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K. Alice Matthews Jonathon Gali Kellen Sakala Advisors: Dr. Jeffrey Nyman and Dr. Daniel Perrien.

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Presentation on theme: "K. Alice Matthews Jonathon Gali Kellen Sakala Advisors: Dr. Jeffrey Nyman and Dr. Daniel Perrien."— Presentation transcript:

1 K. Alice Matthews Jonathon Gali Kellen Sakala Advisors: Dr. Jeffrey Nyman and Dr. Daniel Perrien

2  Mechanosensitivity of bone is lost with osteoporosis, which affects over 25 million Americans with a total cost of $16.9 billion in 2005. Understanding the signaling that leads to bone adaptation while under mechanical loading can lead to insight into a new target for therapy.  Bone fractures are costly, but understanding the structural strength of the femoral neck in normal and diseased mice can lead to providing insight into its role in osteoporotic fractures

3 1. Design a dynamic tibial-loading system for live mice that will aid in studying the consequences of deleting the Sirtuin-1gene in osteocytes 2. Design a potting apparatus for loading an excised murine femur to test femoral neck strength in mice suffering from Perthes disease

4 Tibia Loading System: Live subjects  How to design testing fixtures that will allow us to mechanically load a very small bone in a physiological manner Femur System: Excised Bone  Simulate the boundary conditions in a finite element model of the bone, derived from micro-Ct.

5  Design a loading and potting apparatus that can test femoral neck strength of multiple femurs in the same orientation, and allows femur to be scanned by Micro-CT Jamisa, 1998

6  Manufacture and calibrate an apparatus for dynamic axial loading of the tibia of live mice.

7 Tibia System  Tibial loading cups should provide support during testing and effectively minimize injury/discomfort to mouse. Femur System  Potted murine femur capable of being transitioned from loading apparatus to micro-ct tube for imaging and subsequent finite element modeling and analysis. Lanyon, 2008

8  Solid Works drawing of femur loading apparatus (Femur)  Tibial loading cups and platform to hold live mice designed and assembled (Tibia)  IACUC training in hazard, lab, and animal safety performed by all members of the group (Both)  Test and wrote protocol for strain gage amp (Tibia) Strain Gage picture

9  Find materials and build femoral loading fixture (Femur)  Create protocol in Instron control software and test on ex-vivo tibia (Tibia)  Run finite element analysis (Femur)  Conduct 3 week test loading study to establish complete protocol for repeat loading of in-vivo loading of tibia (Tibia)

10  Jamsa T et al. Femoral neck strength of mouse in two loading configurations: Method evaluation and fracture characteristics. Journal of Biomechanics, April 1998.  Leanne Kaye Saxon and Lance Edward Lanyon. Methods in Molecular Biology, Chapter 21: Assessment of the In Vivo Adaptive Response to Mechanical Loading. May 2008  Jamsa T et al. Femoral Neck Is a Sensitive Indicator of Bone Loss in Immobilized Hind Limb of Mouse. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, November 1999.  Willinghamm et al. Age-related changes in bone structure and strength in female and male BALB/c mice. Calcified Tissue International, June 2010

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