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The Voyage of Columbus Mrs. Colliers 5 th grade class.

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2 The Voyage of Columbus Mrs. Colliers 5 th grade class

3 Busiess man in the 1400 & 1500s Wanted to find an easier way to reach the Indies- part of Asia - which was Rich in resources His goal was to bring back trade goods only previously obtained via the Silk road.

4 Columbus wanted to make this expedition (a journey made for a special purpose) in order to bring back to gold, spices and other goods.Columbus wanted to make this expedition (a journey made for a special purpose) in order to bring back to gold, spices and other goods.

5 Columbus needed money to finance his expedition. He turned to Spains King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella They did not agree right away, but decide they would benefit from this expedition

6 On August 3, 1492, Columbus set sail from Spain with the Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria

7 After more than 2 months at sea, the crew was beginning to get worried. Several people wanted to turn back. Some even feared they would fall of the world! Finally on Oct. 12, 1492 land was spotted from the Pinta!!!

8 But Columbus did not reach the Indies! Historians believe he landed in what we now know as the Bahamas!

9 This was not Columbus's or Spain's last trip to the Americas colony (a settlement for the country thatSpains goal was to start a colony (a settlement for the country that rules it) Before long thousands of European settlers inhabited the west Indies.

10 This started the Columbian exchange (the movement of people, plants, disease and ways of life)

11 Your assignment!!! Think about how you would feel if someone came in your town or even back yard and staked their claim to your land. Think about the positive effects of the Columbian Exchange and the negative effects. Finish reading p. 136 List 4 ways in which the natives lives chaged and 4 way European lives changed due to Christopher Columbuss expeditions.

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