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Welcome to CE310 Children’s Literacy Ludmila Battista Class will start at the top of the hour! Please turn the volume up on your computer.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to CE310 Children’s Literacy Ludmila Battista Class will start at the top of the hour! Please turn the volume up on your computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to CE310 Children’s Literacy Ludmila Battista Class will start at the top of the hour! Please turn the volume up on your computer speakers to access the audio feature of this seminar.

2 Agenda Welcome/ Course Overview Syllabus Review/Course Expectations Unit 1 Assignments Literacy Development and Literacy Instruction Emergent Literacy and Scientifically Based Reading Research Approaches Print Rich Environments Q & A

3 Course Description This course focuses on how children’s literature experiences contribute to children’s literacy skills. Students will be introduced to a balanced reading framework: shared, modeled, guided, and some independent reading and writing strategies. Reading fluency and comprehension strategies will be emphasized. How to apply assessment strategies including running reading records, anecdotal records of reading progress, and pre-emergent and emergent literacy scales will be introduced.

4 Course Outcomes CE310-1: Demonstrate strategies for teaching fluency and comprehension CE310-2: Examine the relatedness of reading and writing skills in children’s literacy development CE310-3: Apply appropriate assessment strategies for early reading and writing CE310-4: Compare children’s literature in a variety of genres GEL-1.1: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English GEL-8.2 Use principles of sound reasoning

5 Syllabus Review –Located under “Course Home” and In Doc Sharing –Course/Instructor Information –E-book Teaching Language and Literacy, Preschool through the Elementary Grades in Doc Sharing –Course Outcomes & Calendar of activities/assessments –Grading of assignments –Rubrics (discussion, seminar, projects) –Late policy, netiquette, tutoring Questions? Comments?

6 Course Overview Unit 1: A Comprehensive Approach Unit 2: Stages of Literacy Development Unit 3: Early Literacy Strategies Unit 4: Reading and Writing Experiences Unit 5: Assessment Unit 6: Teaching Reading Unit 7: Teaching Writing Unit 8: Teaching Mechanics of Writing Unit 9: A Comprehensive Early Literacy Experience Unit 10: Literacy Resources and Career Plans Which of these topics are familiar to you? Which would you like to learn more about?

7 Expectations Please read announcements Reminder: Course Home resources Each unit’s assignments due Tuesday Night-Try to post several times throughout the week and early in the week Late Policy Assignments include: Readings, activities, videos, study guide, discussion, seminar, Graded Review, Projects Study Guides: units 1-8 (25 pts ea =200 Graded Reviews: units 1,2 4, 5, 7, 8, (40 points ea. = 240) Projects: unit 3 & 6 (95 pts each), unit 9 (100 pts) Rubrics (Discussion: 270, Seminar, Projects) Plagiarism, Spell Check

8 Class/College Resources Announcements Course Home Tech Support (email, live chat, 866.522.7747) SLC/workshops Helping Professions website at Math/Writing Center (Academic Support Center) Community Center Tab University Info Tab CompPsych Resources (counseling) 800.890.1466

9 Seminar Question What questions do you have about the course syllabus? What expectations do you have of this course?

10 Unit 1 Assignments Introduce Yourself Readings Ch. 1 in e-book Teaching Language & Literacy Complete unit 1 Study Guide Activities Videos (2)-on literacy environments Flashcards Graded Review Discussion Question: effective literacy development Seminar (Option #1 or #2)

11 Literacy Development & Instruction What does “literacy development” and “literacy instruction” mean? What are some examples of early literacy experiences? What is the connection between speaking, listening, reading and writing? What are some of the principles that effective educators can use to help support these skills?

12 Key Elements to Reading Success Phonemic awareness Phonics Vocabulary Comprehension Fluency Recommended by the National Reading Panel (NRP), 2000 How can you promote these key elements? How might your approach vary depending on the age of children?

13 Literacy Approaches- “The Reading Wars” Emergent Literacy Approach Print-rich settings High quality literature Frequent storybook reading with embedded instruction Shared reading experiences (with instruction) Shared writing experiences (with instruction) Projects/thematic units linking language, reading and writing Meaningful reading/writing opportunities

14 Scientifically Based Reading Research Approach (SBRR) Skills based approach (oral language, phonological awareness, alphabet knowledge, concepts about print) Based on “core knowledge” necessary to be good readers Explicit, systematic instruction Whole class & small group skills instruction Skill practice

15 Blended Instruction: A Comprehensive Literacy Program Includes elements of both Emergent Literacy and SBRR Print rich environments Storybook reading Shared writing Projects/themes Meaningful center-based literacy activities Explicit instruction and practice of skills

16 Let’s Go On a Field Trip! Print Rich Environments What is a print rich environment? Why is it so important? Field Trip! Creating a Print Rich Environment at watch?v=yNXPlj1-LiI watch?v=yNXPlj1-LiI

17 Another One! Print Rich Classroom Field Trip! Print Rich Classroom (2) at watch?v=N- IKhFlmxdQ&NR=1 watch?v=N- IKhFlmxdQ&NR=1

18 Another Field Trip! Balanced Approach to Literacy Instruction (part 3) at tch?v=fEV5GTwR0z4&featu re=related tch?v=fEV5GTwR0z4&featu re=related What is the focus of each instructional approach?

19 Questions or Comments? Thanks for attending seminar!

20 Final Thoughts The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate "apparently ordinary" people to unusual effort. The tough problem is not in identifying winners: it is in making winners out of ordinary people. ~K. Patricia Cross Join the Educators Club!!— Application in Doc Sharing!

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