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Pak - Demographics Population150 mn Pop. Growth Rate1.9% Urban33% Crude Birth Rate27.8 / 1000 Crude Death Rate7.2/ 1000.

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Presentation on theme: "Pak - Demographics Population150 mn Pop. Growth Rate1.9% Urban33% Crude Birth Rate27.8 / 1000 Crude Death Rate7.2/ 1000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pak - Demographics Population150 mn Pop. Growth Rate1.9% Urban33% Crude Birth Rate27.8 / 1000 Crude Death Rate7.2/ 1000

2 Health Budgets

3 Health Facilities Doctors 1,1635 Dentists 5,068 Nurses 44520 Doctor /100,000 pop 70.16 Dentist / 100,000 pop 3.49 Nurse /100,000 pop 30.73

4 Health Facilities Hospitals 907 Dispensaries 4,625 No of beds 97,945 Pop per bed 1,490

5 Infectious Serology 30-40% IVD Market (Pakistan) Routine Chemistry 30-40% Special Chemistry 15-20% Others 5-10% IVD Market in Pakistan

6 Provincial Govt. (20%) Private(40%) Pakistan (Total IVD) Govt.(60%) Armed Forces (25%) Federal Govt. (15%)

7 Army (8-10) 7% Air Force (3) 2% Navy (2) 3% Fouji Foundation (6-8) 5% Nuclear Institute (10) 8% Armed Forces (25%) Only A Class Hospital (>300 Beds) have been taken.

8 Teaching Hospitals (12) Dist. Hospitals >80 Provincial Govt. (20%)

9 Federal Govt. (15%) PIMS, Islamabad FGSH, Islamabad Sh. Zaid, Lahore

10 Private 40% GCC Centers (26) 50% Agha Khan 10% Husaini Blood Bank 10% Others 30%

11 Predictions of Lord Kelvin, president of the Royal Society, 1890-95 "Radio has no future" "Heavier than air flying machines are impossible" "X rays will prove to be a hoax”

12 In trouble some people grow wings; others buy crutches Harold W. Ruoff

13 Strategic Intent Among the top 03 Pak 2005

14 Mission Supply IVD to our valued customers at affordable prices without sacrificing services, speed and reliability.

15 History Founded in September 2000

16 GMS-World Global Marketing Services, Pakistan (September 2000) Global Biotech, Pvt. Ltd. (July 2005) For biological products Global Linx UK (June 2005) For export of surgical products GMS, UAE (June 2003) A trading & distribution hub Global Biotech, Inc. USA (Feb 2005) R & D, molecular biology products

17 Capabilities Partnering Marketing Distribution (Network) After Sale Services (Engineering Setup)

18 Products Portfolio Partnerships Total solution Products Services

19 Products Portfolio Immuno-chemistry Chemical Pathology Blood Bank and hematology Micro Biology Molecular Biology

20 Organization Chart How we organize?

21 CEO / President Zafar Mahmood Director Operations Dr. Syed Uzair-ul-Ghani Director Finance & Administration Muhammad Ayub Business Manager GM Technical Services Managers Distribution Accounts Store

22 Organization Chart How we organize? HUMAN RESOURCE Qualification Department Total MarketingR&D/Production Financ ePersonnelIT PhD 21--- 3 M.Phil 2---- 2 Post ICMA --1-- 1 Graduates (MBA) 6-1-1 8 Graduate (MCS) ----1 1 Graduates Biomedical Engineer 43--- 7 Technicians 83--- 11 Workers 63210- 21 Total 28104 254

23 Distribution PUNJAB  Islamabad  Rawalpindi  Lahore  Faisalabad  Multan  Sargodha BALOCHISTAN SINDH N.W.F.P   Peshawar  Swat AJ & K  Muzaffarabad  Karachi  Hyderabad   Quetta

24 How we evolved ? Year 20002001200220032004 Staff 410354550 Revenue (Rs in mn) 1225 60 100150 Dist. Offices 24810 Principals 2615>20


26 Sales Rs in mns

27 UAE Labanan KuwaitIraq Saudi Arabia MasqatIran Oman Syria +Jordon

28 Participation in Exhibit. / Conf. PAP 2001 Arab Lab 2003 Pak Haemat. 2002 Pak Diabetic 2002

29 Promo 2004 Seminars (Foreign Speakers) Cepheid 07 Awareness 02 Foreign Principals Visit 10

30 Promo 2004 Round Table >100 Molecular Biology Infertility liver diseases Diabetes

31 Cust. contact in seminars 300 RTD’s 1000 Consultants for int. conf. 10 Sponsored conf in Pak 03 Promo 2004

32 Pakistan Association of Pathologist 2004 at PIMS Islamabad GMS act as Major Contributor

33 HUSSAINI BLOOD BANK International Conference on SAFE BLOOD Transfusion at AVARI Tower Karachi 17-Dec-2004 to 18-Dec-2004 Delegates visited from Sri Lanka, India, New Zealand, Maldives, Nepal & USA

34 Event: ARAB LAB 2005 Venue: Dubai Trade Center DUBAI Dates: Jan 31 st – Feb 03 2005

35 Foreign trainings GMS 05 Local Tech Training 12 Dealers Sales training 03 Trainings 2004

36 Customers Base 1000 Teaching Hospitals Army 35 CMH Public Civil Private Research institutes

37 Coverage The only company having Pan Pakistan dealing customers directly having after sale network in major cities

38 R&D Pak, syringe reuse 70% To avoid we developed SYRINGE BURNNER Strategic partnership for AD syringe


40 Press Coverage

41 Societal role

42 Anti Hepatitis Campaign March 2000 Awareness Screening Facilities Vaccination Programs

43 Hussaini Haematology & Oncology Trust, Karachi 1.Awareness 2. Prevalence testing 3.Prevention Thalassemia care Campaign

44 1.Extending PCR facilities to door step. 2.PIONEER IN PCR (1995) NIBGE

45 Low cost Hepatitis testing Chemical Path tests PRCS Diagnostic facilities

46 Strengths Strategic alliance Team of 50 professionals Pan Pak distribution and marketing network

47 After sale services Placement on reagent rental 12 clinical chem. auto. systems 300 photometers 100 (Semi Automated EIA System) Strengths

48 Strength Partnering with PRCS Partnering Thalassamia Society Hussaini Trust

49 Continuous training for Marketing Technical staff Sub dealers MIS Regular Participation in local exhibition, conferences Strength

50 The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra Zig Ziglar

51 It is always better to fail in doing something than to excel in doing nothing

52 Thank You !

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