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Methodology Part 1. Hindsight Bias “I knew it all along” The tendency to believe, after learning an outcome, that we knew the outcome.

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Presentation on theme: "Methodology Part 1. Hindsight Bias “I knew it all along” The tendency to believe, after learning an outcome, that we knew the outcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Methodology Part 1

2 Hindsight Bias “I knew it all along” The tendency to believe, after learning an outcome, that we knew the outcome

3 Critical Thinking Critical thinking is smart thinking Examines assumptions Discerns hidden values Evaluates evidence Assesses conclusions

4 How do psychologists answer questions? The Scientific Method Theory a hunch explanation using an integrated set of principles that organizes observations and predicts behaviors or events Hypothesis can be confirmed or refuted a testable prediction, implied by a theory

5 Scientific method continued Operational Definition a statement of the procedures used to define research variables Replication repeating a study with dif. participants in dif. situations to see if the basic findings extend to other circumstances

6 Scientific Process 1. Theories Ex. Low self esteem feeds depression 2. Hypotheses Ex. Ppl with low self-esteem will score higher on a depression scale 3. Research and observations Ex. Administer tests of self-esteem and depression. See if a low score on 1 predicts a high score on the other leads to confirm, reject, or revise

7 Scientific Method A good theory is useful if it… effecting organizes a range of observations implies clear predictions that anyone can use to check the theory

8 Types of research Case Study: an observational technique where 1 person is studied in depth cannot make generalizations from a case study

9 Types of Research Survey looks at many cases at once. random sampling thats representative technique for identifying self-reported attitudes + behaviors, usually by questioning. Population: all the cases in a grp being studied from which samples may be drawn. Random Sample: sample that fairly represents the population

10 Types of research Naturalistic observation Describes behavior, doesn’t explain behavior doesn’t try to manipulate or control the situation, just observes + records

11 Correlation the measure to the extent that 2 factors vary together and how well either factor predicts the other How well does A predict B? Positive vs. negative correlation Strength of the correlation coefficient a statistical # of the relationship btwn 2 things -1.0 to +1.0 Scatterplot: graphed cluster of dots that represents correlation

12 Correlation Correlation + causation Correlation does not imply cause and effect!

13 Examples Low self esteem ---------> depression OR Depression -----------------> low self-esteem OR Distressing events or biological disposition ---> Low self-esteem + depression

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