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GOING FROM BROWN TO GREEN TCEQ & EPA Brownfields Program 2015 1 I have this great project. I found the perfect location. It might be contaminated… Now.

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Presentation on theme: "GOING FROM BROWN TO GREEN TCEQ & EPA Brownfields Program 2015 1 I have this great project. I found the perfect location. It might be contaminated… Now."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOING FROM BROWN TO GREEN TCEQ & EPA Brownfields Program 2015 1 I have this great project. I found the perfect location. It might be contaminated… Now what do I do?

2 What are Brownfields? 2

3 Why Redevelop Brownfields?  Create jobs  Increase tax revenues  Improve quality of life  Reduce blight  Spur economic growth while reducing urban sprawl  Reuse existing infrastructure (parking lots, utilities, etc.)  Tap financial incentives for under-utilized properties  Enhance community and environmental stewardship 3

4 Purpose of the Brownfields Program 4 To assist commercial properties that are dormant or underutilized due to liability associated with real or perceived contamination

5 Program Eligibility 5  Property must meet the definition of a “Brownfield” per the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act (Brownfields Law)  Governmental entity or nonprofit must be the applicant  Applicant must not be a Potentially Responsible Party per CERCLA  Properties that are NOT Eligible:  NPL / Superfund sites  Federal property  LUST sites  Sites under orders or permits

6 Program Process 6  Apply to the Brownfields Program  Submit Application - no application fee  Submit Access Agreement signed by property owner

7 Program Process (Continued)  Site Assessment(s) Conducted by State Contractor:  Phase I Environmental Site Assessment  Phase II Environmental Site Assessment  Engineering Estimate for Cleanup  Geophysical Surveys  Reporting of Assessment Sent to Applicant  Technical assistance provided by TCEQ 7

8 Program Process (Continued)  Site Work Conducted by State Contractor:  Tank Pulls  Media Sampling  Additional Assistance Provided:  Assistance with application to TCEQ Voluntary Cleanup Program and fee waivers  Assistance with EPA grant application – Grant Writing Workshops and Grant Support Letters 8

9 Grant Writing Workshops  Partnership with Railroad Commission of Texas, Kansas State University Technical Assistance Brownfields (TAB) Program, and US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to provide grant writing workshops throughout EPA R6  Sign up to receive Brownfields email updates for upcoming workshops: TXTCEQ/subscriber/new TXTCEQ/subscriber/new 9

10 Grant Support Letters Available for:  Assessment Grants  Site Specific Assessment Grants  Cleanup Grants  Revolving Loan Fund Grants  Job Training Grants  Multi-Purpose Grants 10

11 Requesting Grant Support Letters Please provide via e-mail to TCEQ:  Type of grant  Addressees  Entity applying for grant  Information TCEQ can include to support your case 11

12 BSA G103 – Guadalupe-Saldaña Net Zero Subdivison BeforeAfter 12

13 BeforeAfter 13 BSA G131 – Plaza Saltillo

14 BSA G059 -Seaholm Substation BeforeAfter 14

15 G127- Bastrop Fine Arts Guild Before 15

16 G127- Bastrop Fine Arts Guild After 16

17 17 If you are considering purchasing a property and wish to apply to the Brownfields Program, please contact us BEFORE the purchase!

18 For Further Information 18 TCEQ web site: Email: Subscribe to receive email updates: criber/new Contact TCEQ Brownfields Program Manager: Kristian Livingston (512)239-2252

19 EPA Region 6  EPA Brownfields and Land Revitalization website: http://www.epa.go v/brownfields/  Contacts: Amber Perry (214) 665-3172 Karen Peycke (214) 665-7273 19

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