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SAR Enterprises Syed Ahmed Abdullah Alsubaiei Ramakrishna G.

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Presentation on theme: "SAR Enterprises Syed Ahmed Abdullah Alsubaiei Ramakrishna G."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAR Enterprises Syed Ahmed Abdullah Alsubaiei Ramakrishna G

2 Agenda  Business Need  Requirements  System Architecture  DFDs

3 Business Need  The overall purpose of the project is the implementation of an Enterprise Content Management solution to meet the shift from a paper based to an electronic record-keeping environment.  SAR has papers records since 1990 which includes documents related to Accounting, Construction drawings & diagrams, Environment, Health & Safety, Human Resources, Legal, Marketing, Payroll, Technology development.  Company has decided to implement EMC Documentum as their ECRM and purchased required softwares and licenses already.

4 Business Requirement  Manage the large quantity of computer based information stored in personal computers, email boxes and network servers in accordance with compliance requirements  Provide company-wide access to documents (with appropriate security)  Centralized Electronic Archives - integrated approach for the capture, maintenance, storage, access, disposition and preservation of electronic records  A framework that can be used across the company  Scan certain physical records (such as civil drawings & diagrams and legal documents)  Assign Retention to every object in the system.

5 Functional Requirements  Reporting - The system shall maintain a full history of modifications to a record (active, inactive, retired) for reporting purposes. The full history shall retain all record properties fields and their values  Versioning - The system shall maintain and display a versioning system (display version) that follows the business model for versioning a document.  Search - The system shall provide the ability to search for records based on the absence or presence of an association to another record of a specific record type.

6 System Architecture

7 Context Diagram  High Level System Functionality  3 Roles (External Entities) Users Record Admin Contractors

8 Context Diagram

9 Level 0  6 Processes Login Synchronization Scan to Repository Assign Retention Generate Reports Assign Versions Search Content/Metadata  3 Data Stores LDAP – User Credentials SQL_DM – SQL Server 2005 SP2 Db Repository – Single global docbase

10 Level 0 DFD

11 Level 1 Process 2  5 Processes  2 External Entities  4 Data Stores SQL_DM (dbo.dm_prepdoc) Repository SQL_DM (dbo.dm_scan) SQL_DM (dbo.dm_load)

12 Level 1 Process 2 DFD

13 Level 1 Process 3  4 Processes  1 External Entity  1 Data Stores Repository (dctm)

14 Level 1 Process 3 DFD

15 Level 2 Process 2.2  3 Processes  1 External Entity  2 Data Stores SQL_DM (dbo.dm_worksheet) Repository

16 Level 2 Process 2.2 DFD

17 We are done!  Questions?  Suggestion??

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