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Success in the New Economy: How all Students can gain a Competitive Advantage Kevin J Fleming PhD September 11, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Success in the New Economy: How all Students can gain a Competitive Advantage Kevin J Fleming PhD September 11, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Success in the New Economy: How all Students can gain a Competitive Advantage Kevin J Fleming PhD September 11, 2015


3 education counts $114,800 $33,938 $63,310 $41,473

4 USA Median Annual Earnings by Education $200,000 in debt Earning $36,000/year

5 Educational Attainment, 1940–2009 Sources: The College Board, Education Pays 2010, Figure 2.7; U.S. Census Bureau, 2009b, Table A-1. 60%

6 (but skills count more) education counts

7 The One Way to Win Philosophy







14 57 baccalaureate jobs

15 43 underemployed


17 40-60% Don’t play the One-Way-to-Win game

18 By 2018, most jobs will not require a BA Source: March CPS data, various years; Center on Education and the Workforce forecast of educational demand to 2018, as reported in Pathways to Prosperity (Harvard, February, 2011)

19 California needs 1 million more AA, certificates, or industry-valued credentials. #StrongWorkforce The Goal

20 Career Technical Education: the Path Out of Poverty $60,771 ($29.22/hour) 2-parent with one working adult, 2-child Source: CA Budget Project $66,000 AA – Career Technical Education 5-years later Source: Salary Surfer, 112 CA Community Colleges $38,500 AA - General Education 5-years later Source: Salary Surfer, 112 CA Community Colleges #StrongWorkforce

21 83% of associate degree holders have same annual earnings as 4-yr grads

22 The Three“Rs” Reading Writing Arithmetic Relevance Reality Five

23 “The society which scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water” - John Gardner, 1961

24 But, the fact is that large numbers of college graduates leave school as unsure of what they will do “ when they grow up ” (except perhaps continue to go to school) as they were when they started. – CA Postsecondary Education Commission

25 Meet Mike! BA Film Production (LMU) Music Video Production Company Bartender Real Estate Agent Forklift Operator FIDM – fashion school Fabric buyer for BCBG Raw materials manager for American Apparel Two website start-ups Financial Planner Women’s casual wear clothing line Screen writing Photographer




29 Meet Mike! BA Film Production (LMU) Music Video Production Company Bartender Real Estate Agent Forklift Operator FIDM – fashion school Fabric buyer for BCBG Raw materials manager for American Apparel Two website start-ups Financial Planner Women’s casual wear clothing line Screen writing Photographer


31 College-Prep and CTE are complementary not competing goals...


33 Determine the Goal HS graduation? College? University? Work? Postsecondary & graduation? Postsecondary, graduation and commensurate employment? A productive & successful life?

34 “Some College” is the New Gateway Into The Workforce 4 Source: Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce analysis #StrongWorkforce THE LABOR MARKET IS INCREASINGLY DEMANDING A MORE SKILLED WORKFORCE. IN THE 1970sIN 1992 BY 2020 of jobs required more than a high school education. of jobs required more training. of job openings in the U.S. will require some postsecondary education or training-though not necessarily a four-year degree.

35 The Pot Roast





40 1.Career Cruising 2.CA Career 3.Get Focused, Stay Focused 4.EMSI’s Career Coach 5.California Career Café 6.California Career Center 10.My10year 11.ConnectEd California 13.Road Trip Nation 14.Dirty Jobs 17.Acceleron Learning 18.Miami Valley CTC (Dayton, OH) 19.Career Choices curriculum 20.Assessments: ASVAB, MBTI, Strong, Holland, DiSC, Strengthsfinder 21.Nebraska Middle School Career Exploration Course (curriculum for careers C4C) 22.Linked Learning 23.CA Partnership Academies 24.Focuscareer2 25.Eureka

41 CTE is to some students what IGETC & Honors is to others


43 43 1. Advanced Manufacturing 2. Advanced Transportation & Renewables 3. Agriculture, Water & Environmental Technologies 4. Energy (Efficiency) & Utility 5. Health 6. Life Science/Biotech 7. Information Communications Technologies 8. International Trade & Exports 9. Small Business & Tourism 10. Retail/Hospitality “Learn-and-Earn” Emerging & Priority Sectors Each has a Deputy Sector Navigator to assist you Help Students Explore Careers by Sector California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students

44 Thank you! Kevin J Fleming, Ph.D. TELΩS Educational Services Fulfill your Potential

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