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Canine Food Taboos Lecture Supplement.

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1 Canine Food Taboos Lecture Supplement

2 2 Alcohol—Depresses brain function in small amounts. Can cause coma. Caffeine—The active ingredient increases a dog’s heart rate and can trigger seizures. Chocolate—Three ounces of dark chocolate or seven ounces of milk chocolate can produce vomiting in a 50-pound dog. Ingestion of chocolate can be fatal. Macadamia nuts—A few nuts can produce tremors and temporary paralysis in a dog’s hind legs. Garlic—Breaks-down red blood cells, resulting in anemia and possibly kidney failure. Foods to Avoid

3 3 Source: National Geographic Magazine, October 2007 More Foods to Avoid Onion—Small amounts over time can have a cumulative damaging effect on hemoglobin. Grapes and raisins—Can cause kidney failure, although the reason is not yet understood. Xylitol (sugar substitute)—Causes vomiting, weakness, collapse, and seizures.

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