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May 28-29, 2002 1 DANCE Exposition Enabling Active Flow Manipulation In Silicon-based Network Forwarding Engines Tal Lavian - Nortel Networks.

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Presentation on theme: "May 28-29, 2002 1 DANCE Exposition Enabling Active Flow Manipulation In Silicon-based Network Forwarding Engines Tal Lavian - Nortel Networks."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 28-29, 2002 1 DANCE Exposition Enabling Active Flow Manipulation In Silicon-based Network Forwarding Engines Tal Lavian - Nortel Networks Advanced Technology Labs Open Source -

2 May 28-29, 2002 2 DANCE Exposition Outline of the talk Driving Forces Openet AFM Enabling Mechanism Realization with Openet Passport Application Examples Openet Alteon: AN platform Next step Conclusion

3 May 28-29, 2002 3 DANCE Exposition Driving Forces Introducing services on-demand Assuring Quality of Service Addressing Impedance Mismatch Demanding Programmability Users – Service Providers – Network Providers

4 May 28-29, 2002 4 DANCE Exposition Network Device Dynamic loading Introducing Services on-demand Introducing Services on-demand HW OS VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT React Monitor Authentication Security Services & Control Intelligence application

5 May 28-29, 2002 5 DANCE Exposition Programmability A significant challenge in today’s Internet is the ability to efficiently incorporate customizable network intelligence in commercial high performance network devices. —Framework for introducing services —API for programming network devices

6 May 28-29, 2002 6 DANCE Exposition Impedance Mismatch Core Networks (WAN) Residential Enterprise LAN Intranet Access (Edge) Carrier Network ISP Network Access (Edge) ISP Network User Network User Connections HTTP, RTP, TCP, UDP, etc Fiber 1 Optical World

7 May 28-29, 2002 7 DANCE Exposition AN Solution Active networks (AN) approach opens an exciting opportunity for individual applications to define the service provided by the network through programmability. Active Networks technologies expose a novel approach that allows customer value-added services to be introduced to the network “on-the-fly”. Active Nets program has produced a new network platform flexible and extensible at runtime to accommodate the rapid evolution and deployment of network technologies. The exciting opportunity exists for network service providers and third parties, not just the network device providers, to program the network infrastructure and services.

8 May 28-29, 2002 8 DANCE Exposition AN issues AN requires substantial supports from a NOS AN introduces substantial software component, hence delay on the data path AN lacks adequate measures to addressing integrity and security of network devices. Lack of industrial-strength Active Network devices that dispel major concerns:

9 May 28-29, 2002 9 DANCE Exposition Openet Platform = Active Nets Enabling Platform = Programmable Networking Solution Passport Router Openet Active Flow Manipulation (AFM) Programmable Openet Passport Platform

10 May 28-29, 2002 10 DANCE Exposition Passport Router - Separation of Control and Forwarding PlanesCentralized, CPU-based Router Control + Forwarding Functions combined CPU Routing SW Slow Forwarding-Processors Based Router Based Router Control separated from forwarding CPU Control Plane Forwarding Processor Forwarding Processor Forwarding Processor Wire Speed

11 May 28-29, 2002 11 DANCE Exposition CPU JVM …MEM JNI/Native Code OREJFWD Filtered packets New forwarding rules Forwarding Engine Monitor status User Oplets OpletService, Shell, Logger Jcapture, HTTP, IpPacket Standard Services ANTS Firewall, DiffServ Application services Function Services Control Plane Data Plane Openet: a view from a node

12 May 28-29, 2002 12 DANCE Exposition CE FE Control Functions Control Intensive computation (2) (3) (1) 1)Control functions that reside wholly in the control plane 2)Control functions that insert software in the critical data path 3)Control functions that allow control entities to act both in the control plane and in the data forwarding plane without adding software in the data path CE: Control Element FE: Forwarding Element

13 May 28-29, 2002 13 DANCE Exposition Active Flow Manipulation Abstractions Aggregate data into traffic flows —Flows whose characteristics can be identified in real-time —E.g., “all UDP packets to a particular service”, “all TCP packets from a particular machine”. Actions to be performed in the traffic flows —Actions that can be performed in real-time —E.g., “Change the priority of all traffic destined to a particular service on a particular machine”, “Stop all traffic out of a particular link of a router”.

14 May 28-29, 2002 14 DANCE Exposition Active Flow Manipulation Forwarding Processor Forwarding Processor Packet PolicyFilters AFM Packet Filte r Packet Action A key enabling technology of Openet Two abstractions —Primitive flows —Primitive actions Customer network services exercise active network control —Identifying specific flows —Apply actions to alter network behavior in real- time

15 May 28-29, 2002 15 DANCE Exposition Identifiable Elements of Primitive Flows Table 1: The primitive flow set of identifiable elements Destination Address (DA) Range of Destination Address (RDA) Source Address (SA) Range of Source Address (RSA) Exact TCP protocol match (TCP) Exact UDP protocol match (UDP) Exact ICMP protocol match (ICMP) Source Port number, for both TCP and UDP (SP) Destination Port number for both TCP and UDP (DP) TCP connection request (TCPReg) ICMP request (ICMPReg) DS field of a datagram (DS) IP Frame fragment (FrameFrag)

16 May 28-29, 2002 16 DANCE Exposition Primitive Permissible actions Drop Forward Mirror Stop on Match (SOM) Detect Out of Profile behaviour (Out) Change DSCP value (DSCP) Prevent TCP Connect Request Modify IEEE 802.1p bit

17 May 28-29, 2002 17 DANCE Exposition Switching Fabric CPU System Data Plane (Wire Speed Forwarding) Control Plane ORE Active Services Traffic Packets Monitor statusNew rules System Services Openet on Passport Router Forwarding Processor Forwarding Rules Statistics &Monitors... Forwarding Processor Forwarding Rules Statistics &Monitors Forwarding Processor Forwarding Rules Statistics &Monitors Active Networks Services

18 May 28-29, 2002 18 DANCE Exposition Openet Framework Openet Architecture with Passport Switches

19 May 28-29, 2002 19 DANCE Exposition Example 1: Active Flow Priority Change in Real-time

20 May 28-29, 2002 20 DANCE Exposition Example 2 : JDiffserv on Passport Linux PC Passport 8600 Passport 1100B UDP UDP sender UDP receiver Diffserv Monitor Device Console Linux PC HTTP server JDiffserv Differv- enabled Network

21 May 28-29, 2002 21 DANCE Exposition Example 3 : Regatta - Fault Recovery Automated supervision Minimal service interruption Heartbeats

22 May 28-29, 2002 22 DANCE Exposition Programmable Services Solution Current Development: Programmable Services Solution Alteon-iSD Openet Extended Active Flow Manipulation (AFM) Openet Alteon-based Active Nets Platform

23 May 28-29, 2002 23 DANCE Exposition Openet Alteon Active Nets Platform = A Powerful Platform for AN Technologies Transfer A powerful and extensible control and computational plane —Partitioning hardware/software resources —Active service enabling —content filtering in real-time —active services accommodation L2-L7 filtering Content processing Power computing Optical Wireless router Content gateway Edge Device Openet

24 May 28-29, 2002 24 DANCE Exposition Solutions’ Features Real-time Filtering — Ability to poke at the device’s data flows Processing Power — Ability to perform intensive processing Enabling Services — Introducing services on-demand Programmable Services — Enabling active and adaptive services Impedance Matching — Addressing mismatches between disparate domains, disparate technologies

25 May 28-29, 2002 25 DANCE Exposition Openet Alteon AN Platform for SMDS l1 Real server on Linux or NT, 2~8 Real Players on Solaris lSMDS on iSD èReal Player RTSP request filter and interception èReal Server reply real-time stream filter and replication èRTSP session setup by replicating first 16 packets cached Real Server 8 SMDS service Real Player 1 Linux/X86 Sun/Solaris Real Player 2 Alteon 1 st Client RTSP Request Server reply Packet Redirection rtsp://pcary1gc/real8video rtsp://pcary1gc:5454/real8video iSD Packet Writeback RTSP intercept Packet Replicate Client Register Streaming Media Distribution Service

26 May 28-29, 2002 26 DANCE Exposition Control Mesg A Simple EvaQ8 concept 8600 OmniNet 8600 10G 1G A B C D X Y Z B2 B3 OmniNet Control Plane [Linux] TL1 Alteon iSD Alteon iSD Alteon iSD EvaQ8 OG - 1 EvaQ8 OG -2 EvaQ8 OG - 3 1.Normal App flow : Client X -> Server Z 2.Disaster Strikes at Location Z 3.EvaQ8 OG 3 sends a signal[RSVP] to OG1 4.OG1 instructs Omnit net to connect B2 & B3 ; Server Z and Server Y data syncd 5.On successful sync, OG2 instructs OmniNet to connect B1->B2. 6.Service Restored for Client X ->server Y Disaster Event/ Environ. Sensor B1 Control Mesg

27 May 28-29, 2002 27 DANCE Exposition What next? Service-centric Active Nets Platform SERVICES Manage Service Enabling Control Impedance Matching Intra-Service Comm Secur it y Service Enabling API Control API Impedance Matching API Security API Management API Intra-service Communications API

28 May 28-29, 2002 28 DANCE Exposition Summary Openet – our Networking Programmability Commercial network programmable hardware New AN platform: Openet + Alteon + iSD —Alteon: AN platform on an advanced content switch —iSD: powerful & extensible computation plane Enables AN technologies transfer Promoting an edge device service-centric platform 

29 May 28-29, 2002 29 DANCE Exposition Q&A OpenetLab – Nortel Networks:

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