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NET-SHARE Kick-off meeting Matosinhos, Portugal April 15 h 2008 ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) PROJECT PRESENTATION.

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Presentation on theme: "NET-SHARE Kick-off meeting Matosinhos, Portugal April 15 h 2008 ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) PROJECT PRESENTATION."— Presentation transcript:

1 NET-SHARE Kick-off meeting Matosinhos, Portugal April 15 h 2008 ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) PROJECT PRESENTATION

2 Grant Agreement nº.: 225004 2 ICT PSP/2007/1 Call objectives Up to four Thematic Networks will be funded, two for each of the following sub-objectives: a)Improving SMEs business environment through partnership building & development of business ecosystems; b) Improving the capacity of SMEs to benefit from ICT-based innovations in their products and services; Creating favourable environments for ICT-based innovation: e.g through a wide and fast uptake of innovative solutions based on microelectronics, microsystems, embedded systems Develop means to support rapid and first use of innovative ICT

3 Grant Agreement nº.: 225004 3 Net-Share Background The Final Report of the Intermediate Evaluation of the eTEN programme underlines the following: the need for more coordination between eTEN projects results the need to have critical mass in terms of end users the stronger impact of group of projects in end users Net-Share will build on eTEN results and on the recommendations to implement groups of projects in order to maximise the impact and optimising resources The goal is to create wider market opportunities and better services for SMEs in Europe

4 Grant Agreement nº.: 225004 4 Net-Share overview Call: ICT PSP/2007/1 Objective: 4.1 Experience on ICT initiatives for SMEs Funding scheme: Thematic Network Project full title: Network of ICT experienced organizations, sharing experiences, knowledge and supporting SMEs Starting date: 1st of March 2008 Duration: 36 months Total Budget: 441.000 € 14 partners covering 8 EU countries

5 Grant Agreement nº.: 225004 5 Net-Share Consortium The NET-SHARE network is composed by former and current coordinators, and also participants, of eTEN projects in the SME domain, with vast experience in the ICT area: Consulting companies; Research Centres; Universities; Public organisations The complementarily between these 4 types of organisations will facilitate the sharing of knowledge that will benefit each Network Member and in particular the whole market of SMEs. The network is open to new members throughout the whole planned duration and will pursue a policy of active engagement of new members and in particular SMEs.

6 Grant Agreement nº.: 225004 6 Net-Share Consortium Participant no.*Participant organisation nameParticipant short name Country 1 (Co-ordinator)INOVA+, S.A.Inova+Portugal 2 (Participant)Waterford Institute of TecnologyWITIreland 3 (Participant)University of PireausUNIPIGreece 4 (Participant)Promoroma Special Agency of the Rome Chamber PromoromaItaly 5 (Participant)ARC FundARCBulgaria 6 (Participant)Data Media GroupDMGLatvia 7 (Participant)Greek Research and Technology Network GRNETGreece 8 (Participant)FUTUREtec – Gesellschaft für angewandte Informatik mbH FUTUREtecGermany 9 (Participant)Innova, SpA.InnovaItaly 10 (Participant)Findació Privada ASCAMMASCAMMSpain 11 (Participant)Inmark Spain 12 (Participant)Ventspils Digital centreVDCLatvia 13 (Participant)Atlantis Consulting, S.A.AtlantisGreece 14 (Participant)Cybion Italy

7 Grant Agreement nº.: 225004 7 Net-Share Mission The NET-SHARE project intends to create a network of experienced ICT organizations, from several European countries, to provide support to European SMEs through sharing of the experiences and knowledge gained mainly during participation in the SME domain of the former eTEN programme (also link with national initiatives will pursued).

8 Grant Agreement nº.: 225004 8 Net-Share Objectives Facilitate the exchange of experiences and development of joint actions between Network Members, and between them and the SME market; Implementation of a Best Practice programme on ICT initiatives and services for SMEs, including the assessment of eTEN results and of national initiatives; Provision of key documentation to the network (studies, etc.); Prepare promotional material and publications and ensure the delivery of it by various means (e-mail, post) to the members; Raise awareness on European ICT activities for SMEs amongst the local industrial fabric;

9 Grant Agreement nº.: 225004 9 Net-Share Objectives Stimulate the capacity of firms to adopt and develop new information technologies; Promote trans-national cooperation projects in the ICT field; Promote activities in the ICT field with other networks and organisations; Promote policies that benefit innovative solutions in microelectronic components, microsystems and embedded systems.

10 Grant Agreement nº.: 225004 10 Net-Share Working methodology European Policies National Initiatives eTEN Results

11 Grant Agreement nº.: 225004 11 Net-Share search for sustainability Only if: services can attract SMEs SMEs are willing to pay a fee for the project services the network have the capability to renew the information (best pratices offer) the network have the ability to attract additional members show evidence on skills to promote knowledge transfer, networking and partnering, coaching and events the network represents more than the individual members D7.1 “Sustainability plan” – to be delivered on M36

12 Grant Agreement nº.: 225004 12 Net-Share Implementation - WPs

13 Grant Agreement nº.: 225004 13 Net-Share Implementation – Deliverables Overview Del. no.Deliverable nameWP no.Delivery date D1.1Network code of ethics and statutory documentsWP1M6 D1.25 mid-term reportsWP1 M7, M13, M19, M25, M31 D1.3Final ReportWP1M36 D2.1Best practices report and user manualWP2M12 D3.1ICT innovation policy reportsWP3M9 D4.1Protocols with ICT networksWP4M7 D5.19 training sessionsWP5 M6, M9, M12, M15, M18, M21, M24, M27, M30 D5.29 training sessions reportsWP5M12, M24, M24 D5.33 Dissemination eventsWP5M9, M18, M36 D5.43 Dissemination events final reportWP5M18 D6.1WebsiteWP6M6 D6.2Final published reportWP6M36 D6.3Plan for dissemination of foregroundWP6M36 D7.1Sustainability planWP7M36

14 Grant Agreement nº.: 225004 14 Net-Share Implementation - Consortium 1. Inovamais, S.A. (PT) 2. Waterford Institute of Technology (IE) 3. University of Pireaus (GR) 4. Promoroma Special Agency of the Rome Chamber (IT) 5. ARC Fund (BG) 6. Data Media Group (LT) 7. Greek Research and Technology Network (GR) 8. FUTUREtec (DE) 9. Innova, SpA. (IT) 10. ASCAMM Technology Centre (SP) 11. Inmark (SP) 12. Ventspils Digital Centre (LT) 13. Atlantis Consulting, S.A. (GR) 14. Cybion (IT)

15 Grant Agreement nº.: 225004 15 Net-Share Results Identify and share a minimum of 40 Best Practices in the ICT area, building from the participants experience in eTEN and other programmes, including national initiatives; Provide a minimum of 9 training sessions on the identified Best Practice; Organize 3 Best Practices Dissemination events and reach at least 300 SMEs; Study and share the ICT Innovation policies at an European and national levels; Develop a website that will work as an information sharing platform between the partners and the SMEs that may join the consortium.

16 Grant Agreement nº.: 225004 16 The consortium will give a special attention to the microelectronic components, microsystems and embedded systems, by: Accelerate the pace of innovation and address the fragmentation of the market by countering the fragmentation of R&D efforts across Europe; Propose practical and efficient R&D results structures for stimulating Embedded Systems R&D; Contribute to an innovation eco-system gathering systems integrators, technology providers (SMEs and academia) with the capacity to rapidly turn research achievements into innovative products, processes and services for the global market. Area such as “Design methods and tools”, “Reference designs and architecture” and “Seamless connectivity and middleware” will have a special attention the Net-Share project. Net-Share Results

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