvic cavity (stomach), separated by your diaphragm

4 Head cavities: Cranial Oral Nasal Orbital Sinuses Middle ear cavities

5 Membranes Thoracic cavity is surrounded by pleura -Parietal pleura lines cavities -Visceral pleura covers lungs A thin layer of fluid separates both layers

6 FYI: What is Pleurisy or Pleuritis? Inflammation of lung’s visceral pleural lining causing pain when you breath or cough.

7 Pericardium surrounds the heart -Parietal pericardium lines heart -Visceral pericardium covers heart Peritoneum surrounds abdominopelvic cavity -Parietal peritoneum lines abdomen -Visceral peritoneum covers abdomen

8 Organ Systems Integumentary system includes skin, hair, nails and glands It covers body, senses environmental changes, and regulates body temperature.

9 Support & Movement: Skeletal system includes bones and ligaments. It supports, protects, provides framework, and stores inorganic salts. Muscular system includes muscles. It provides body movement, posture, and body heat.

10 Integration & Coordination: Nervous system includes brain, spinal cord, and nerves. It receives information from receptors and sends impulses to muscles and glands. Endocrine system includes all hormone secreting glands. It helps metabolism.

11 Transport: Cardiovascular system includes heart and blood vessels. It distributes oxygen and nutrients and removes cellular wastes. Lymphatic system includes lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, immune cells, thymus, and spleen. It drains excess tissue fluid.

12 Absorption & Excretion: Digestive system includes mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines and accessory organs. It absorbs and breaks down nutrients. Respiratory system includes our lungs. It exchanges gas between blood and air. Urinary system includes kidneys, bladder, and urethra. It removes wastes from blood and maintains water & electrolyte balance.


14 Anatomical Terminology Anatomical position terms are used to describe the location of a body part relative to another part

15 Anatomical Position The body is assumed to be standing, feet together, arms to the side, and head and eyes and palms of hands facing forwards

16 Planes of the Body A. Frontal/Coronal 1. divides body into anterior and posterior regions; front & back B. Median/Sagittal 2. divides body evenly into right and left halves C. Transverse/Horizontal 3. divides body into superior & inferior portions; “cross section” D. Midsagittal 4. separates body into right and left halves that are not even

17 Language of Anatomy 5. Superior or Cranial toward head end of body; upper Ex. shoulders are superior to the wrists 6. Inferior or Caudal away from head; lower Ex. Feet are inferior to knees


19 Language of Anatomy 8. Ventral front Ex. Kneecaps are located on ventral side of legs 7. Dorsal back Ex. Shoulder blades are located on dorsal side of body Posterior rear Anterior front

20 Language of Anatomy 9. Medial toward midline of body Ex. Big toe is located on medial side of foot 10. Lateral away from midline of body Ex. Baby toe is located on lateral side of foot

21 Language of Anatomy 11. Proximal towards torso Ex. Proximal end of femur joins with pelvis 12. Distal away from torso Ex. Toes are at distal end of foot

22 Language of Anatomy 13. Superficial toward surface of body Ex. Ribs are superficial to the lungs 14. Deep away from body surface Ex. Alveoli are deep in the lungs

23 Language of Anatomy 15. Central near center of body or middle of an organ Ex. Heart is central to the body 16. Peripheral away from center of body or organ Ex. Capillaries are peripheral to the heart 17. Intermediate between two other structures Ex. Red Blood Cells are intermediate to blood vessels

24 Language of Anatomy 18. External being outside Ex. Pinna is external to eustachian tube 19. Internal being inside Ex. Cochlea is internal to the ear lobe

25 Language of Anatomy 20. Supine lying on the back, face up 21. Prone lying on the stomach face down

26 Language of Anatomy 22. Caudal/Plantar Near or towards the feet

27 Terms of Movement 23. Flexion decreases joint angle 24. Extension makes angle larger 25. Hyperextension occurs when you move past a straight line

28 Terms of Movement 26. Abduction moves body part away from middle of body 27. Adduction moves body part toward middle of body

29 Terms of Movement 28. Elevation raising a structure 29. Depression lowering a structure

30 Terms of Movement 30. Rotation movement of a body part around its own axis Medial-toward middle Lateral- away from middle

31 Terms of Movement 31. Pronation placing backward from anatomical position 32. Supination placing palm forward in anatomical position

32 Terms of Movement 33. Circumduction movement of a body part in circles

33 Terms of Movement 34. Opposition bringing tips of fingers and thumb together as in picking something up

34 Terms of Movement 35. Protraction moving body part forward from anatomical position 36. Retraction moving body part backward from anatomical position

35 Body Regions The abdominal area can be divided into 9 regions Copyright  The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

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