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Study Skills for Grades 3. Before you read the story...take a quick look at the questions. They tell you what to look for as you read! If you see a new.

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Presentation on theme: "Study Skills for Grades 3. Before you read the story...take a quick look at the questions. They tell you what to look for as you read! If you see a new."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Skills for Grades 3

2 Before you read the story...take a quick look at the questions. They tell you what to look for as you read! If you see a new word, use the words around it as clues. They will help you figure out what the new word means.

3 Read all your answer choices before you decide. Sometimes the last choice is best. Cross out silly answer choices to help get you closer to the right answer.

4 Be able to prove your answers by finding and highlighting information in the story. If you see a name in the passage you can't read, just say your name instead.

5 Stuck on a hard question? Skip it and move on. Come back to it later if time allows. Use picture clues.

6 ds/mw/g_2.html ds/mw/g_3.html

7 Read! Read! Read! Read! Read! Read aloud to someone. Read different types of books and magazines. Find out what you like.

8 Make up stories and write them down. Use the punctuation marks when you read, they make a difference in the meaning. Turn on the closed caption on your TV and turn off the sound.

9 nways.html son/ son/test_taking_tips.htm 2.html 3.html Clip art from:

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