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.…a health and consumer services company making people’s lives better From Infomediary to Market Maker... Sam Ho, M.D. Senior Vice President, Chief Medical.

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Presentation on theme: ".…a health and consumer services company making people’s lives better From Infomediary to Market Maker... Sam Ho, M.D. Senior Vice President, Chief Medical."— Presentation transcript:

1 .…a health and consumer services company making people’s lives better From Infomediary to Market Maker... Sam Ho, M.D. Senior Vice President, Chief Medical Officer

2 .…a health and consumer services company making people’s lives better swh:2 Current Environment Environment Ripe for Change Highest cost trends in 10 years Recession Rising unemployment / softer labor market Consumerism requires information & choice Science of performance measurement is improving Discount pricing possible & managed solutions  Cost sensitivity Benefit reduction & cost- sharing Consumer Healthcare Organization (CHO) QUALITY INDEX® profile

3 .…a health and consumer services company making people’s lives better swh:3 PHS Quality Pedigree Quality & Accountability hailed by purchasers, regulators, consumers, providers, CMS, NCQA, IOM, AHRQ NCQA – 21 Consecutive Excellent or Commendable MCO/MBHO Awards. 6 States with Excellent; PCCA = only statewide MCO @ Excellent Only MCO to Receive Paul Ellwood Award From FACCT for Efforts in Developing a Consumer-Driven Healthcare System. HEDIS - Exceeded Industry Average in 18 Quality-of-Care Measures Compared to California Health Plan Competitors Ranked #1 for Patient Satisfaction Among Network Model HMO’s in California - leading consumer magazine, October 2001 AAHP’s 2001 National Exemplary Practice Award for Congestive Heart Failure Program (CHF) - Colorado

4 .…a health and consumer services company making people’s lives better swh:4 2000 California HMO Performance Assessment Survey PacifiCare = Ranked Best by 198 Physician Organizations –200% Better Than 2nd Ranked HMO PacifiCare = Ranked Best by 367 Hospitals –31% Better Than 2nd Ranked HMO PHS Quality Pedigree Quality & Accountability

5 .…a health and consumer services company making people’s lives better swh:5 Foundation for Change 2002 Measures 28 Commercial Indicators & 29 M+C Indicators –Staying Healthy –Appropriate Care –Patient Safety –Service & Satisfaction –Affordability

6 .…a health and consumer services company making people’s lives better swh:6 Effective consumer information tool Effective provider management tool Platform for product innovation –Tiered benefits –Tiered compensation Expanded metrics for 2001 to 2002: staying healthy, appropriate care, patient safety, affordability, service & satisfaction 2001 - QUALITY INDEX® profile for Women & enhanced core QUALITY INDEX® Profile 2002 - Introduce QUALITY INDEX® profiles of Hospitals & Physicians “Leapfrogging” Leapfrog & others– expanded measures, report cards, incentives, benefit plan design

7 .…a health and consumer services company making people’s lives better swh:7 Hospital - Leading the Industry 87 measures –Medical, surgical, OB, peds –Risk-adjusted outcomes Leapfrog measures (9) Appropriate care Patient Safety Patient Satisfaction (Calif) Affordability 100 Top Hospitals - Solucient Aggregated score Other report cards = 4, 9, or 30 measures

8 .…a health and consumer services company making people’s lives better swh:8 as Platform for New Products Value network based on costs and quality Lower premium vs. standard HMO or PPO Broad network still offered Incentives to choose better & cost-effective vs. just cheaper Educate consumers on cost + quality variation Tiered compensation and market share rewards best performing providers

9 .…a health and consumer services company making people’s lives better swh:9 2003 “Value” Product - Quality and Cost as Drivers, w/Costs = Primary Tiered/Narrow HMO Hospitals Quality Cost Preferred Non-Preferred Tiered/Narrow HMO Physicians Quality Cost Preferred Non-Preferred F Coupled with QUALITY INDEX ® Profile information to empower consumers

10 .…a health and consumer services company making people’s lives better swh:10 PacifiCare Value vs. Kaiser Current CaliforniaMDsPMGsHospitalsMembers PacifiCare Value Plan12,000119~12550% Kaiser6,0003030100% “Narrow” Network = 2-4x Kaiser’s Network Value Network + Benefit Changes = 10-20% Premium Savings

11 .…a health and consumer services company making people’s lives better swh:11 10 measures (QIX subset) Preventive health Chronic diseases Satisfaction Total system cost –PMG + Hospital + Rx 6 measures (starter set) Leapfrog group measures Satisfaction PMG Quality + Hospital Quality Costs + 2003Integrated Value Equation

12 .…a health and consumer services company making people’s lives better swh:12 QUALITY INDEX ® Consumer info Core Hospitals Physician Web link with directory Patent pending CQI Improved clinical outcomes Improved service outcomes NCQA HEDIS Provider Profile Market maker Tiered hospitals –HMO & PPO –Quality –Affordability –Choice Tiered MG’s –HMO –Quality –Affordability –Satisfaction –Choice Tiered MD’s –HMO & PPO –Quality –Affordability –Choice +  AccountabilityQualityProduct Leadership “Caring is good… doing something is better

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