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Today. is March 16. We have already started the second half of the semester. The last day of spring semester classes is Wednesday, April 29.

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Presentation on theme: "Today. is March 16. We have already started the second half of the semester. The last day of spring semester classes is Wednesday, April 29."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today

2 is March 16. We have already started the second half of the semester. The last day of spring semester classes is Wednesday, April 29.

3 Today Midterm GPAs have been calculated. Compare yours to your January 12 GPA goal.




7 True Maroon Midterm Grades and Absences Midterm GPAMidterm Absences 3.00-4.000.7 2.50-2.991.6 2.00-2.491.8 1.50-1.992.0 1.00-1.492.3 0.50-0.993.4 0.01-0.495.2 0.009.0

8 January 12 President Keenum told us about the day when he changed his life by deciding to become a better student. You can change your life today by deciding to become a better student.

9 January 26 Dr. Tommy Stevenson said that some people are willing to do what it takes to be successful and others aren’t. You can make the decision today that “I will do whatever it takes to be successful.”

10 February 2 Laura Moran and Christa King talked about the importance of making class your #1 priority. You can decide today that your classes are your #1 priority.

11 February 23 Coach Dan Mullen asked us to look in the mirror and ask “did I do everything I could do today to be successful?” Tonight, you can look in the mirror and ask yourself this question.

12 Today You can make the decision to do everything you can over the next six weeks to follow a road to academic success.

13 Commitments You Can Make -Establish your priorities. Commit to them. -Go to class, every class. -Get to class on time, every time. -Pay attention in class. No distractions. None. -Plan your time. -Utilize Tutoring and Supplemental Instruction. -Turn to your Freshman Year Navigator.

14 Tomorrow You can earn 5 bonus points to be added to your True Maroon points by attending the Roadtrip Nation presentation at 6:00pm in Bettersworth Auditorium.

15 Important True Maroon Dates -Every Monday, class -8am March 23, Service Activity #1 due -April 20, “My Graduation Plan” due -April 24, Service Activity #2 due -April 27, Last day of True Maroon class

16 Invited Speakers Mr. Jonathan Lee and Dr. Bill Cooley

17 On your yellow form Your name Write clearly! Your netid Your Navigator’s name Your updated spring GPA goal Turn in to a Navigator

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