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Business Communication Faculty-Mitali Sen Department of Management Studies ISM, Dhanbad.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Communication Faculty-Mitali Sen Department of Management Studies ISM, Dhanbad."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Communication Faculty-Mitali Sen Department of Management Studies ISM, Dhanbad

2 Communication WORK GROUP OBJECTIVES  The most important skill.  The managerial activity in which maximum time is spend.

3 Communication Efficient communication is ESSENTIAL to being successful in life. The biggest source of interpersonal problems is poor communications. The key to the communication process is to be UNDERSTOOD.

4 Communication The aim of communication is the transference and understanding of information between two or more people. Communication must always be between two or more people, one the sender and the other receiver. You participate in both roles and your role will change alternatively and frequently in conversation.

5 The Communication Process SourceEncodingChannelDecodingReceiver Message Feedback

6 The Communication Process EncodingChannelDecodingReceiver Message Feedback Source “I take sugar in my tea”

7 The Communication Process EncodingChannelDecodingReceiver Message Feedback Source “One lump or two?”

8 Communications – Did you know? People remember: 10 percent of what they read 20 percent of what they hear 30 percent of what they see 50 percent of what they see and hear 80 percent of what they say 90 percent of what they say and do

9 Communications – did you know? If you tell 100 people something without repetition: After 24 hours, 25 percent have forgotten it After 48 hours, 50 percent have forgotten it After 72 hours, 75 percent have forgotten it After one week, 96 percent have forgotten it

10 Barriers to Communication Barriers to accurate communication Unfamiliar language – including dialects and accents Improper timing – Is the boss distracted today or friend busy or a family member disturbed at that time? Noise and distractions in the environment Attitude of both the source and the receiver Differences between people – gender, age, culture, education, intelligence, etc. Filtering – manipulation of information so that it will seem more favorable to the receiver. Selective Perception – receiver hears message based on his/her interests, needs, motivations, experience, background and other personal characteristics.

11 Presentation Skills- The key to effectiveness

12 “Great speakers aren’t born, they are trained.” Presenting is a Skill… Developed through experience and training.

13 Fear THE FACTS: Shaky hands, blushing cheeks, memory loss, nausea, and knocking knees

14 Causes of the Anxiety Fear of the Unknown OR Loss of Control Fight or Flight Mode No Backup Plan No Enthusiasm For Subject

15 Why Give A Presentation? Main Purposes 1. Inform 2. Persuade

16 Effective Presentations Control Anxiety – Don’t Fight It Audience Centered Accomplishes Objective Fun For Audience Fun For You Conducted Within Time Frame

17 Planning Your Presentation 1. Determine Purpose 2. Assess Your Audience “Success depends on your ability to reach your audience.” Size Demographics Knowledge Level Motivation

18 Planning Your Presentation 3. Plan Space Number of Seats Seating Arrangement Audio/Visual Equipment Distracters 4. What Day and Time? Any Day! Morning/Evening/Afternoon

19 Planning Your Presentation 5. Organization Determine Main Points (3-5) Evidence Transitions Prepare Outline

20 The Presentation Sequence

21 #1: Build Rapport … Relation marked by harmony or affinity Audience members who trust you and feel that you care Start Before You Begin Mingle; Learn Names Opportunity to reinforce or correct audience assessment Good First Impression People Listen To People They Like

22 #2: Opening Your Presentation Introduce Yourself – Why Should They Listen Get Attention, Build More Rapport, Introduce Topic Humor Short Story Startling Statistic Make Audience Think Invite Participation Get Audience Response

23 #2…Completing the Opening Clearly Defining Topic If Informative… Clear parameters for content within time If Persuasive… What’s the problem Who cares What’s the solution Overview

24 #3: Presenting Main Points (Solution) Main Point-Transition-Main Point- Transition- Main Point….. Supporting Evidence and Examples Feedback & Questions From Audience Attention to, and Focus on, Audience (Listening)

25 #4: Concluding Your Presentation Goal Inform audience that you’re about to close Summarize main points Something to remember or call-to-action Answer questions “Tell ’em What You Told ‘em.”

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