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Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação Beijing, December 2004 Document B TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF VALENCIA (UPV), SPAIN Valencia.

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1 Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação Beijing, December 2004 Document B TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF VALENCIA (UPV), SPAIN Valencia

2 Responding to S&T co-operation with China – The Development of a Cross-Border Agro-Food Processing S&T Platform December 2004 - 15 Faculties - 49 Degrees (three or five years). 54 Ph. D Programmes 35 M.Sc. Programmes. 30 University Specialization courses. 11 Professional specialization courses. - Ph.D. and postgraduate programmes. - 43 Departments. - 22 Institutes and 10 Research Centres - University Community: 36.800 people 33.000 students. 2.500 Professors. 1.300 Administration and service people. - 221 Research groups. Industrial Engineering Arquitecture Computer Engineering Telecommunications Engineering Agricultural Engineering …… Institute of Food Engineering for development (I.A.D.) UPV

3 Responding to S&T co-operation with China – The Development of a Cross-Border Agro-Food Processing S&T Platform December 2004 Was founded in 1986. Is made up of: –45 professors. –5 research groups. –8 people in administrative and Technical Services. –49 Ph. D. students –40 postgraduate students Takes part in 8 degree courses. –Food Science and Food Engineering –Which involve 1200 pre-graduate students. DEPARTMENT OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY (DTA) Contact e-mail:

4 Responding to S&T co-operation with China – The Development of a Cross-Border Agro-Food Processing S&T Platform December 2004 E.T.S.I.A E.T.S.M.R.E E.U.I.T.I E.T.S.I.I F.A.D.E  Agricultural Engineering (5 years)  Food Science and Technology  Technical Agricultural Engineering (3 years)  Enology  Technical Industrial Engineering (3 years)  Industrial Engineering (5 y)  Chemical Engineering (5 y)  Business management and administration D.T.A

5 Responding to S&T co-operation with China – The Development of a Cross-Border Agro-Food Processing S&T Platform December 2004 F International Master in Food Science and Engineering. Campus UPV Centro Politécnico del Cono Sur, Colonia del Sacramento (Uruguay) F Specialist in Food Science and Engineering. F International Master in Food Management and Safety. - Institut Polytechnique National de Lorraine (Nancy, Francia) - South Bank University (Londres, Inglaterra) F Master in Packaging Technology F Master in Aenology About 50 % of Latin-American students from different Countries European students MSc and Specialist Programmes

6 Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação Beijing, December 2004 Document B Was founded in June 1999 Was founded in June 1999 It is a tool for the development of the department It is a tool for the development of the department It is formed by 63 professors from DTA and others researches institutes (IATA) It is formed by 63 professors from DTA and others researches institutes (IATA) Their activities are mainly carried out in Spain, but there is great interaction with Europe and Latin-America. Their activities are mainly carried out in Spain, but there is great interaction with Europe and Latin-America. INSTITUTE OF FOOD ENGINEERING FOR DEVELOPMENT Contact e-mail:

7 Responding to S&T co-operation with China – The Development of a Cross-Border Agro-Food Processing S&T Platform December 2004 OBJECTIVES OF IAD To develop collaborative national and international research projects.To develop collaborative national and international research projects. To improve and develop the capabilities of human resources among Universities and Research Institutions.To improve and develop the capabilities of human resources among Universities and Research Institutions. To promote economic and industrial relationships among food scientists, technologists and food engineers from industry and academia.To promote economic and industrial relationships among food scientists, technologists and food engineers from industry and academia. Contact e-mail:

8 Responding to S&T co-operation with China – The Development of a Cross-Border Agro-Food Processing S&T Platform December 2004 RESEARCH GROUPS IN FOOD TECHNOLOGY AT UPV Engineering of food and food processes Physical-chemistry of food processes. Quality control in food industry Analysis and simulation of agricultural and food processes Food Chemistry and Microstructure Food and Environmental Microbiology Biological activity of micro-organisms and their metabolites Aenology and Applied Chemistry DTAIAD

9 Responding to S&T co-operation with China – The Development of a Cross-Border Agro-Food Processing S&T Platform December 2004 Main research lines Physical, thermodynamic and structural properties of Food Systems.Physical, thermodynamic and structural properties of Food Systems. Mass transfer in Food SystemsMass transfer in Food Systems Modeling of Food Processes & OperationsModeling of Food Processes & Operations Food Safety and ManagementFood Safety and Management Post harvest EngineeringPost harvest Engineering Fruit and veg processingFruit and veg processing

10 Responding to S&T co-operation with China – The Development of a Cross-Border Agro-Food Processing S&T Platform December 2004 Mass transfer in Food Systems. –Drying (new combined treatments: air, MW, osmotic treatments, …) –Osmotic dehydration of fruit and vegetables –Salting (fish, meat, cheese...) –Re-hydration processes Effect of Vacuum Impregnation

11 Responding to S&T co-operation with China – The Development of a Cross-Border Agro-Food Processing S&T Platform December 2004 Fruit and veg processing Osmotic dehydration Combined drying processes air-MW Freezing Applying VI Development of: Minimally processed products Intermediate moisture products Functional products Cryopreserved products

12 Responding to S&T co-operation with China – The Development of a Cross-Border Agro-Food Processing S&T Platform December 2004 Waxing, edible films and coatingWaxing, edible films and coating Shelf life, metabolic activity studiesShelf life, metabolic activity studies –Respiration rates –Gas and volatile analysis Post harvest Engineering –Film characterization –Film application –Fresh entire fruit and veg –Minimally processed fruit and veg

13 Responding to S&T co-operation with China – The Development of a Cross-Border Agro-Food Processing S&T Platform December 2004 Risk assessmentRisk assessment HACCPHACCP Waste treatment …Waste treatment … Food safety and Management

14 Responding to S&T co-operation with China – The Development of a Cross-Border Agro-Food Processing S&T Platform December 2004 Agricultural Engineer at UPV (1996)Agricultural Engineer at UPV (1996) PhD in Food Science and Technology – at UPV (1999)PhD in Food Science and Technology – at UPV (1999) Assistant Proffessor at UPV since 1998.Assistant Proffessor at UPV since 1998. SCIENTIFIC CURRICULA SCIENTIFIC CURRICULA –INVOLVED IN 14 RESEARCH PROJECTS –20 RESERACH PUBLICTIONS IN INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS –17 BOOK CHAPTERS –3 THESIS Abroad stages Abroad stages Congress participations: Congress participations: over 50 (ICEF, IFT, CIBIA, Drying, COFE...) I have participated in meetings of the following societies: I have participated in meetings of the following societies: Type of activities performed in the last six years:Type of activities performed in the last six years: Chelo Gonzalez, PhD Universidad Politecnica de Valencia Food Technolgy Department Camino de Vera s/n 46022 Valencia SPAIN Tl: 00 34 96 387 93 62 e-mail: cgonza 1995. Universidad de Lund. Food Technology Department. LUND, SWEEDEN. 2001. Universidad del BIO-BIO. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y de los Alimentos, CHILE. 2001. University of Massachusetts. Department of Food Science. MASSACHUSETTS, USA. European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE)European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) International Association for Engineering and Food (IAEF)International Association for Engineering and Food (IAEF) European Thematic Network in Food Studies (FOODNET)1998-2001.European Thematic Network in Food Studies (FOODNET)1998-2001. Safety and Environmental Knowledge Into Food Studies towards European Sustainable Development (ISEKI) 2002-2004.Safety and Environmental Knowledge Into Food Studies towards European Sustainable Development (ISEKI) 2002-2004. Type of research activities performed in the last six years: Food preservation studies Dairy industry process optimization: Cheese salting, Yoghurt production Fruit industry process optimization: Fruit osmotic dehydration, Fruit convective air drying, Minimally processed fruit processing improvement Edible film characterization and application to fresh fruit and veg and MP

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