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Embedding deserialisation of LHC experimental data inside Field Programmable Gate Array Speaker: T. Romanteau (projet engineering manager) Laboratoire.

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Presentation on theme: "Embedding deserialisation of LHC experimental data inside Field Programmable Gate Array Speaker: T. Romanteau (projet engineering manager) Laboratoire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Embedding deserialisation of LHC experimental data inside Field Programmable Gate Array Speaker: T. Romanteau (projet engineering manager) Laboratoire Leprince Ringuet

2 07/23/2002 Project Introduction 2 Contribution This project was made possible by a close collaboration of LLR, CERN and Xilinx: Ph. Busson, L. Dobrzynski, A. Karar, T. Romanteau for LLR P. Moreira for CERN J.L. Brelet, J.R. Macé for Xilinx France M. Défossez for Xilinx Benelux N.Brady, P. Clinton, M. Roche for Xilinx Design Services

3 07/23/2002 Project Introduction 3 Project goals Verify that commercial embedded Serdes inside FPGA chips can be used for LHC Measurement of the parameters critical for the LHC detectors e.g. time latency, synchronization delay, BER and SEU. Decomposed in two parallel project phases –Perform a measurement of the data transfer quality between GOL and a commercial chip (TLKx501). Used as a reference. –Perform a measurement of the data transfer quality between the GOL and the MGT cores embedded in the new Xilinx Virtex2Pro FPGA family. Project planning

4 07/23/2002 Project Introduction 4 Virtex2Pro Family Device 10 devices Virtex2 features & fabric Higher memory / logic ratio 3K+ to 125K+ logic cells Up to 24 x 3.125 Gb/s SerDes (MGT) Up to 4 x PowerPC 405 cores

5 07/23/2002 GOL / TLKx501 and V2 Embedded Tester 5 Phase 1 : GOL / TLKx501 Designed and Performed by LLR with commercial deserialiser chip from Texas (TLKx501) Based on use of LVDS demo board provided by Xilinx-France with embedded Virtex2 FPGA Tests performed at 1.6 Gbps Measurement of critical parameters for LHC detectors e.g. time latency, BER and SEU First step to perform testing of an other link solution Acquire experience with the GOL test board and his internal test code

6 07/23/2002 GOL / TLKx501 and V2 Embedded Tester 6 Constraints and Choices Use of coaxial wire media in first level test As no GOL or TLK behavioral model are yet available, we use “Xilinx ILA Chipscope” tool for debugging purposes Display result on LCD display available on “LVDS demo board” Full hardware solution without “embedded processor” is chosen to rapidly implement platform test Statistical measurement can be performed with external standard tool like an “oscilloscope” Two independent clock source are used on each board. Low jitter is required

7 07/23/2002 GOL / TLKx501 and V2 Embedded Tester 7 GOL / TLK Test Platform

8 07/23/2002 GOL / TLKx501 and V2 Embedded Tester 8 First results Emulated SEU event from GOL board is detected No error detected after 60 hours of operation at 1.6 Gbps. In test platform the clock jitter has been characterized Latency of the TLK2501 device was measured. After synchronization the latency stays constant but can exhibit different values. We chose to drive the embedded tester with the recovered receiver clock. No fifo buffer required in this case.

9 07/23/2002 GOL / TLKx501 and V2 Embedded Tester 9 Clock Jitter Characterization

10 07/23/2002 GOL / TLKx501 and V2 Embedded Tester 10 Latency measurement

11 07/23/2002 GOL / TLKx501 and V2 Embedded Tester 11 Integrated Logic Analyzer capability

12 07/23/2002 GOL / TLKx501 and V2 Embedded Tester 12 Phase 1 - completion A final release of the PCB with a physical demonstrator was available by middle July This project was useful to acquire experience with GOL device and his existing test structure. A previously designed IP serialiser will be tested and qualified with this platform. This IP works at 800 Mbps and uses the standard FPGA fabric. BER versus clock jitter tradeoff must be characterized The TLK chip must be replaced to run at 800 Mbps - future extension

13 07/23/2002 GOL / V2Pro-MGT with Embedded Tester 13 Phase 2 : GOL / V2Pro-MGT Perform the necessary work to test a high speed serial transfer between the GOL device and the embedded Multi Gigabit Transceiver (MGT) included in Virtex2Pro device from XILINX Characterize the specific timing of this kind of links and verify the compatibility with the LHC experiment requirements LLR signed a contract with Xilinx Design Services (XDS) to create a design and perform tests based on technical requirement document provided by LLR

14 07/23/2002 GOL / V2Pro-MGT with Embedded Tester 14 Why subcontracting ? To save time by overlapping the two development phases of the project. Base the test on the LM320 (restricted access) high quality MGT characterization board provided by Xilinx US with embedded Virtex2Pro FPGA For this new technology, internal Xilinx specialists can be accessed by XDS if necessary Profit from the experience of XDS to design and manage a mixed hardware/software project To consolidate our partnership with Xilinx on others aspect of our projects

15 Xilinx Design Service Based at Dublin in Ireland, it is the European centre for design, test and supply of FPGA components and software. 336 employees in 2002 Xilinx Design Services (XDS) team formed at July 2000 and it’s composed of 70 engineers worldwide (40 in Europe) covering hardware and software design activities for customer applications XDS has been in involved in many innovative design projects for the customers in the telecoms and others industry sectors They have experiment in designing high performance hardware and software and in management of projects, both large and small

16 07/23/2002 GOL / V2Pro-MGT with Embedded Tester 16 Requirement In a first stage the connection between the boards was made with high quality coaxial cable, for simplification purpose Transfer speed between GOL and LM320 board will be tested at 0.8 and 1.6 Gbps Measurement of critical parameters for LHC detectors e.g. time latency, resynchronization time and standard BER count Based on use of PowerPC for processing and servicing facilities with console user interface At the completion of the project, a test report and all the material necessary to modify the design must be available

17 07/23/2002 GOL / V2Pro-MGT with Embedded Tester 17 V2PRO Design Architecture Power Pc Processor Measurement Block UART Processor Bus to / from RS232 Driver SD + SD - MGT 1 800 Mbits/s Receiver MGT 2 1.6 Gbits/s Receiver

18 07/23/2002 GOL / V2Pro-MGT with Embedded Tester 18 GOL / LM320 Test Platform

19 07/23/2002 GOL / V2Pro-MGT with Embedded Tester 19 PowerPC User Console Interface Parametrical embedded test program with user console Switching capability between test on 0.8 and 1.6 Gbps Switching capability between different kind of test

20 07/23/2002 GOL / V2Pro-MGT with Embedded Tester 20 First Results No synchronization loss and BER = 0 after a 67 hours run at 1.6 Gbps and 17 hours at 0.8 Gbps The latency measured at 1.6 Gbps is bounded between 414.4 and 434.2 ns, and between 732 and 763 ns at 0.8 Gbps. This results are compatible with the use of MGT in data link path The MGT attempts automatically to receive a comma character after synchronization loss. If internal PLL is already locked, only one comma and 4 valid characters are needed to synchronize again Synchronization loss can be only simulated with use of MGT serialiser

21 07/23/2002 GOL / V2Pro-MGT with Embedded Tester 21 Phase 2 - completion A final release of the project with a physical demonstrator has been available at end of August Measure the bit-error rate and count losses of synchronization for various levels of clock jitter Measure the impact of real LHC clock distribution scheme on this predefined setup Implement and test a demonstrator with few links and his multi channel synchronization material The GOL test board could be updated to introduce the capability to disable the output of frame. With this scheme, the real synchronization time can be measured - future extension

22 07/23/2002 GOL / V2Pro-MGT with Embedded Tester 22 First Conclusions A high reliability solution can be based on use of MGT embedded inside FPGA fabric. This device can include today up to 24 MGT This FPGA can also include an in-line specific computing process based on use of in board PowerPC (up to 4). This could be useful and versatile on data path link of LHC detectors Using this high integration solution can have a dramatic impact on size, complexity, number and cost of PCB data board Use of a specific serialiser IP with low latency could be also included in a FPGA based solution

23 07/23/2002 GOL / V2Pro-MGT with Embedded Tester 23 References A test report of phase 2 is already available and can be accessible on demand to : Others useful documentation will be accessed soon at the WEB address : Information and documentation about Virtex2Pro and Virtex2 are available at the WEB address : Xilinx Design Services can be accessed at the WEB address : XDS present at CERN on 24, 25, 26 September. For contact :

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