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Unit 7 What does he look like?.

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1 Unit 7 What does he look like?

2 He’s tall, and he has short, black straight hair.
What does he look like? He’s tall, and he has short, black straight hair. He has a long face. He wears a shirt and pants. He is good-looking.

3 He’s short and he has very short hair.
What does he look like? He’s short and he has very short hair. He wears a T-shirt. He has a round face and small eyes.

4 She has black hair and big eyes.
What does she look like? She has black hair and big eyes. She wears glasses . She wears a blouse. She is good-looking.

5 She has long, black, straight hair.
She is of medium height. She has long, black, straight hair. She has a big mouth. She is always in white.

6 What does she look like? She is often in red. She is always in blue.

7 height/build/hair/clothes/look(长相)

8 He doesn’t wear glasses any more不再.
He is a young boy with戴着 glasses. He doesn’t wear glasses any more不再.

9 pop singer She doesn’t have short straight black hair any more.不再 a pop singer with long curly brown hair

10 Free talk: My favorite person is Zhou Runfa.
He is tall and of medium build. He has short hair. He wears glasses and he has a beard . He is very popular.

11 … My favorite star is… He/She is… He/She has… He/she wears…
Say like this: My favorite star is… He/She is… He/She has… He/she wears… (He/She doesn’t wear… anymore.)

12 Johnny Dean

13 Johnny Dean Tina Brown Job Looks like movie actor pop singer
Johnny Dean is a … He is…/He has…He wears…. Tina Brown is a … She is…/She has …. Johnny Dean Tina Brown Job Looks like movie actor pop singer of medium height, long blonde hair thin, tall, long curly hair, glasses

14 Johnny Dean new look old look Gloria

15 Johnny Dean Before Now Hair long Glasses short, straight doesn’t wear funny Gloria Before Now Hair Clothes Glasses long short wear jeans wear shorts wear doesn’t wear

16 remember doing 记得曾经做过的事
1. remember to do 记得去做某事 remember doing 记得曾经做过的事 I remember to send a letter for my mother. 我记得要给我妈去寄封信 (事情未做) I didn’t remember closing the door when I left home. 我不记得当我离家的时候是不是关了门。(事情做过了)

17 The pop singer wears funny glasses. The pop singer with funny glasses
2. The pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair 带着滑稽眼镜、有着一头长长的卷发的流行歌手 With 意思为 “具有、含有、带有” With funny glasses and long curly hair 这个介词词组作定语后置修饰前面的名词,构成一个名词短语。 The pop singer wears funny glasses. The pop singer with funny glasses 一个有着许多有趣的地方的城市 这个城市有着许多有趣的地方 一个有着大眼睛的女孩 这个女孩有一双大眼睛 一个穿着红裙子的女孩 这个女孩穿着一条红裙子

18 3. have a new look 有一副新形象 look 作名词,外表,外貌 4. not …any more 不再 = no more He doesn’t wear glasses any more. He isn’t a student any more. He no more wears glasses. He is no more a student.

19 5. I don’t think he’s so great. 我认为他没有那么好。 表示我的观点的时候,从句中的否定移到主句上来。
I don’t think the movie is interesting. I don’t think he can swim. 我认为这部电影不有趣。 我认为他不会游泳。 6. But my mom does =But my mom thinks he’s so great. does 替代前面提到的动作 Who teaches you English? Mr Green does. My sister doesn’t like music. But I do.

20 6. go shopping 去购物 = shop 7. nobody 不定代词 当做单三使用 someone somebody something anyone anybody anything everyone everybody everything no one nobody nothing

21 Liu Huan’s New Look. Liu Huan, do you _________ him
Liu Huan’s New Look! Liu Huan, do you _________ him? The _____ singer , has a new _____. He doesn’t have short hair. He has_____________. And he isn’t thin________. He is _______now. “I don’t like him. But my mother_____.” says Chen Ming from Hangzhou. But I think everybody knows him.” remember pop look long black hair anymore heavy does

22 Miss Zhu has... long yellow long brown round sunglasses short brown
thin body heavy body short blonde

23 Miss Zhu has... long yellow long brown round sunglasses short brown
thin body heavy body short blonde

24 Miss Zhu has... long yellow long brown round sunglasses short brown
thin body heavy body short blonde

25 More beautiful,more confident自信!
You can write like this: Design yourself In 5 years, I want to have a new look. I want to be…I want to be… (tall/short/of medium height/heavy/thin/of medium build…) I want to have…hair. (short black hair/long blonde hair…) I want to wear…/I don’t want to wear…anymore. (glasses/T-shirts/dress/jeans) … … … … I think I am beautiful/cool… More beautiful,more confident自信!

26 1 Write about your family and introduce介绍 them next class.
Homework (选一个作业) 1 Write about your family and introduce介绍 them next class. 2 Your English teacher wants to have a new look. Please design for her.

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