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Famous Faces. Born in 1735 in Braintree, Massachusetts Samuel Adamss younger cousin Graduated from Harvard Studied law and became a lawyer Lawyer who.

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1 Famous Faces

2 Born in 1735 in Braintree, Massachusetts Samuel Adamss younger cousin Graduated from Harvard Studied law and became a lawyer Lawyer who defended the British soldiers who were accused of murdering Crispus Attucks at the Boston MassacreCrispus AttucksBoston Massacre Married Abigail Smith (Adams) Made speeches for independence from England at the Second Continental Congress One of the five people asked to write the Declaration of Independencehe was the 56 th person to sign it Helped write Treaty of Paris Became Vice President for George Washington

3 Born in Boston in 1722 Cousin of John AdamsJohn Adams One of the first people to argue for independence Convinced many young men like Paul Revere, John Adams, and John Hancock that independence would be good for America.Paul Revere,John Hancock Started a protest after the Stamp Act Helped plan the Boston Tea Party Signed the Declaration of Independence British promised they would not punish Colonists who would stop fighting against them, all except Samuel Adams and John Hancock

4 Born in 1723, but the exact date can not be found because he was a slave in Massachusetts Daydreamed about freedom while doing farm work Worked as a whaler First person killed in the Boston Massacre

5 Ruler of Great Britain from 1760-1820 Loyalists in the Revolutionary War loved him Patriots in the Revolutionary War hated him

6 British general who fought against the Americans in many different battles during the Revolutionary War The most important battle was the Battle of Yorktown where the British surrenderedthe biggest loss of his careerBattle of Yorktown This surrender at Yorktown led to the end of the American Revolution

7 Old North Church official Instructed by Paul Revere to send a signal by lantern to alert colonists of movement of British troops On April 18, 1775, he climbed the steeple and held high two lanterns to show that British were marching to Lexington and Concord by sea and not by land. This fateful event ignited the American Revolution.

8 Born on January 29, 1737, in Norfolk, England Born into a Quaker family Worked as an apprentice for his father when he was 12 Wrote Common Sense, which included ways to be a free American Did not keep or ask for money from the pamphlets he wrote Any money went to the Revolutionary cause When the French found out what he was writing, they held him captive for almost a year

9 One of the greatest Patriots Born in 1754 in Trenton, New Jersey Born with the name of Mary Ludwig When her husband decided to fight in the war, she tagged along. When the temperatures got really high in the Battle of Monmouth, she carried pitchers of water to the soldiers. That's how she got her name, Molly Pitcher. After the battle, General Washington found out about her heroic actions. He then named her Sergeant Molly.General Washington

10 Born in Boston in 1734 Worked as an apprentice with his father to become a silversmith Commissioned as a second lieutenant in the colonial artillery Sent by Dr. Joseph Warren to go to Lexington to warn John Hancock and Samuel Adamsthat the Red Coats were coming to get themDr. Joseph WarrenJohn HancockSamuel Adams Asked Robert Newman to hang a lantern in the Old North Church Arrested by the British patrol and held for a long time before getting released Saw part of the Battles of Lexington and Concord

11 Born February 22, 1732, in Virginia The Second Continental Congress chose him to be General of the Continental Army. Led his troops to battle at Lexington and Concord, but did not attack British troops because they could not cross the river Led his troops to Yorktown, where they attacked British troopsforcing them to surrender and end the war Because he was such a great leader, he was elected to be the first President of the United States

12 Yankee Doodle America m m Dying Redcoat coat.html coat.html The Liberty Song rty.html rty.html

13 cheddar cheese, fresh grapes, dried prunes, bread, chicken liver pate, currants, chilled mussels, duck, rabbit, mashed sweet potatoes, Indian pudding, corn chowder, apple dumplings, pie, tea, and cider.


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