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APA Formatting Schwartz et al. Chapter 12 & 14. Running Head An abbreviated title Example: Title: Effects of Type of Lineup on the Accuracy of Children’s.

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Presentation on theme: "APA Formatting Schwartz et al. Chapter 12 & 14. Running Head An abbreviated title Example: Title: Effects of Type of Lineup on the Accuracy of Children’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 APA Formatting Schwartz et al. Chapter 12 & 14

2 Running Head An abbreviated title Example: Title: Effects of Type of Lineup on the Accuracy of Children’s Person Identification Running head: ACCURACY OF CHILDREN’S PERSON IDENTIFICATION The words “Running head” only appear on the 1 st page

3 Formatting Checklist  FONT: 12-point,Times New Roman  LINE SPACING: double-space  MARGINS: 1-inch on all sides  PAGE HEADER: 0.5 inches  PAGE NUMBERS: upper right hand corner  PRINT: single-sided

4 How do you do this in Microsoft Word?

5 What Goes Where? Title page Abstract [new page] Introduction [new page] Method Results Discussion References [new page] Table/s [new page] Figure/s [new page] Appendix [new page]

6 Headings: Headings: Introduction  Heading for the Introduction is the TITLE OF THE PAPER not the word “Introduction”  Centered  First Letter of Important Words Capitalized

7 Headings: Headings: Abstract & References  Centered

8 Headings: Headings: Method, Results, Discussion  Bold  Centered

9 Headings: Headings: Subsections of the Method Section i.e. Participants, Materials, Procedure  Bold  Flush left

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