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FY2010 Caseload Update Policy and Budget Committee June 7, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "FY2010 Caseload Update Policy and Budget Committee June 7, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY2010 Caseload Update Policy and Budget Committee June 7, 2010

2 2 Fiscal Year 2010 Caseload – Supportive Care (3000-3050) Previous month projected a $21K deficiency in this account.

3 3 Fiscal Year 2010 Caseload – DTA Related (3000-4050)

4 FY2010 DTA Caseload Projected Cost (Amount in Thousands) FY10 Approp: $116.2M Light blue represents actual amounts billed.

5 5 Fiscal Year 2010 Caseload - Income Eligible (3000-4060)

6 6 Income Eligible Contracts Caseload: Attrition

7 7 Income Eligible Voucher Caseload: Attrition

8 FY10 Caseload: Waitlist 8

9 Opening Access: Projected Caseload vs. Actual Caseload 9

10 Fiscal Year 2010 Caseload – Balance Sheet 10

11 *FY10 Income Eligible Spending and FY11 Projected Spending 11 * For month-to-month detail please refer to the hand-out.

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