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HMIDA S. ; NASRAOUIE R.; WRAK S. ; OTHMANI F. ; DALHOUMI M. Medical Imaging service. Regional hospital of Kasserine, Tunis CH21.

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Presentation on theme: "HMIDA S. ; NASRAOUIE R.; WRAK S. ; OTHMANI F. ; DALHOUMI M. Medical Imaging service. Regional hospital of Kasserine, Tunis CH21."— Presentation transcript:

1 HMIDA S. ; NASRAOUIE R.; WRAK S. ; OTHMANI F. ; DALHOUMI M. Medical Imaging service. Regional hospital of Kasserine, Tunis CH21

2 Investigate the epidemiological characteristics and CT aspects of broncho-pulmonary cancer (BPC)


4 Retrospectives Study: 2001-2011, 17 patients carrying of BPC. For each patient we noted the age, sex, smoking patterns.


6 For lung cancer we noted: - The seat proximal and peripheral cancer being defined as a central cancer : *an endo bronchial component -endoscopy view- *or remote over 3 cm from the visceral pleura. - The histological type (15 of 17 patients) for patients undergoing surgery or who underwent transmural or bronchial biopsy


8 The average age is 57 years. Sex 13 M/ 4 W. There is a strong smoking exposure in the groups, An average of 47 PA of tobacco. Location 37 % BPC is head square device. The histological type Most frequently was the Adenocarcinoma (57 % ) Followed by the Epidermoid carcinoma (31 %), And then by the Small cell carcinoma (5 %).

9 65 year old man hospitalized for exploration of hemoptysis. Radiography thorax : shows excavated opacity in Right Upper Lobe. Bronchial fluid cytology : watch a squamous cell carcinoma. CT scan : Tissue mass excavated in RUL. Paraseptal emphysema.


11 Etiopathogenesis Various hypotheses have been offered for explain the high incidence of BPC.

12 Smoking: Tobacco is a factor risk in the occurrence of lung cancer Environmental factors Air pollutants, Exposure professional they increase the risk of occurrence of BPC.

13 The diffuse inflammatory process : Of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis [IPF] increase the risk of occurrence of BPC. Two characteristics argue for this hypothesis:

14 - The high frequency of location device at the areas of fibrosis - Achieving the lower lobes.

15 The most common histological type in our series is Adenocarcinoma Unlike some series published where there is a prevalence of squamous carcinoma found in 50 to 60%.


17 Broncho-pulmonary cancer studied in our series, presents the same epidemiological characteristics (sex, age, smoking patterns) than in the general population. It is often diagnosed at a stage unresectable. The more frequent histological type in our series is the Adenocarcinoma.

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