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A Virtual Lab for ICT Experience Prototyping LUC – EDM (B): Prof. dr. Karin Coninx Mieke Haesen EC/DC (NL): drs. Jan Bierhoff.

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Presentation on theme: "A Virtual Lab for ICT Experience Prototyping LUC – EDM (B): Prof. dr. Karin Coninx Mieke Haesen EC/DC (NL): drs. Jan Bierhoff."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Virtual Lab for ICT Experience Prototyping LUC – EDM (B): Prof. dr. Karin Coninx Mieke Haesen EC/DC (NL): drs. Jan Bierhoff

2 Contents  Introduction  Situation of concern  Goals  Location  Consortium: 5 partners  Work packages  Post-project phase

3 Introduction  ICT Experience Prototyping  User-centered: for/with users  Multi-disciplinary  Proposal Currently: last negotiation phase  Interreg financing Funds of the European Commission, intended for regional development

4 Situation of concern  Companies:  Usability not important, expensive  Minimal knowledge about human factors engineering  Region:  Axis Eindhoven(NL)-Leuven(B): collaborative technology development  ISTAG (Information Society Technologies Advisory Group): necessity  lab for experience prototyping

5 Goals  Sensibilisate for using ICT experience prototyping  Setting up a virtual lab  For enterprises  Profiled and accessible  Networking with existing actors using on hand facilities  Long term goals:  Continuation after project execution  Attract new companies in the region  Enable organisations and governments to grow

6 Location

7 Consortium  Euregion: 5 provinces  Limburg (B)  Limburg (NL)  Vlaams-Brabant (B)  Noord-Brabant (NL)  Antwerpen (B)  5 Partners:  EDM  EC/DC  Mediacentrum  Fac. Tech. Management  Company active in the media domain

8 Partner 1: Expertise Centre for Digital Media (B)  Research institute of Limburgs Universitair Centrum (LUC)  Research in the following areas:  Computer Graphics, Computer Animation and Virtual Environments  Multimedia and Internet Technology  Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)  Profile: Coordination, computer science, UCD  Prof. dr. Karin Coninx

9 Partner 1: Expertise Centre for Digital Media (B)  Human-Computer-Interaction (HCI)  Interaction between a human user and a computer- based system  Sub-domains:  2D Multi-device UI, Mobile/Embedded  3D and Virtual Environments  Activity types:  Multi-modal Interaction Paradigms  User-Centered Systems Development  Usability

10 Partner 1: Expertise Centre for Digital Media (B)  Research institute of Limburgs Universitair Centrum (LUC)  Research in the following areas:  Computer Graphics, Computer Animation and Virtual Environments  Multimedia and Internet Technology  Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)  Profile: Coordination, computer science, UCD  Prof. dr. Karin Coninx

11 Partner 2: European Centre for Digital Communication (NL)  Joint initiative of Hogeschool Zuyd and Universiteit Maastricht  Focuses on human interaction issues concerning ICT deployment  Profile: contributing to coordination, social science  drs. Jan Bierhoff

12 Partner 3: Mediacentrum (B)  Research Institute of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven  Activities:  Education programs: Bachelor – Master – Post-academic  Usability research  Testlab  Profile: UI design, Usability, communication science  Prof. dr. Dirk De Grooff

13 Partner 4: Faculty Technology Management (NL)  Research institute of the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e)  Concerned with the human interactive behaviour in the context of technological environments  Profile: UI design, technology management  Prof. dr. Don Bouwhuis

14 Partner 5: company active in the Media Domain (B)  Representative of lab users  Involved in fine-tuning the lab approach  1 st pilot project  Evaluation  Channel to spread information about the project and the pilot projects:  Press  Websites  …

15 Work packages

16 Work packages (2):  WP 1: Orientation  Networking and collaboration agreements  To agree on methodologies and approach  Planning  WP 2: Sensibilisation  Contacts with companies  Spread results of pilot projects

17 Work packages (3):  WP 3: Pilot projects  Prove the role of ICT Experience Prototyping  Case studies  Financial aspects:  for Experience prototyping: no cost for company, but results are public to stakeholders  for related developments (e.g. backend, network etc.): not subsidized, company cost or other R&D project  Formal agreement with companies (e.g. public results, non-disclosure, delineate the pilot)

18 Work packages (4):  WP 3: Pilot projects  Diversity: UCD, prototyping, testing, …  5 pilot projects  With 1 company or cluster in a domain Domain/SectorCentral technology Mediamultimedia / displays Health-caredomotics Governmentweb-interfacing Industryinformation management Servicesmobile / PDA / GPS

19 Work packages (5):  WP 3: Pilot projects – example  Company active in chemical domain  Control rooms:  Switches  Meters  Important:  Safety  Ergonomics  Visual aspects  Intuitive  Involve future user

20 Work packages (6):  WP 4: Evaluation and exploitation  Impact of the project  Long-lasting laboratory ?  European partnership ?  WP 5: PR and project management During the entire project

21 Post-project phase  Several directions:  Commercial exploitation  Network of several knowledge based institutes  Across the borders  Eindhoven(NL) – Leuven(B) - Aken(D)  European partnership

22 Questions? Contacts:

23 Appendix

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