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Full Circle By: Sue Grafton Vocabulary Preview. Dispel She made an official statement on Facebook to dispel any rumors about what happened that summer.

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Presentation on theme: "Full Circle By: Sue Grafton Vocabulary Preview. Dispel She made an official statement on Facebook to dispel any rumors about what happened that summer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Full Circle By: Sue Grafton Vocabulary Preview

2 Dispel She made an official statement on Facebook to dispel any rumors about what happened that summer. to drive away by or as if by scattering

3 Harass He claims that he is being unfairly harassed by the police. To persistently bother or torment

4 Wary The store owner kept a wary eye on him. Cautious, watchful

5 Despondently After the football game, a group of despondent Steeler fans walked to their cars. In a very discouraged or depressed manner.

6 Sullen The dark sky matched his sullen mood at the funeral. Showing irritation or unhappiness by a gloomy silence, moody

7 Enigmatic The discovery of the abandoned ship in mid ocean remains one of the most enigmatic episodes in seafaring history. Mysterious, puzzling

8 Egotistical He was so egotistical that he always looked in the mirror. Conceited, proud

9 Inexplicable He had a series of seemingly inexplicable accidents. Difficult or impossible to explain.

10 Brevity The only flaw in Mrs. Kosbob’s class is its brevity. The quality of being brief in time, shortness.

11 Skewed Because she liked athletes, Mrs. Kosbob often skewed the rules in their favor. Distorted or slanted in a particular direction, unbalanced.

12 Vocabulary Homework Choose one of the following activities- – Paragraph (write a paragraph or more correctly using all of the words) – Crossword Puzzle (create a puzzle using the words) clues cannot be definitions. – Wordart-Select 6 words that you do not know. Create picture representations for them using art for the letters.

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