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How do conic sections impact our world?

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Presentation on theme: "How do conic sections impact our world?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do conic sections impact our world?

2 Unit Overview What are conic sections?
How do I write and graph the equations of the four basic conic sections? What are some examples of conic sections in our world? How are the mathematical properties of conic sections exhibited in real world examples?

3 Unit Design Discussion of the equations of parabolas, circles, ellipses, and hyperbolas Presentation of examples of each conic section and the techniques to manipulate the various forms Modeling of the graphing of each conic section

4 Student Evaluation PowerPoint presentation Homework assignments
Quizzes Content Test PowerPoint presentation

5 Project Objectives Demonstrate understanding of the basic characteristics of conic sections. Choose one conic section as your area of investigation. Present general information and the characteristic you will emphasize with your real world example. Utilize the Internet to locate an example of your conic section. Identify it’s characteristic of interest.

6 Project Objectives, continued
Provide various applications, diagrams, pictures, etc. of your real world example. State the essential question and you particular answer. Present your real world example. State the conclusions you have drawn from your work. Prepare a bibliography. Organization your information in a PowerPoint presentation.

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