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MOLAR MASS What is molar mass? How do you calculate molar mass?

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Presentation on theme: "MOLAR MASS What is molar mass? How do you calculate molar mass?"— Presentation transcript:

1 MOLAR MASS What is molar mass? How do you calculate molar mass?

2 WHAT IS MOLAR MASS? mass in grams of 1 mole of the element Molar Mass = ___grams____ (MM) 1 Mol Synonyms: molecular weight, gram formula unit

3 Use Periodic Table to determine MM! Let’s examine periodic table! If I had one mole of _____ it’s molar mass would be _______ g per 1 mol.

4 Carbon MM= 12.0 g / mol Atomic Hydrogen MM= 1.0 g / mol Mercury MM= 200.6 g / mol Iron MM=55.8 g / mol Sulfur MM= 32.1 g / mol

5 How many particles do these elements contain? Particles: 1.Atoms 2.Formula Units 3.Molecules

6 How do you calculate molar mass of compounds? EX. Sulfur Trioxide Chemical Formula = _____________ How many total atoms make up one molecule? Atoms = _____________ S: ___ x ______ = O: ___ x ______ = _____ + The molar mass of sulfur trioxide = _______ grams per ________ SO 3 1 + 3 = 4 1 3 32.1 16.0 48.0 80.1 1 mol

7 Your Turn EX. Phosphorus Trichloride Chemical Formula = __________ How many total atoms make up one molecule? Atoms = ________ P: ___ x ______ = Cl: ___ x ______ = _________ + Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate NaHCO 3 PCl 3 1+3=4 1 31.0 3 35.5 106.5 137.5 grams per 1 mol MM = 84.0 g / mol

8 Representative Particles Covalent Compounds are made up of _____. Ionic Compounds are made up of _________. Elements are made up of _____________. Use your Road Map! molecules Formula units atoms

9 Conversions Using Molar Mass Book pg. 298 Ex. #1 Write the chemical formula for aluminum oxide _________ What is given? Trying to find? ______________ x _______________ = g of Al 2 O 3 GIVEN Al 2 O 3 9.45 moles Al 2 O 3 g of Al 2 O 3 Al: 2 x 27.0 = 54.0 g O: 3 x 16.0 = 48.0 g + 102.0 g / 1 mol 9.45 moles 1 Mole Al 2 O 3 102.9 grams Al 2 O 3 964

10 Molar Volume Conversions At STP (Standard Temp and Pressure): 1 mole of gas = 22.4 L = 6.02 x 10 23 particles

11 1 Mole of ANY GAS at STP!

12 Sample Problem 10.7 Use our Mole Road Map! Sample Problem 10.8 REMEMBER! Density = mass = grams Volume Liter HINT: If given density, first find the molar mass (MM) = grams per mol

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