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Management: a global perspective Session 9 Dr Robert Shaw School of International Trade and Economics Guangdong University of Foreign Studies 22 & 24 April.

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Presentation on theme: "Management: a global perspective Session 9 Dr Robert Shaw School of International Trade and Economics Guangdong University of Foreign Studies 22 & 24 April."— Presentation transcript:

1 Management: a global perspective Session 9 Dr Robert Shaw School of International Trade and Economics Guangdong University of Foreign Studies 22 & 24 April 2013

2 Today 2 Let us talk about your email Work on your paper Revision: last week we did strategic management and Michael Porter This week we consider strategic management and a Chinese example (Huawei) (which will be in Test 2)

3 Today 3 Let us talk about your email Work on your paper Revision: last week we did strategic management and Michael Porter This week we consider strategic management and a Chinese example (Huawei) (which will be in Test 2)

4 Your paper so far 4 Cover sheet Title page Abstract Executive summary Introduction (500+ words) Proposition (50+ words) First reason to support your proposition (300+ words) Second reason to support your proposition(300+ words) Third reason to support your proposition(300+ words) References (10+, Chinese ones with translation)

5 Tricky things Write an introduction based on the academic literature In-text references need to be correct Narrowing your topic (find something workable) Thinking of a proposition Writing the proposition the right way Keeping going – expanding on ideas/sentences 5

6 Writing steps Introduction to topic Proposition Three reasons Conclusion 6

7 Writing steps Introduction to topic Proposition Three reasons Conclusion 7 THINKING & SEARCHING

8 Writing steps Introduction to topic Proposition Three reasons Conclusion 8 SWOT ANALYISIS

9 Strategic management 9 American theory and Michael Porter Chinese practice which shows Chinese theory Your task today is to identify the Chinese theory Victor Zhang – the Huawei Story Resources: Articles and videos on y0ur course web page

10 10

11 Huawei strategy 1. Write three points about Huawei's approach to competition. 2. Write three points about Huawei's approach to customers. 3. Write three points about Huawei's approach to company employees. Include reference to Ren Zhengfei's approach to motivation and teamwork. 4. What does Viktor Zhang mean by "localization"? What is the plan for the UK? 5. How does Viktor Zhang define internationalization (cite his examples) and globalization (cite his examples) - as applied to Huawei. 6. List the steps of development of Huawei (the three stages). Write three points about the principles of Huawei's expansion (early part of video - include what they focus on and the 14 regions, 140 countries). 7. Write three points about Huawei's approach to research and development. 8. In what ways does Porter's theory differ from Huawei's practice? 11

12 Task for the week 1. Last week you had to find your proposition. Now you have to write the first draft of your reasons in support of your proposition. These are the main arguments why someone ought to do what you propose. 2. For three separate arguments: Write over 100 words and cite one academic source that supports what you write. (total 300 words and three sources). (Next week it will be 300+ words for each.) 3. Write these in your docx file. 4. Email to your professor. 12

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