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What does this all mean?.   Non amo te, Sabidi(Sabidius), nec possum dicere quare(why).  Hoc tantum possum dicere; non amo te.---Martial, 1.32  I.

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Presentation on theme: "What does this all mean?.   Non amo te, Sabidi(Sabidius), nec possum dicere quare(why).  Hoc tantum possum dicere; non amo te.---Martial, 1.32  I."— Presentation transcript:

1 What does this all mean?

2   Non amo te, Sabidi(Sabidius), nec possum dicere quare(why).  Hoc tantum possum dicere; non amo te.---Martial, 1.32  I do not like you, Sabidius, nor am I able to say why.  I am able to say this much; I do not like you.


4   Do some people just rub you the wrong way, and you can’t figure out why?  Look at their modes of learning or intelligences and we might find the answer.

5   Garner’s work on Multiple intelligences states that all humans have a preferred way to relate and understand information. One area is predominant with all areas being represented in some fashion.

6  Linguistic Intelligence  Highly auditory  Likes to read, write, and listen  Has a good memory for names, dates, places  Has a well-developed vocabulary  Likes to play word games

7  Logical-Mathematical  Needs order  Likes to explore patterns, categories, relationships  Likes to make lists  Likes math and problem solving, crossword puzzles  Likes to win

8  Musical  Sensitive to sounds in the environment  Enjoys listening and playing music  Likes to collect music  Often taps and hums  Needs to express rhythms inside of himself/herself

9  Bodily-Kinesthetic  Needs to move around constantly  Uses body movement to learn  Often twitches, fidgets, and taps  Likes sports and active activities  Likes hands-on activities

10  Intrapersonal  Has awareness of inner strength  Has great self-esteem and confidence  Strong willed and deeply opinionated  Likely to take a controversial stand on a topic  Don’t invade my world  Doesn’t fit the norm=marches to a different drum

11  Interpersonal  Needs to interact with people  Inspired by others  Has many friends  Wants to organize, communicate, and provide harmony in a group  “I feel your pain”  Likes cooperative group work

12  spatial  Sees pictures, not words  Likes art activities  Likes movies, slides, and photographs  Easily reads maps, charts, diagrams  Likes jigsaw puzzles  Daydreams frequently

13   Robert Sternberg and Elena Grigorenko in 2000 developed a theory of intelligence falling into 3 areas:  CREATIVE  ANALYTICAL  PRACTICAL

14   Find a new way to demonstrate knowledge  Imagine how life could be if…….  Discover new ideas if……..  Create new ways to ………… CREATIVE PEOPLE

15   Want to apply knowledge to solve a problem  knowledge is to help people’s problems  Want to develop a comparison between old and new information PRACTICAL PEOPLE

16   Must explain why  Identify key parts and they “fit” together  Compare and contrast the old with the new ANALYTICAL PEOPLE

17   Kinesthetic  Work with hands in putting together or taking apart  Learn via movement  Hands-on applications  Tactile learners LEARNING MODALITY

18   Oral  Discuss with others your ideas  Read aloud to say the words  Love to talk about a topic

19   Visual  Love graphic organizers, charts, or diagrams for thoughts  Visualize characters and information  Write down your thoughts or notes

20   Auditory  Sounds connect you to information  Listen to texts or stories helps for understanding  Prefer to listen to a discussion than to participate

21  Why does Magistra Hankins care about this information?

22  bibliography Learning Differences: Effective Teaching with Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences. 2 nd edition. Laureate Education: Los Angeles, 2000, 44- 49, 124-126. Print.

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