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Calderglen High School 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 7777 8888 9999 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20.

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2 Calderglen High School 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 7777 8888 9999 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

3 Calderglen High School What is an ION? A charged particle formed when electrons are gained or lost by an atom answer 1

4 Calderglen High School How is a positive ion formed? An outer electron(s) is lost from an atom (usually a metal atom) answer 2

5 Calderglen High School How is a negative ion formed? An electron(s) is gained by an atom (usually a non metal atom) answer 3

6 Calderglen High School What are BONDS? answer Attractions between atoms which hold them together 4

7 Calderglen High School What is a MOLECULE? Two or more non metal atoms joined together by covalent bonds answer 5

8 Calderglen High School What is the CHEMICAL FORMULA of a substance? It is a ratio of atoms of each element in the substance answer 6

9 Calderglen High School What is a COVALENT BOND? 2 non metal atoms sharing a pair of electrons answer 7

10 Calderglen High School What is VALENCY? Valency = combining power of an atom Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Valency 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 0 answer 8

11 Calderglen High School Describe how to work out the chemical formula of a compound? S ymbols V alencies S wap D ivide answer 9

12 Calderglen High School Why do atoms bond? To get a stable electron arrangement With a full outer energy level. answer 10

13 Calderglen High School Name the two types of bonding found in compounds? Covalent and ionic answer 11

14 Calderglen High School Which type of elements are involved in covalent bonding ? Only non-metals answer 12

15 Calderglen High School Which type of elements are involved in ionic bonding? Metals with non-metals answer 13

16 Calderglen High School How is an ionic bond formed ? Transfer of electrons from the metal atom to the non-metal atom. answer 14

17 Calderglen High School How do metals form ions ? Metal atoms lose outer electrons to form +ve ions answer 15

18 Calderglen High School How do non-metals form ions ? Non-metal atoms gain electrons to fill outer orbitals (energy level) to form -ve ions answer 16

19 Calderglen High School What information is give by the Roman Numeral in the formula of a compound containing a Transition metal? The valency (combining power) of the Transition metal answer 17

20 Calderglen High School What does a name ending “ide” tell you about a compound? The compound has two elements present. e.g. Sodium Chloride contains sodium and chlorine. answer 18

21 Calderglen High School Which elements are present in calcium carbonate? calcium, carbon and oxygen (“ate” tells you that oxygen is present) answer 19

22 Calderglen High School What does a name ending “ite” tell you about a compound? e.g Which elements are present in copper sulphite? Copper, sulphur and oxygen. “ite” tells you that oxygen must be present. answer 20

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