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AP Physics Monday Standards: Kinematics 1D & 2D: Big Idea 3

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1 AP Physics Monday 14.11.17 Standards: Kinematics 1D & 2D: Big Idea 3
Warm Up Draw both free body diagrams, find T and find a Fnetx=T=ma Fnety=Mg-T=Ma Standards: 3a3 A force exerted on an object is always due to the interaction of that object with another object I –Independent Resilient Individuals RST Synthesize information from a range of sources into coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept,… m=6 kg M=2kg Learning Goal: SWBAT solve problems involving pulleys Agenda: Warm Up Finish Pulley Lab Homework Finish HW 10 & 11

2 AP Physics Tuesday 14.11.18 Standards: Kinematics 1D & 2D: Big Idea 3
Warm Up Draw FBD’s. Which expression goes with which mass? Find T & a. 1. Fnety=T-Mg=ma Standards: 3a3 A force exerted on an object is always due to the interaction of that object with another object I –Independent Resilient Individuals RST Synthesize information from a range of sources into coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept,… M=6kg m=2kg 2. Fnety=mg-T=Ma Learning Goal: SWBAT set up a pulley system and measure the net acceleration of the masses. Agenda: Warm Up Finish Classwork 18 Begin FAP#12 Homework FAP #12 Worksheet Quiz Friday

3 Warm Up . AP Physics Wednesday Standards: 3a3 A force exerted on an object is always due to the interaction of that object with another object I –Independent Resilient Individuals RST Synthesize information from a range of sources into coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept,… M=4kg m=3kg 60° Learning Goal: SWBAT draw free body diagrams and write out expressions for many different scenarios Homework FAP#13 Worksheet Agenda: Warm Up Free Body Diagram Recap/Activity

4 AP Physics Thursday 14. 11. 20 I- Independent, resilient Ind
AP Physics Thursday I- Independent, resilient Ind. Standards: 3a3 A force exerted on an object is always due to the interaction of that object with another object RST Synthesize information from a range of sources into coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept,… WHST : research to aid in problem solving Warm Up Draw a FBD and write expressions for each object in the system Learning Goal: SWBAT review forces in preparation for multiple choice exam m1 μk θ Agenda: Warm Up Review HW Test Review Practice m2 Homework FRQ quiz Friday Turn in up to FAP #14

5 AP Physics Friday Standards: 3a3 A force exerted on an object is always due to the interaction of that object with another object RST Meaning of symbols, key terms, technical jargon Problem Solvers Warm Up What part of working with forces are you least comfortable with? Why and what might you need to help you prepare for your test? Learning Goal: SWBAT obtain a perfect score on your quiz. Agenda Warm Up Take Quiz Continue Reviewing Homework FAP #14 FRQ’s

6 Newton’s 3rd Law Activity 17
Newton’s 3rd Law Means what? - Research in Book and online, write down a definition in your own words. What does that definition mean? Create 2 scenarios or situations where forces are acting. Draw each scenario and label their action/reaction pairs. Example A box on a table. Find all of the action/reaction pairs at each station. N W Mass hanging from strings. Ball accelerating down a ramp. Car decelerating due to friction Pith Ball Suspended in air between ruler and Van de Graff plastic cap floating on water

7 Newton’s 3rd Law Pulley’s 18
There are two main types of pulley setups you will need to be familiar with for the AP Test. 1. Mass & Pulley 2. Atwoods Machine m M m M Directions: Build each pulley system. Set up 10g mass and a blue cart Calculate the acceleration of the cart. (Hint use 2 FBD’s & create expressions for each) Collect distance & time measurements to find the acceleration of the block & mass. Find % error. Set up a 40 g & 50 g mass on each side of Atwood’s machine. Calculate the acceleration of the cart. Measure the change in height over time in order to find the acceleration of the masses. Find % error.

8 Types of Forces Force Symbol Definition Direction Friction f or Ff
Resistive Force. Comes from rubbing against or sliding across surfaces. Parallel to the surface and opposite the direction of sliding Normal N or FN The force exerted on an object by the ground, a table, a platform, or any surface. Perpendicular to and away from the surface. Spring Fsp Restoring Force. The push or pull a spring exerts on an object. Opposite the displacements of the object at the end of the spring. Tension T or FT The pull exerted by a string, rope, or cable when attached to something. Away from the object and parallel to the string, rope, or cable at the pont of attachment. Thrust Fthrust A general term for the forces that move objects such as rockets, planes, cars and people. In the same direction as the acceleration of the object. Weight W or Fg Attractive Force of two objects due to gravity. Usually Earth and and object Straight down towards the center of the earth. Air Resistance/Drag FAR Resistive Force, comes from air/wind hitting moving objects Opposite of Motion Electric FE Force between atoms with electric charge (protons & electrons) Like charges repel + Opposite charges attract - Magnetic FB Force between magnetic poles & force created when electric current is in flux. Same Pole repels Opposite Pole Attracts Applied Force FAP A Force applied by a person, thing, or individual that does not fall into any of the above categories any

9 Fap#10 Identify the equal and opposite force for each of the following situations. Draw Free Body Diagrams of each. Pulleys require 2 free body diagrams, one for each mass. Write the Net Force Expressions for Each FBD. m M m M for m W & N, T & Fblock , possibly block & frition also for M W & T see board

10 HW: FAP#7 After you create each free body diagram, use your free body diagram to make an Fnet=ma expression in the x direction and in the y direction. Ex ` FN Fg FAP FF FAR Fnetx=Fap-Ff-FAR=macar-x-direction Fnety=FN-Fg=macar y-direction

11 F#11 Pulley’s & Newton’s 3rd Law
For 1 & 2. Find M if a=-2 m/s2 and a=2m/s2 For 3 & 4. Find M if a is downward at 4m/s2 and 2m/s2 as the arrow shows no Friction μ=0.1 4 kg M 2. M 8kg 1. a a no Friction no Friction 4kg M M 2kg 4. 3. a a

12 #19 Free Body Diagram/Expression Station
on sheets

13 FAP #14 1976B1. The two guide rails for the elevator shown above each exert a constant friction force of 100 newtons on the elevator car when the elevator car is moving upward with an acceleration of 2 meters per second squared. The pulley has negligible friction and mass. Assume g = 10 m/s2. a. On the diagram below, draw and label all forces acting on the elevator car. Identify the source of each force. b. Calculate the tension in the cable lifting the 400-kilogram elevator car during an upward acceleration of 2 m/sec2. (Assume g 10 m/sec2) c. Calculate the mass M the counterweight must have to raise the elevator car with an acceleration of 2 m/sec2 B2007b1 (modified) A child pulls a 15 kg sled containing a 5.0 kg dog along a straight path on a horizontal surface. He exerts a force of 55 N on the sled at an angle of 20° above the horizontal, as shown in the figure. The coefficient of friction between the sled and the surface is 0.22. a. On the dot below that represents the sled-dog system, draw and label a free-body diagram for the system as it is pulled along the surface. b. Calculate the normal force of the surface on the system. c. Calculate the acceleration of the system. d. At some later time, the dog rolls off the side of the sled. The child continues to pull with the same force. On the axes below, sketch a graph of speed v versus time t for the sled. Include both the sled's travel with and without the dog on the sled. Clearly indicate with the symbol tr the time at which the dog rolls off.

14 A 10-kilogram block rests initially on a table as shown in cases I and II above. The coefficient of sliding friction between the block and the table is 0.2. The block is connected to a cord of negligible mass, which hangs over a massless frictionless pulley. In case I a force of 50 newtons is applied to the cord. In case II an object of mass 5 kilograms is hung on the bottom of the cord. Use g = 10 meters per second squared. a. Calculate the acceleration of the 10-kilogram block in case I. b. On the diagrams below, draw and label all the forces acting on each block in case II c. Calculate the acceleration of the 10-kilogram block in case II. 10kg 5kg

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