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GIGAS : interoperability between GMES, GEOSS and INSPIRE Pretoria, May 2010 Alessandro Annoni, Paul Smits, Simon Cox, Nicole Ostlaender.

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Presentation on theme: "GIGAS : interoperability between GMES, GEOSS and INSPIRE Pretoria, May 2010 Alessandro Annoni, Paul Smits, Simon Cox, Nicole Ostlaender."— Presentation transcript:

1 GIGAS : interoperability between GMES, GEOSS and INSPIRE Pretoria, May 2010 Alessandro Annoni, Paul Smits, Simon Cox, Nicole Ostlaender

2 © 2010 GIGAS Consortium Objective of presentation Provide reflections on the draft A & D strategy Offer GIGAS as a resource to be considered

3 © 2010 GIGAS Consortium Overview Context Reflections on the draft Architecture and Data strategy GIGAS long term strategy Conclusions

4 © 2010 GIGAS Consortium Context GIGAS (GEOSS, INSPIRE and GMES, an Action in Support) promotes the coherent and interoperable development of the GMES, INSPIRE and GEOSS initiatives through their concerted adoption of standards, protocols, and open architectures. Consortium has analyzed wide range of documents from the three initiatives Enormous knowledge base Valuable results available to the GI community at large Comparative analyses Identified issues and recommendations (architecture, metadata) Financed by DG Information Society of the European Commission (Grant Agreement Number 224274)

5 © 2010 GIGAS Consortium Context CharacteristicsGMESINSPIREGEOSS Policy owner DG ENTR GMES Steering Board DG ENV INSPIRE CT GEO Member States, EC GEO ExCom PaymasterEC, ESAEU Member States FP7 (INFSO, RTD) CIP (INFSO) GEO Member States, Participating orgs, FP7, GMES,INSPIRE Boundary conditions: a complex environment

6 © 2010 GIGAS Consortium Context CharacteristicsGMESINSPIREGEOSS Distance to decision maker LongShortMedium Stakeholder potential to influence initiative Through activities organized by projects and fora, GMES Advisory Council, Partners Board Direct participation Participation in GEO Tasks Through membership organisations (e.g., OGC, IEEE, DE) Boundary conditions: how can stakeholders help?

7 © 2010 GIGAS Consortium Overview Context Reflections on the draft Architecture and Data strategy GIGAS long term strategy Conclusions

8 © 2010 GIGAS Consortium Architecture strategy Recommendation: step back for a moment Support decision making? Which decisions? Who is your user, and who should it be? Will GEO prevent a future climate-gate? Will it address poor scientific book keeping, no metadata records, no reproducible simulations?

9 © 2010 GIGAS Consortium Architecture – lessons learned from GIGAS Level of formal agreements/ commitments Scalability Enterprise Mash-ups Where is GEOSS? €€€€ =1.4*$$$$ (People) (SOA) ESA HMA Voluntary GI / Crowd-sourcing Linked-data Where does GEOSS want to be?

10 © 2010 GIGAS Consortium Architecture – lessons learned from GIGAS Level of formal agreements/ commitments Scalability Enterprise Mash-ups Deeper Wider Where is GEOSS? Where does GEOSS want to be?

11 © 2010 GIGAS Consortium Architecture – lessons learned from GIGAS Level of formal agreements/ commitments Scalability Enterprise Mash-ups CSW DNS Strong governance Weak governance Registries Where is GEOSS?

12 © 2010 GIGAS Consortium Architecture – lessons learned from GIGAS Level of formal agreements/ commitments Scalability Enterprise Mash-ups Sophisticated applications (modelling, heavy apps) Light-weight, exploratory applications Adaptable Sclerotic Where is GEOSS? Where does GEOSS want to be?

13 © 2010 GIGAS Consortium Data – lessons learned from GIGAS Level of formal agreements/ commitments Scalability Enterprise Mash-ups Quality assured data No or little quality assurance Where is GEOSS? Where does GEOSS want to be? Few data sets, Data provider-driven Many data sets, User-driven

14 © 2010 GIGAS Consortium Data – lessons learned from GIGAS Level of formal agreements/ commitments Scalability Enterprise Mash-ups Result-oriented Process-oriented Where is GEOSS? Where does GEOSS want to be? long-lived Short-lived

15 © 2010 GIGAS Consortium Overview Context Reflections on the draft Architecture and Data strategy GIGAS long term strategy Conclusions

16 © 2010 GIGAS Consortium Approach Identify key elements of the strategy Identify the owners Develop the tactics Develop an exploitation plan Develop the value proposition

17 © 2010 GIGAS Consortium Key elements of GIGAS long-term strategy Institutionalize GIGAS in GMES, INSPIRE and GEOSS Foster the use of and maintain the technology watch, comparative analysis, and the recommendations Sustain a communication platform, interoperability workshops, and the GEO SIF European Team Exploit and nurture the knowledge base, the network, and sustain shaping activities Establish a permanent testing infrastructure

18 © 2010 GIGAS Consortium Key elements of GIGAS long-term strategy The three communities shall take ownership over the aim of achieving interoperability. No one single project, including GIGAS, has the necessary authority and means to reach this objective if it is not embedded in the initiatives themselves. This implies need for good coordination of projects that are contributing to INSPIRE, GMES, and GEOSS. This coordination must be institutionalized.

19 © 2010 GIGAS Consortium Exploitation plan Foster the use of and maintain the technology watch, comparative analysis, and the recommendations CEN/TC 287 proposed as key-actor to foster use of and maintain outcome of GIGAS and other projects Including valuable Technical Notes that otherwise would be outdated in less than two years CEN/TC 287 processes guarantee transparent and open approach Resources needed to do analyses could come from EU co-funded projects that address interoperability issues + GEO SIF ET Newly identified requirements or issues + proposed actions to be forwarded by CEN/TC 287 to OGC-ISO/TC 211-CEN/TC 287 requirements registry GEO SIF ET if appropriate

20 © 2010 GIGAS Consortium Overview Context Reflections on the draft Architecture and Data strategy GIGAS long term strategy Conclusions

21 © 2010 GIGAS Consortium Conclusions Architecture and data strategy If GEOSS aspirations are the driving force, the governance structure may need to be adjusted If the governance model is the driving force, the aspirations should be adjusted GIGAS resources are being offered to GEOSS stakeholders Invitation to the workshop Interoperability between INSPIRE, GEOSS, GMES, SEIS, SISE: opportunities for convergence and innovation Krakow, Poland, 22 June 2010

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