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The Revolutions Of 1848 “ The Springtime of Peoples ”

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1 The Revolutions Of 1848 “ The Springtime of Peoples ”

2 The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

3 Pre-1848 Tensions GAgricultural Crises  Poor cereal harvests prices rose 60% in one year.  Potato blight  Ireland Prices rose 135% for food in one year! GFinancial Crises  Investment bubbles burst  railways, iron, coal.  Unemployment increased rapidly. Working & middle classes are now joined in misery as are the urban and agricultural peasantry!

4 Centers of Revolution in 1848


6 The February Revolution GWorking class & liberals unhappy with King Louis Philippe, and his minister, Francois Guizot GReform protests against the King.  Troops open fire on peaceful protestors.  Barricades erected; looting.  National Guard defects to the radicals.  King Louis Philippe loses control of Paris and abdicates on February 24.

7 The “ June Days ” GWorker groups in Paris rose up in insurrection.  They said that the government had betrayed the revolution. Workers wanted a redistribution of wealth.  Barricades in the streets. Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables was based on this event. GA new coalition formed.

8 The 2 nd French Republic ( 1848-1852 ) GGeneral Louis Cavaignac crushed the revolt.  10,000 dead. GNov., 1848  a new constitution The Republic by Jean-Leon Gerome

9 President Louis Napoleon GThe December election:  The “law and order” candidate, Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, elected. GThe New President:  Replaced all radical officials. with ultra-conservative and monarchists.  Disbanded the National Assembly and held new elections. Represented himself as a “Man of the People.”

10 1851 Coup d ’ Etat GPresident Louis Napoleon declared a 2 nd French Empire. GA national vote confirmed it.


12 The Austrian Empire: 1830

13 GThe “February Revolution” in France triggered a rebellion for liberal reforms. GMarch 13  rioting broke out in Vienna.  The Austrian Empire collapsed.  The revolution began to wane. The revolutionary government failed to govern effectively. Vienna, 1848: The Liberal Revolution

14 The New Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I [r. 1848-1916]

15 GMarch laws provided for Hungarian independence. GAustrians invade.  Hungarian armies drove within sight of Vienna! GSlavic minorities resisted Magyar invasion & the Hungarian army withdrew. GAustrian & Russian armies defeated the Hungarian army. GTsar Nicholas I raised an army of 400,000 in response to a request from Franz Joseph.  140,000 put down the Hungarian revolt. GHungary would have to wait until 1866 for autonomy. The Hungarian Revolution

16 Bohemia, 1848  Prague Conference: Created a constitution & autonomy within the Habsburg Empire.  The Austrian military attacked Prague, occupied Bohemia & crushed the rebellion. The Prague Barricades


18 Italy, 1848 GGiuseppe Mazzini established a Roman Republic in 1849 protected by Giuseppe Garibaldi. GPope Pius IX forced to flee. GAustria and France intervene to put down revolts Victor GEmmanuel II takes the throne in Sardinia-Piedmont.


20 The Germans Follow the French GAfter the February French revolutions, there were many riots in minor German states. GBerlin riots Prussian army efficiently suppressed the revolutionaries. King Frederick William IV withdraws the troops and hand the Prussia liberals a big victory! Other Princedoms collapse when Prussia’s nerve fails. The Frankfurt Assembly forms a German government GThe Prussian army crushed all resistance. GApril, 1849  the Assembly collapsed.

21 The “ Three Germanies ”

22 Austria & Prussia Reassert Control GAustria re-gained control of Vienna. GFrederick William deposed the Berlin parliament. GThe Frankfurt Assembly offered the emperorship to Frederick William.  He declined.  Radicals took to the barricades again.  The Prussian army crushed all resistance.  April, 1849  the Assembly collapsed.

23 A New German Confederation GFrederick William IV of Prussia was still interested in ruling a united Germany. G1850  the German Confederation was re-established at Olmutz. GBut, Frederick was forced to accept Austrian leadership of Central Europe.

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