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Organization of the Human Body Body Systems Body Cavities

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Presentation on theme: "Organization of the Human Body Body Systems Body Cavities"— Presentation transcript:

1 Organization of the Human Body Body Systems Body Cavities
Introduction to Human Anatomy Organization of the Human Body Body Systems Body Cavities

2 Anatomy – the structure of what makes up the body
Physiology – the function of the things in the body

3 Levels of Organization
Cells Tissues Organs Organ systems Organism

4 A. Cells 250! How many different types of cells are in your body?
Examples 250!

5 B. Tissues Examples: Epithelial Connective Nervous Muscle

6 1. Epithelial - sheets of closely packed cells that cover the surface of your body and your organs

7 2. Connective tissue - holds together and supports other tissues

8 Examples Blood Fat (adipose) Bone Cartilage

9 3. Nervous tissue - for communication and response
Neuron –the structural and functional units of our nervous system

10 Examples Longest nerve in the human body - Sciatic nerve in legs

11 4. Muscle tissue – for movement
Skeletal - those attached to the skeleton (voluntary) Cardiac - our heart muscle (involuntary) Smooth - make up our internal organs (involuntary) cardiac smooth

12 C. Organs Examples

13 D. Organ Systems – 11 of them!

14 Skeletal System Largest bone – femur Smallest bone – stapes
Size of a grain of rice

15 Muscular System Largest (SA) – latissimus dorsi in your back
You use 200 muscles for every step you take! Largest (SA) – latissimus dorsi in your back Longest – sartorius across front of leg Smallest – stapedius connects stapes in sensitive middle ear Strongest – masseter in jaw

16 E. Organism Example


18 I. Dorsal (back) A. Cranial B. Spinal

19 II. Ventral (front) A.Thoracic 1. Mediastinum 2. Pleural B. Abdominal
C. Pelvic

20 What’s found in the thoracic cavity?
Heart Lungs Esophagus Trachea

21 What’s found in the abdominal cavity?
Stomach Intestines Liver Kidneys

22 What’s found in the pelvic cavity?
Bladder Reproductive organs

23 Regions of the Fetal Pig
Cranial Pectoral Pelvic Caudal

24 Directional Terminology
Anterior Posterior Dorsal Ventral

25 Estimate your pig’s age
Size Time 40 mm 54 days 80 mm 68 days 100 mm 75 days 158 mm 86 days 22 cm 26 cm 28 cm 100 days 107 days 110 days 30 cm 114 days

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