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A Shakespeare Shakedown What on Earth are we going to do NOW?

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Presentation on theme: "A Shakespeare Shakedown What on Earth are we going to do NOW?"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Shakespeare Shakedown What on Earth are we going to do NOW?

2 Choices, Choices You can… Design a Brochure Create a Slide Presentation Publish a Webpage

3 Heres the Plan, WE WILL: FIRST-- Read and Discuss Macbeth for Kids by: Louis Burdett THEN--Advertise Macbeth by creating brochures in groups --Create a slide about a theme in Macbeth --Create a slide about a theme in Macbeth --Build a webpage that supports one character in Macbeth as the most important other than Macbeth himself --Build a webpage that supports one character in Macbeth as the most important other than Macbeth himself LAST-- Present our products to each other, parents, and classmates

4 #1 Read and Discuss Macbeth That means LISTEN and THINK!

5 #2 Advertise Macbeth by creating brochures with information about the play and the playwright.

6 #3 Create a Slide Presentation About a Theme in Macbeth. So…Why do we read Macbeth? Group Two Peer Pressure Lady Macbeth is one tough cookie! Macbeth could make his own decisions, but she makes it hard for him to be a good person. Each time Macbeth considers doing something bad, she encourages him to commit the evil deed. She is even the one who hides the evidence and works to cover-up the murders. Together we will do the deed! After his death, well display our grief. Then my husband, you will be chief! (p. 23) Have you ever been pressured into doing something wrong?

7 #4 Publish a Webpage to Support The Most Important Character in Macbeth to You…besides Macbeth.

8 #5 Present to Each Other, Parents and Classmates! So… DO A GREAT JOB!!!

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