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Harry Houdini.. About Houdini. Houdini was known for his stunts and amazing escapes, he toured England, Scotland the Netherlands, Germany, France and.

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Presentation on theme: "Harry Houdini.. About Houdini. Houdini was known for his stunts and amazing escapes, he toured England, Scotland the Netherlands, Germany, France and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Harry Houdini.

2 About Houdini. Houdini was known for his stunts and amazing escapes, he toured England, Scotland the Netherlands, Germany, France and Russia. In each city he would challenge the police to lock him up in their jails and in handcuffs, he would free himself from ropes, jails, chains, handcuffs and straitjackets often while he was hanging upside down. He carried hidden lock picks and keys which he was able to regurgitate whenever he wanted.

3 Fact file. Real Name : Erick weizs. Stage name : Harry Houdini. Career :illusionist, magician, escapologist, stunt performer, actor, historian and a film producer. Born : 1874 – 1926 From : Budapest - Hungary.

4 Houdini in a crate, being lowered into water (bottom right) Houdini in chains (bottom left)

5 When Houdini was tied down in ropes or straitjackets he would get room to escape, by enlarging his shoulders and chest then dislocating his shoulders.

6 Houdini's family. Houdini was one of seven children. He had five brothers, Herman, Theodore, Gottfried, Leopold and Nathan, and he had one sister Carrie. His parents were Samuel and Cecilia.

7 How he died Houdini was suffering from appendicitis before he died, however he died of a burst appendix. A few students, in a university that he was visiting, decided to test Houdini's strength, so without even telling him, one of the students gave him several punches in the stomach. The next day he died of a burst appendix.



10 Acting and films. Houdini made several movies but quit acting because he didn’t gain enough money. some of those movies included,the grim game and Haldane of the secret service.

11 Straitjacket escape First police would put Houdini in a straitjacket,then his feet were tied to a big hook,after that he would be hung upside down he would then dislocate his shoulders and squirm himself out of the straitjacket still hanging upside down.

12 Young adult/child Before he became famous,Houdini, won several medals in a athletics club he did as a past time. He ran away from home when he was twelve to earn some money and to go on an adventure. He bought his first plane in 1909.

13 He had no children. He had one step brother from his fathers side. He was the fourth child. When he was eight he worked as a newspaper boy and a shoe shiner. When he was nine him and his friends set up a five cent circus and when he was eleven Houdini worked as a locksmith apprentice.

14 W.W.1 Houdini tried to sign up to be in the army but he was 43 years old and failed to get in. So he just entertained the soldiers with free performances.

15 Strait Jacket Escape

16 The End harry houdini Harry Houdini - Straight Jacket Escape Harry Houdini - Straight Jacket Escape

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