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December Meeting WHEN: December 18, 2008 TIME: 1130 – 1400hrs WHERE: BWI Ramada SPEAKER: 2008 National PDI video workshop TOPIC: Newer Professionals Speak.

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Presentation on theme: "December Meeting WHEN: December 18, 2008 TIME: 1130 – 1400hrs WHERE: BWI Ramada SPEAKER: 2008 National PDI video workshop TOPIC: Newer Professionals Speak."— Presentation transcript:

1 December Meeting WHEN: December 18, 2008 TIME: 1130 – 1400hrs WHERE: BWI Ramada SPEAKER: 2008 National PDI video workshop TOPIC: Newer Professionals Speak out on Defense Financial Mngmnt Please RSVP via the chapter web page: SEE YOU THERE ! December 2008 The Crabpot ASMC, FORT MEADE CHAPTER American Society of Military Comptrollers “Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” Mark Twain President, Vice President message... With the Holiday Season approaching, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for making this another successful year for our Chapter. Thank you to everyone that participated in Chapter events and those that have volunteered throughout the year. We hope to see even more participation in Chapter events during the coming year. Thank you to all of our new Chapter Officers, Committee Chairs and Committee Members for volunteering and to Julie Alzin for bringing back our Chapter newsletter. It’s great to have it back. We would also like to recognize Dan Hrechun who completed 3 outstanding years of service as Chapter President. Thank you for your dedication and many contributions to our Chapter. We wish you well! We are looking forward to another successful year in 2009. Wishing you a safe and Happy Holiday Season! Laura Burdick, Chapter President Cecelia Burley, Chapter Vice President FGGM ASMC Holiday Happy Hour (H3) Friday, December 19, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Friday, December 19, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Damon’s Grill, Arundel Mills, 7051 Arundel Mills Blvd Hanover, MD 21076

2 In this issue... President’, VP Message1 Quotable Quotes2 CDFM Testing2 CPEvents2 Headquarters ASMC News 3 December Service Event 4,5 Scholarships 6 Recipe of the Month6 Activities Calendar 7 Officers & Committee Chairs7 Financial Matters 7 Quotable Quotes … December 2008 PAGE 2 "It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time." – Winston Churchill "The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it." – John Ruskin "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing." - Abraham Lincoln CDFM Testing… The next CDFM testing session will be held on 12 Jan at the Maritime Learning Center (MLC), located at the Maritime Institute of Technology Training and Conference Center, Linthicum Heights, MD Please note – preregistration is required. Contact Alan Smith ( NLT Monday prior to the test date. Please keep in mind that once you have registered to take an exam you are expected to honor your commitment and take the test as scheduled. Future Test Dates 9 February 9 March 13 April Testing begins promptly at 0800hrs. For directions to the MLC: Upcoming CPEvents AGA’s 7th Annual National Leadership Conf (NLC) Feb 19 - 20 2009 Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington D.C. National Capital Region ASMC 2009 PDI 10 March 2009 Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, D.C. Theme is: DoD Fiscal Readiness: Back to Basics for the Warfighter!

3 December 2008 PAGE 3 Headquarters ASMC News … Leadership Audio Conference on Jan 28, 2009 On January 28, 2009 ASMC will hold an audio conference on leadership. Dr. John Kline, an expert on leadership and an outstanding teacher, will provide practical guidelines for managing people and processes including seven practical tips. This conference will provide a good refresher for seasoned managers and excellent training for soon-to-be managers. The conference will start at 2 pm Eastern and will last for 60 to 90 minutes. There is a charge of $99 per line; as many can participate on one line as you wish. Watch the ASMC home page for more information including information about how to register online. PDI 2008 Online – Free CPE! You can earn free CPE credits by listening to or watching taped workshops and Service Day sessions from PDI 2008 and PDI 2007. You can now access selected sessions online at the PDI extended learning page along with the briefing charts received to date. ASMC Membership - Apply Online Prospective members of ASMC may now apply for membership online at the ASMC website. This method decreases the processing time by up to a week, so please encourage anyone you may be recruiting to apply online. In addition, current members may renew online and update member information (new e-mail, address, job title, etc). Please read the instructions at ASMC Online Renewal on how to determine your default username and password.

4 December 2008 PAGE 4 Sarah’s House – Wish List (These are items are needed on an ongoing basis.) PILLOWS (NEW) TOWELS (NEW OR GENTLY USED) CEREAL ( KIX, CHEERIOS, RICE CHEX, ETC.) TWIN & FULL SIZED SHEETS & BLANKETS (NEW OR GENTLY USED) BUTTER/MARGARINE/CHEESE/EGGS URGENT NEED! COFFEE AND COFFEE CREAMER SALAD DRESSINGS (ALL VARIETIES) CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES (ALL VARIETIES) SUGAR AND SUGAR SUBSTITUTE POWDERED DRINK MIXES (ICED TEA, LEMONADE, ETC) PLASTIC FORKS AND SPOONS PAPER PLATES, NAPKINS, TOWELS PAPER OR PLASTIC CUPS OVER THE COUNTER PAIN MEDICATION (IBUPROFEN, ETC) CHILDRENS AND INFANTS TYLENOL/ADVIL/COUGH MEDICINE FEMININE HYGIENE PRODUCTS CHAPSTICK DEODARANT BABY BOTTLES AND SUPPLIES DISPOSABLE DIAPERS (ESP SIZES 4, 5, 6) PULL-UPS BABY WIPES 100% FRUIT JUICES SNACKS FOR CHILDREN (goldfish crackers, granola bars, etc.) Or donate gift cards and we will purchase items as needed. Bring items to the ASMC meeting on 18 December or drop them off at FANX 2 (For more information contact Leo Zerhusen, (410) 854-6118, or Jen Goladay, (240) 373-2097. December Service Event Join us on Thursday December 11th @ 1300hrs for a tour of Sarah’s House. Bring stuffed animals or small toys for the children in daycare. There are 20 to 25 children and the ages range from newborn to school age. For more information contact Leo Zerhusen, (410) 854-6118, or Jen Goladay, (240) 373-2097,

5 December 2008 PAGE 5 December Service Event (cont’d) Directions to Sarah’s House From Annapolis: From Rt 50, take I-97/North to Rt 32/West (Columbia/Ft Meade). Take the Rt 175/West exit. Proceed on Rt 175 through three (3) traffic lights, the last one is the Reece Road intersection. Make the very next right onto 20th Street. Come to the building on the left with the Sarah's House sign. From Glen Burnie/Pasadena/Severna Park Follow Quarterfield Road; bear right onto Donaldson Avenue. When you cross Rt 170, Donaldson Avenue becomes Reece Road. Continue on Reece Road until you come to Rt 175 (Annapolis Road). Make a right turn onto Rt 175. Make the first right onto 20th Street. Come to the building on the left with the Sarah's House sign. From Howard County: Take Rt 175/East and cross I-295 (Baltimore- Washington Parkway). From Baltimore City: take I-295/South (Baltimore-Washington Parkway) to Rt 175/East From DC: take I-295/North (Baltimore-Washington Parkway) to Rt 175/East Go through 2 traffic lights. After the 2nd light, you've entered Fort Meade. On your left, you will see the Army Reserve Center and 20 1/2 Street The very next left is 20th Street. Look for the missile at the intersection of 20th and Rt. 175! (If you come to the Reece Road intersection, you have passed 20th Street). Building on the left with the Sarah's House sign.

6 December 2008 PAGE 6 Recipe of the Month Pumpkin Bars Recipe courtesy Patty Ronning as adapted by Paula Deen We are giving out two $250 textbook scholarships for the Spring Semester at the January 15th, 2009 meeting. The scholarship recipients will be selected by a lottery drawling. If you are interested, make sure to submit your interest to the ASMC website by January 9th, 2009. Qualifications: You must be an active ASMC member. In addition, you must have attended 3 meetings in 2008. Apply now on the ASMC website - FGGM ASMC Scholarships Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 30 minutes Yield: 48 small bars or 24 larger bars Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Bars: 4 eggs 1 2/3 cups granulated sugar 1 cup veg oil 15-oz can pumpkin 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 2 tsp baking powder 2 tsp gr cinnamon 1 tsp salt 1 tsp baking soda Icing: 8-oz pkg cream cheese, softened 1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened 2 cups sifted confectioners' sugar 1 tsp vanilla extract Using an electric mixer at medium speed, combine the eggs, gr sugar, oil and pumpkin until light and fluffy. Stir together the flour, baking powder, cinnamon, salt and baking soda. Add the dry ingredients to the pumpkin mixture and mix at low speed until thoroughly combined and the batter is smooth. Spread the batter into a greased 13 by 10-inch baking pan. Bake for 30minutes. Let cool completely before frosting. Cut into bars. To make the icing: Combine the cream cheese and butter in a medium bowl with an electric mixer until smooth. Add the sugar and mix at low speed until combined. Stir in the vanilla and mix again. Spread on cooled pumpkin bars.

7 Activity calendar …  Thursday January 15, 2009, BWI Ramada, Topic & Speaker: TBD  Thursday February 19, TBD  Thursday March 19, TBD Note: Chapter meetings will be held at the Ramada Inn BWI. Officers meet or communicate virtually at least once a month. Officers & Committee Chairs 2008-2009 Chapter Year December 2008 PAGE 7 COMMITTEE CORNER *** NOTE *** SPEAKERS WANTED Have you heard an interesting speaker at a recent conference? Do you have a topic to recommend for a future ASMC Meeting? If you answered YES to either of these questions, contact an ASMC Officer today! Thanks for your support!! Begin Balance $6,655.90 Deposits 1,169.00 Expenditures 685.46 End Balance $7,139.44 Financial Matters … President Laura M. Burdick (410) 854-6490 Vice President Cecelia M. Burley (410) 854-7540 Secretary Monica R. Anderson (240) 373-1617 Treasurer Denise E. Kelly (410) 854-8743 Membership Committee Kelly S. Cash (240) 373-1595 Scholarship Award Chair Jen L. Shafer (240) 373-1615 Community Service/Fund Raising Chair Leo A. Zerhusen (410) 854-6118 Community Service/Fund Raising Co-Chair Jen L. Goladay (240) 373-2097 Education, Training, and Certification Chair Alan P. Smith, (410) 854-7532 Newsletter Chair Julie K. Alzin, (410) 854-2019 Webmaster Pamela L. Mizrahi (443) 479-2269 If there are any activities or vacant positions you feel you would like to participate in, please call the President or Secretary to get involved ! EARN YOUR STARS TODAY!!!

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