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EuroPKI Antonio Lioy Politecnico di Torino Dip. Automatica e Informatica.

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Presentation on theme: "EuroPKI Antonio Lioy Politecnico di Torino Dip. Automatica e Informatica."— Presentation transcript:

1 EuroPKI Antonio Lioy Politecnico di Torino Dip. Automatica e Informatica

2 secure Web secure e-mail secure remote access secure VPN secure DNS X.509 certificate The Copernican revolution Win2000 security secure boot no viruses & Trojan horses IP security role-based security

3 The actual (Ptolemaic) poor situation pwd (ISP) POP web login pwd (univ.) DBMS SSH (univ.) login file transfer PKI (X) S/MIME web

4 What is EuroPKI? EuroPKI is a spontaneous aggregation of certification authorities that share the vision of setting-up a pan-European PKI to support the deployment of effective interoperable network security techniques.

5 Background n ICE-TEL project (1997-1998) n ICE-CAR project (1999-2000) n various national projects (1996-2000) n since January 1, 2000: EuroPKI

6 EuroPKI EuroPKI TLCA Politecnico di Torino CA City of Rome CA people servers EETIC CA EuroPKI Slovenia EuroPKI Italy EuroPKI Austria

7 Costituency n root + n AT (IAIK) n IE (TCD) n IT (POLITO) n Italian tree, with 4 City Halls n integration with the Italian identity chip-card n SI (IJS) n Slovenian tree n UK (UCL)

8 Prospective partners n there have been talks within the TERENA PKI-coord task force n expressions of interest from: n Surfnet (NL) n Rediris (ES) n Thessaloniki Univ. (GR) n Garr (IT)

9 Why a hierarchy? n it’s the only solution that works n now n for most applications (especially COTS) n EuroPKI might move to other schemas (e.g., cross-certification, bridge) if and when applications will be available

10 EuroPKI services n EuroPKI is not “selling” services although it provides: n certification n revocation n publication n data and cert validation n aggregation point for: n competence centre n coordination

11 Certification n X.509v3 certificates n global CP (Certification Policy) n local CPS (Certification Practice Statement)

12 Certification policy n current draft: n 28 pages n based on RFC-2527 (with extensions) n basic idea: n be as little restrictive as possible to allow anybody to join... n... while retaining a level of security useful for practical applications

13 Strong CP requirements n personal identification of the subject n secure management of the CA n periodic publication of CRL

14 Applications supported n Web: n SSL/TLS n signed applets n SSL-based applications: n telnet, FTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP,... n e-mail and secure documents: n S/MIME, PKCS-7, CMS, … n IPsec (also on routers via SCEP) n (looking into secure DNS)

15 Publication n certificates and CRLs n Web servers: n for humans n directory server: n for applications n LDAP (local) directories n X.500 (global) directory n X.521 schema

16 Revocation n CRL (Certificate Revocation List) n cumulative list of revoked certificates n issued periodically n updated as needed n OCSP (On-Line Certificate Status Protocol): n “is this cert valid now?” n unknown, valid, invalid

17 Time-stamping n proof of data existence at a given date n IETF-PKIX-TSP-draft-14 n TSP server (Win32, Unix) n TSP client (cmd-line, GUI only for Win32) TSP server

18 OCSP n OCSP server (Unix, Win32) n automatic CRL collection from several Cas n OCSP library + cmd-line client (Unix, NT) OCSP server CRL OCSP (embedded) client

19 SSL-telnet, SSL-ftp n SSL channel n server authentication n client authentication can supplement or replace passwords n server for Unix and Win32 (FTP only) n client for Unix (cmd-line) and Win32 (GUI) SSL-x server SSL-x client LDAP, OCSP

20 Authentication or authorization? n most of the problems are trust-related n often this is due to the wrong and unnecessary coupling of authentication with authorization n we need to cut this node: n authenticate only once and globally n authorization on a local basis, with local control

21 Attributes / roles / permissions … where should I put additional infos related to a certificate? in a directory, or in an attribute certificate in a directory, or in an attribute certificate inside the certificate, in order to keep all data together

22 Next steps n European digital signature law: n qualified certificates n voluntary accreditation n support for other EC projects: n NASTEC (PKI-based secure IS; PKI at least for Poland and Romania) n TESI (CDSA-based security middleware)

23 On-going technical work n cleanly separate authentication and authorization (local file, LDAP, AC, …) n DNS as a repository, DNSsec n automatic policy negotiation (L3 … L7): n policy description (XML-based language) n policy negotiation (ISPP) n policy compliance (enforcement gateway) n integration with Win2000: n LDAP n IPsec n DNSsec

24 Future n I have a dream... n... a pan-european open and public PKI to enable network security n who is interested? EuroPKI?

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