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TOBACCO HEALTH RELATED CONSEQUENCES. GRAB A STRAW… Put the straw in your mouth. You are to ONLY breathe through your mouth (pinch your nose if you want.

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Presentation on theme: "TOBACCO HEALTH RELATED CONSEQUENCES. GRAB A STRAW… Put the straw in your mouth. You are to ONLY breathe through your mouth (pinch your nose if you want."— Presentation transcript:


2 GRAB A STRAW… Put the straw in your mouth. You are to ONLY breathe through your mouth (pinch your nose if you want to be sure you won’t get any air in through your nose) We are going to try for one full minute …GO

3 WHICH ISSUES ARE HEALTH CONSEQUENCES OF TOBACCO USE ? Halitosis ( Bad Breath ) Throat Cancer Shortness of breath Kidney Cancer Stained Teeth Gum Disease Cracked Lips Stroke Coughing/Wheezing Emphysema Lung Cancer Oral Cancer Nicotine Addiction Tooth Loss Mouth Sores Heart Disease

4 SHORT TERM EFFECTS OF TOBACCO Bad Breath Bad taste in mouth Smelly hair and clothes Yellow and brown stains on teeth Shortness of breath

5 LONG TERM EFFECTS OF TOBACCO Emphysema Heart Disease Stroke Lung Cancer Throat Cancer Mouth Cancer Cancer of the....

6 TOBACCO RELATED DISEASE AND DEATH Emphysema: disease in which the lungs get so damaged that they cannot absorb enough oxygen Cancer: Smoking tobacco can lead to lung and throat cancer. Smokeless tobacco can lead to cancer of the mouth, through, or stomach.

7 SOURCES OF SECONDHAND SMOKE Side Stream Smoke: Smoke from the burning end of a cigarette. This smoke may have a higher concentration of chemicals. Mainstream Smoke: Smoke that is inhaled through a tobacco product and exhaled by a tobacco smoker.

8 THINK – PAIR – SHARE With the person next to you discuss the following: Why do teens choose to begin using tobacco? Do teens feel pressured to use tobacco? What can you do if someone attempts to pressure you into using tobacco? Use the next two minutes to discuss this with your partner, than be prepared to share with the class.

9 THINK – PAIR – SHARE REASONS NOT TO USE TOBACCO With the person next to you discuss the following: 1.Reasons not to use tobacco – name 3-4 reasons 2.Benefits of not using tobacco products Be prepared to share with the group

10 HOMEWORK **Bring in 2-3 tobacco advertisements. You can find these online or in magazines. Be prepared to analyze these ads with your classmates (audience, setting, techniques, messages, and information given as well as what is not being said).

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