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HEAD COUNT Pre-Reading (Why? To gain background information, start thinking of questions, learn related vocabulary)

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1 HEAD COUNT Pre-Reading (Why? To gain background information, start thinking of questions, learn related vocabulary)

2 What do people need to survive? O Air O Food O Water O Shelter

3 Where do we get food from? O We grow it on our own O Other people grow it and we trade for it or buy it directly O Companies grow it and sell it to us through third parties like grocery stores

4 Where do we get water? O Rain O Wells that tap into aquifers, rivers or streams or reservoirs O Water either comes directly from the well or after purification at a water treatment plant O For some people, such as those in Southern California, water is sent from rivers or aquifers in a different part of their state or from other states through a pipeline.

5 What are some problems associated with air? O Pollution O results in warnings about outside exercises O increase in asthma and bronchitis especially among the young and the elderly O laws about burn days O increased cost for cars as we add pollution controls O increased costs for factories as they try to control pollution O perhaps global warming from increased greenhouse gases

6 What are some of the problems associated with getting food? O Droughts O cause crops to fail making them either scarce or expensive to buy O Insects O destroy crops O To kill insects we use insecticides on plants which result in polluting streams, rivers and aquifers which kill fish and cause cancers in humans, O Plants don’t grow enough for the demand O we use chemical fertilizers to make them grow faster or stronger O Fertilizers pollute streams, rivers and aquifers, and harm fish and animals. O Fertilizers also cause cancers and other hormone-related illnesses in humans O Crops are susceptible to diseases O so we genetically mutate the plants to they are stronger O Mutation results in fewer plant species O Altering plants also makes staple crops (crops we use for almost everything) such as potatoes or wheat are now vulnerable to diseases which could wipe out the entire species

7 What are problems associated with water? O Droughts and planet warming means not as much water for all needs O transporting water over long distances is difficult and expensive O fights over water rights (who has the right to water) O water share prices getting expensive O some places you must buy whatever water you use O crops die from lack of water, so prices of water and food increases. O loss of fishing or boating areas (water recedes or dries up-fish die) O Less water means rationing water O water used only on alternate days O laws about what types of landscaping you can use.

8 How much is a billion? O 60 seconds = 1 minute O 3600 seconds = 1 hour O 86,400 seconds = 1 day O 604,800 seconds = 1 week O 2,592,000 seconds = 1 month O 27,108,000 seconds = 1 year O 1 billion seconds = 38 years

9 How much is a billion? O 1 billion seconds ago, it was 1973. O 1 billion minutes ago ( 1900 years), it was the Roman Empire. Jesus was alive. O 1 billion hours ago(114,000years), it was the Stone Age. O 1 billion days ago ( 2,739,729 years ), no humans walked the face of the earth. O 1 billion months ago (82 million years), there were dinosaurs roaming the earth.

10 One… BILLION… dollars!

11 How much is a billion? O 1 billion pennies makes five stacks about as big as a school bus. O 1 billion pennies stacked on top of each other would make a stack 987 miles tall. (The space shuttle orbits at 190-250 miles.) O To pay off a billion dollars, you’d pay $1 a second, every second for 31 years, 259 days, 1 hour, 46 minutes, and 40 seconds. O 1 billion = 1,000 million = 1,000,000,000

12 A billion is a BIG number… O This is what $1 billion dollars looks like O Want to see how many MILLIONS it takes to get to ONE BILLION? O Go here: http://www.i69tour.o rg/billion.html http://www.i69tour.o rg/billion.html

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