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6 th Grade Parent Orientation Team #1 Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Mashburn Team #2 Mrs. Bay and Mrs. Williams.

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1 6 th Grade Parent Orientation Team #1 Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Mashburn Team #2 Mrs. Bay and Mrs. Williams

2 6 th Grade at Magnolia School We are lucky to be in an elementary setting, even though 6 th graders are taught using middle school curriculum and objectives.

3 6 th Grade at Magnolia School We have 3 socials a year from 3:30 to 5:30. (Halloween, Valentines, and Luau) AR Parties each quarter for students that have achieved their goals. At least 2 fieldtrips. (NAS, and New Orleans)

4 6 th Grade at Magnolia Elementary We have a wonderful PTA program that has a full cast in April. We have a very nice graduation and reception at the end of the year. We look at the end of the year to decide who are our “Mover and Shakers”, “Shining Stars”, “Most Improved”, and “Valedictorian and Salutatorian”.

5 General Expectations Students are to have a book to read during morning duty and actively read during that time. We have to be quiet in the halls so not to disturb classes during instruction.

6 Lunch Parents can go to and click on the big head of lettuce to access to online lunch form. Mrs. Webb has gotten a “Fresh Fruit and Veggie” grant for our students. On Tuesdays and Thursdays students can get a free healthy snack.

7 General Expectations Per Mrs. Hill, students are to be quiet and eat the first 10 minutes of lunch, then talk softly to friends near them. Students have plenty of scheduled time for restroom breaks so they will not lose instruction time.

8 General Expectations To maximize instruction time, students are expected to move quickly and quietly between classes. During snack time, students are expected to eat first then play. When snack is over, they are expected to line up quickly and enter the building quietly.

9 General Expectations During the school day, students have time to visit and talk to friends. Even after instruction, they have time to collaborate and work in teams. Instruction time is to be focused on the lesson.

10 General Expectations Students are expected to complete all assignments on time, keep up with assignments, and to study for tests. If a student has been absent, they have 3 days to complete missed work and are expected to ask their teachers for missed assignments.

11 General Expectations Students should not let others copy their work nor should they help others on tests of any kind. Homework is to be done at home.

12 General Expectations Students are expected to be kind, respectful, honest and considerate to everyone. If a student has a problem, we want them to feel free to share that with any of us.

13 General Expectations Any item from home that could distract your child and others should be left at home. We want to all work together to make everyday of learning pleasant for your child and all students. The key words are “all of us working together”.

14 Homeroom It is important that students remember to give us any notes from home or money at once. Students morning work counts and they should put as much effort in those assignments as any others.

15 Reading/Grammar Students will be given a weekly packet that correlates with the assigned story each week. This is to be kept in their purple folder and turned in at the end of the week. Weekly chances for extra credit is in packet.

16 Reading/Grammar Students will have weekly tests that includes vocabulary. Students are to read at least 60 pages daily in AR book. AR levels are determined by STAR Reading test score.

17 Math New Math curriculum. Homework usually every night. 2 pts per homework assignment. Must have recall and application skills for basic number facts. Lesson quizzes and chapter quizzes. Go Math! Is accessible to students on line.

18 Math Math books are consumable. Students will be given a math packet which should be kept in their red folders. They are responsible for keeping these pages.

19 Earth Science For each chapter, students will have a notebook of activities and study guides to be kept in their green folders. Lesson quizzes, chapter tests, labs, and notebook grades.

20 US Modern History At the beginning of each chapter, students will be given a packet of activities and study guides to keep in their blue folders. Lesson quizzes, projects, notebook check, and chapter tests.

21 Grades Parents can check student’s grades using INow. Information will be sent home on how parents can access and view grades. Students will be given “Take Home Papers” each week. They should come home in students orange folder. Parents should initial form in folder. Take all papers out to keep at home.

22 You are Welcomed We welcome parent helpers and need you to run off papers, help put packets together, help tear pages from student consumable reading and math books. You are welcomed to eat lunch with your child. No outside food can be brought into the cafeteria. (Federal Guidelines) You are also welcomed to help decorate and chaperon socials and go on fieldtrips.

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