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LATIN AMERICAN POLICIES Sec. 22-4 Pages 656-661
Define: isthmus – anarchy – dollar diplomacy Roosevelt corollary ( Big Stick policy)- “ watchful waiting” Identify: Teddy Roosevelt - Dr. William Gorgas - Dr. Walter Reed – Sec. of State, John Hay - P. Bunau-Varilla - William Taft- Francisco Madero - Porifrio Diaz – Victoriano Huerta – Venusitano Carranza - Woodrow Wilson – John Pershing – Pancho Villa
PANAMA Isthmus– Narrow strip of land connecting two larger bodies of land with water on either side. Caribbean Sea & Pacific Ocean-50 miles wide 1879 – French company will lease from Colombian gov’t the rights to build a canal through Panama Ferdinand De Lesseps (built Suez Canal -Egypt)- project fails – ran out of money Workers died of malaria & yellow fever
US BUILDS CANAL 1901 – US buys lease from French for $40 million
Pres. Roosevelt wants canal for naval power 1903- Sec. of State John Hay negotiates treaty with Colombia - 99 year lease on 6 miles – $10 million - Annual rent of $250,000 Colombia refuses - wants more money 1903- USS Nashville gunboat helps Panamanians rebel – gain independence
US BUILDS PANAMA CANAL Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty – US gets 10 miles strip for building canal Panama is paid $10 million – annual rent $250,000 10 years to complete Col. William Gorgas (army doctor) eliminates yellow fever – clear swamps – destroy mosquito breeding places
SUMMARIZE Vocab term- narrow strip of land connecting two larger bodies of land What country first began building a canal through Panama? What country controlled Panama? How did the US get the right to build the canal? What disease was hindering construction?
US BUILDS PANAMA CANAL Lock system allowed ships to be raised or lowered to ocean levels 1914 –Canal opened to any country in world – canal will be neutral – US will protect Saved miles from voyage around South America
Roosevelt’s foreign policy slogan “Speak softly and carry a big stick”. Big Stick policy – US would responds to foreign crises by using military action Keep world from anarchy – disorder and lawlessness – society without government or law European nations threatened Venezuela – Dominican Republic when debts were owed.
Germany wanted to send troops to Dom. Republic US intervenes – collected fees and repaid debts Roosevelt Corollary – addition to the Monroe Doctrine – US has right to intervene in affairs of Latin American nations whenever these nations seem unstable
SUMMARY What was Roosevelt’s slogan?
What vocab term means disorder and lawlessness – overthrow a government? What country wanted to send in troops to the Dominican Republic to collect debts? What addition to the Monroe Doctrine allowed the US to intervene in affairs of Latin American nations when it seemed unstable?
TAFT’S FOREIGN POLICY Dollar Diplomacy – Encourage bankers to lend money to troubled countries to bring stability US would profit and gain power – no need to use military power. US helped Latin American countries gain railroads, roads, harbors, mines, banana and coffee plantations
MEXICO Poor country controlled by small group of rich landowners (wealthy, Catholic Church, military) US investors spend billions of dollars into Mexican oil wells, railroads, mines and ranches – Mexico ruled by Porfirio Diaz – encouraged American, British, German investments. As politicians, foreign investors, and landowners grew richer, the common people remained poor.
MEXICO 1911 – Diaz overthrown by Francisco Madero in a coup (act of seizing power – overthrow a government illegally or by force) Americans feared Madero would seize US property 1913 – Gen. Victoriano Huerta killed Pres. Madero – seized power. Pres. Wilson annoyed by act of violence – refused to recognize Huerta’s gov.t
SUMMARY Taft’s foreign policy that encouraged bankers to give money to stabilize a nation. Name 2 of the 3 groups that ruled Mexico in the 1800s. What vocab term means to overthrow a gov’t? Whose gov’t rule in Mexico did Wilson refuse to recognize because of violence?
Watchful waiting – wait for opportunity to act against a government in which he disapproves Civil war breaks out in Mexico – Pres. Wilson authorizes sale of arms to help Huerta’s rival, Venustiano Carranza April 1914 – American sailors arrested in port of Tampico, Mexico. Pres. Wilson sends marines to intervene – closed off supplies of guns & supplies coming from Germany for Huerta. Over 100 Mexicans and 19 Americans died in invasion
WILSON & MEXICO European press condemned US
Wilson allows ABC Powers (Argentina, Brazil, Chile) to mediate dispute – Huerta flees and Carranza takes power in Mexico 1916- Mex. rebels, Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata kill 18 American mining engineers in Mexico – crossed border and killed 17 Americans in Columbus, New Mex. Both returned and hid in Mexico
Gen. Pershing Pres. Wilson sends Gen. John “Blackjack” Pershing with 15,000 troops to capture Villa. Mexicans angry with US invasion – Carranza demands troops leave – Wilson refused Wilson will withdraw troops by Jan to send to Europe when US joins fighting in WWI Mexico will adopt constitution that gives gov’t control of oil and mineral resources - placed strict regulations on foreign investors.
SUMMARY Name of Wilson’s foreign policy that said to wait for an opportunity to act against a disapproving gov’t. Name the Mexican rebel the US tried to capture. Who was sent to capture him? Why did the US pull out US troops in 1917?
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