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“Quality Protection for the Food & Commodity Industries” TM 3 rd Party Audits: How the Food Industry Satisfies the Government and Customers in One Process.

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Presentation on theme: "“Quality Protection for the Food & Commodity Industries” TM 3 rd Party Audits: How the Food Industry Satisfies the Government and Customers in One Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Quality Protection for the Food & Commodity Industries” TM 3 rd Party Audits: How the Food Industry Satisfies the Government and Customers in One Process -or- Protect Your Brand and Other Stuff will Take Care of Itself ! Jerry Heath, BCE WBFI Annual Meeting November 13, 2010

2 “Quality Protection for the Food & Commodity Industries” TM Daunting List of Regulatory Compliance Issues  Bioterrorism / Food Security  Traceability  Reportable Food Registry  HACCP  Good Manufacturing Practices  Record-keeping requirements ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  Registration  Labeling  Taxation  Weed Seed Issues

3 “Quality Protection for the Food & Commodity Industries” TM Food Processing: Same Challenges; More Holistic Approach “ A food processing company would go broke if they just followed government standards.” Bob Richardson, General Mills - and a food processing industry leader in food safety.  Industry standards for quality and sanitation mostly exceed government requirements and a much more rigorous self-enforcement infrastructure has evolved.

4 “Quality Protection for the Food & Commodity Industries” TM Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI)  International standards created by food processors: BRCSQF AIBYUM  Third party auditors (inspectors) check suppliers of ingredients, packaging, distribution services.  Prime objective: Protecting their brand.

5 “Quality Protection for the Food & Commodity Industries” TM Standards for Grain Facilities  Consolidated Stds. of regulatory, GMP, and best practices.   American Institute of Baking (AIB): non- profit institution with multiple missions.  Alternative agencies and services available.

6 “Quality Protection for the Food & Commodity Industries” TM It’s all about superior quality products and PROTECTING YOUR BRAND!  Your “brand” may be a chain of stores, a product brand name, or your good reputation as a supplier.  This industry has come a long way from floor sweepings!  Retailers have their own brands to protect, and bird seed is often a liability.

7 “Quality Protection for the Food & Commodity Industries” TM 6 Years Ago, San Antonio: Kim Kemp, Nestle Purina Pet Care  Effort to capture customers; ease of losing.  Bird seed and pet food: buggiest products in retail.  Challenge to elevate these kinds of products to food industry standards.

8 “Quality Protection for the Food & Commodity Industries” TM Update on Kim Kemp Activities and Retail Trends that will impact Bird Seed Products  Wal Mart distribution pest mgmt. pilot program expanded to entire store network.  Stated goal to reduce pesticide use in stores (foggings for IMM).  When Wal Mart speaks, people listen! Others follow. Promotion of “green.”  Greater emphasis than ever to supply retail with quality product.

9 “Quality Protection for the Food & Commodity Industries” TM Tools and Techniques to PROTECT YOUR BRAND have never been better (or cheaper!)  Protectants  Pheromone Mating Disruption  Quality Packaging

10 “Quality Protection for the Food & Commodity Industries” TM Thank You! Visit with me about your pest mgmt. interests tonight.

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