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INT 3131 INT 313: International Organization. INT 3132 Lecture Outline (24.10.2002) Historical Evolution of IOs 1. Ideological Roots of IOs 2. Congress.

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Presentation on theme: "INT 3131 INT 313: International Organization. INT 3132 Lecture Outline (24.10.2002) Historical Evolution of IOs 1. Ideological Roots of IOs 2. Congress."— Presentation transcript:

1 INT 3131 INT 313: International Organization

2 INT 3132 Lecture Outline (24.10.2002) Historical Evolution of IOs 1. Ideological Roots of IOs 2. Congress of Vienna & Concert of Europe 3. The Hague Conferences 4. The League of Nations 5. Origins of the United Nations

3 INT 3133 Lecture Outline (31.10.2002) The League of Nations 1. Establishment of the LN 2. Membership Issues 3. The Covenant The Maintenance of Peace Economic and Social Issues 4. The Structure

4 INT 3134 Establishment of the LN Some non-governmental groups League to Enforce Peace, Philedelphia, 1915 1918, Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Points Mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity Lord Phillimore, Britain, plans for an organization. France, Leon Bourgeois Paris Conference of 1919

5 INT 3135

6 6 Establishment of the LN Paris Conference, Practical Suggestion A mandate system for colonies of the defeated powers A council of permanent and rotating members Series of committees for technical affairs

7 INT 3137 Establishment of the LN January 10, 1920 Geneva Sir Eric Drmmond

8 INT 3138 Membership Issues 45 members Question of the membership of the dominions US never joined Germany, 1926; USSR, 1934 Later Germany and Japan withdrew USSR, expulled, invasion of Finland

9 INT 3139 The Covenant 26 articles 10 about promoting peace Two principles related with this aim Political independence and territorial integrity Collective security Economic and Social cooperation Mandate system

10 INT 31310 Promotion of Peace by the acceptance of obligations not to resort to war by the prescription of open, just and honourable relations between nations, by the firm establishment of the understandings of international law as the actual rule of conduct among Governments by the maintenance of justice and a scrupulous respect for all treaty obligations in the dealings of organised peoples with one another,

11 INT 31311 Economic and Social Issues Just treatment of non-self-governing peoples Supervision of traffic in women and children Supervision of traffic in drugs Supervision of arms trade Freedom of communications and transit Equitable treatment of international trade for all states Prevention and control of disease

12 INT 31312 The Structure of the LN 1. Assembly 2. Council 3. Secretariat

13 INT 31313 Assembly Meets annually, September, Geneva Done its work through committees Legal questions Technical organizations Reduction of armaments Budget and finance Social and humanitarian questions Political questions

14 INT 31314 Functions of the Assembly Admission of members to the League The control of the budget The selection of non-permanent members of the Council The consideration of matters referred to it by the Council The instigation of plans for the revision of treaties

15 INT 31315 Council Meets three times in each year Voting: majority and sometimes unanimity Permanent and elected members Permanents: GB, Fr. It. Jp.

16 INT 31316 Functions of the Council The conciliation of disputes The expulsion of the members The supervision of mandates The approval of staff appointments to the secretariat The formulation of plans for disarmament The recommendation of methods for the functioning of the Covenant articles To meet at the request of any LN members to discuss any threat to int. security

17 INT 31317 Joint Functions Appointment of the Secretary General Election of members of Permanent Court of Int. Justice The approval of changes in the allocation of permanent and nonpermanent seats on the Council

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